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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

PKK'dan temizlenen Afrin'de gorevli Ankara, Hatay, Gaziantep’ten gelen ve 12 timden olusan EGM Ozel Harekat Baskanligi Suriye Gorev Gucu, modern ekipmanlariyla hem bolgede huzur ve guvenligi sagliyor hem de Şurta adli yerel polise egitim ve operasyonel destek veriyor. Kaynak: AA

Translated from Turkish by Microsoft
Ankara, which was cleaned by the PKK in Afrin, in Hatay, Gaziantep and 12 teams of the EGM Special operations president of Syria Gorev Gucu, modern equipment, and also provides peace and security in the field and training and operational support for the local forensic police Gives. Source: AA




Sooner or Later SAA will attack Idlib, and without Turkish military support it looks bad for FSA.

It is not possible that we can hold this agreement forever.

Turkey will not leave Idlib to its fate like US did with Daara. Idlib would be extremly tough nut to crack for Assad and his butchers even with out TSK help, rebels there much better organized, trained, armed and commited then in any other former rebel stronghold. There would be no surrenders like in other places. It would be long and very bloody battle.
Turkey will not leave Idlib to its fate like US did with Daara. Idlib would be extremly tough nut to crack for Assad and his butchers even with out TSK help, rebels there much better organized, trained, armed and commited then in any other former rebel stronghold. There would be no surrenders like in other places. It would be long and very bloody battle.

If there is unity in Idlib i would agree with your points, but the reality is there are two Idiotic groups who could start killing each other any moment.

It would be a long and bloody war for sure but in Syria bombs are stronger than words.
If there is unity in Idlib i would agree with your points, but the reality is there are two Idiotic groups who could start killing each other any moment.
It would be a long and bloody war for sure but in Syria bombs are stronger than words.

It would be if regime ofensive would kick off. Those two factions had never have issues when it comes to confronting the regime. Hell, thats how they took over Idlib and made Russia intervine to save the regime from colapse. Issues among them only surfice when fronts get cold. They were pritty quick to reposnd to recent regime raid on FSA positions, esspecially HTS raid which left almost 30 dead, including 7 Russians.

Yeah, regime with heavy russian airsupport and scorched earth tactic would probably triumph in the end. But price would be very heavy.
I would take that report with a pinch of sault. Al Muhrar network, first time I hear about them, and the tweep is like anti-HTS.. It just doesnt make much sense , for varous reasons. Maybe it was some of those small splinter gruops who were against HTS recent policies of braking of with AL Kaida and wilignes to work with Turkey. Hell, HTS elite unites often escort turkish convoys. As I understand it, Turkey is adament to bring HTS into the fold under unifying structure. Many in HTS are for that idea, small faction is against, curiosly that small faction is getting tinner by the day, some get arrested, others asassinated. In recent move ,they embraced 3 color flag, just insteaxd of stars their is red shahada, cause they argue 3 stars flag was flag of french mandate so stars have to be replaced . Anyway...

That is actually ideal to roast some Terrorists, especially for the parasites in Northern Syria.

I think our Gunship project was cancelled years ago. How effective would it be in mountainous regions that's debatable but during the 1990's the Americans were trying to sell us A-10's as well but again because of the terrain the offer was declined. North Syria, on the other hand, is the ideal place to use C-130's.
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