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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Three civilians were killed in the village of Kafr Halab in rural West Aleppo, including two children and a young man was shot during the exit of the residents in a demonstration to prevent the storming of the village by Hayʼat Tahrir al-Sham

West Aleppo: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham seized Kafr Halab town, The National Front for Liberation has withdrawn to Al Atarib
Disgusting scums.
The idiots who orchestrated this attack just won themselves a priority slot on MITs "Assholes to Kill in N.Syria List".
Do they really expect a WWI style trench warfare? One would think they have learned from Afrin.
Against insurgent forces like ISIS or FSA it could be very effective but against the resources of TSK and the battle hardened Turkish soldier it can just slow down the imminent but as I heard from experienced people "Slow is secure, secure is fast" so no problems at all if the situation come to a state in which the problem becomes military rather political.
Do they really expect a WWI style trench warfare? One would think they have learned from Afrin.

Trenches in this situation only helps to limit access points and make it easier for the coalition to hit the enemy that tries to enter the territory. For ISIS this was a big problem given the US air force above, in Iraq it didn't stop the Iraqi army as the US wouldn't strike them. It doesn't help much in this case
Bloody hell the rebels are so useless this is pathetic.

Only thing they are good for is being cannon fodder.

Turkiye is wasting money big time on these useless fodder.

Turkey is supposed to eject HTS by supporting rebels groups but it seems the retarded gov is not doing that but leaving the rebels to be slaughtered alone.
Yesterday (after HTS attack) rebels captured Tadil from HTS.
They didn't. Zinki attacked Tadil twice, HTS killed Zinki commander & repelled attacks and still holding the village.

This alone shows that they are bunch of noobs without Turkish support, and we are not supporting them but letting HTS slaughter them.
Do you guys see Assads new S-300 system as a potential threat to Turkish Air Force?

With regards to Idlib ceasefire agreement I am not sure as if it will hold as having an advanced S-300 system operated by Assad/Iran is different to one being run by Russia and this will certainly embolden ***-ad. Quiet frankly I can see Assad/Iran trying to target TAF F-16s if things go south real quickly.
Do you guys see Assads new S-300 system as a potential threat to Turkish Air Force?

With regards to Idlib ceasefire agreement I am not sure as if it will hold as having an advanced S-300 system operated by Assad/Iran is different to one being run by Russia and this will certainly embolden ***-ad. Quiet frankly I can see Assad/Iran trying to target TAF F-16s if things go south real quickly.

I think SOM Missiles are more a threat for Assads S-300, than S-300 for TuAF.
I know but you can never trust Assad when it comes to Turkey

I fear that Russia is playing a double came when it comes to Idlib. They will present "ceasefire" to Turkey yet secretley will tell Iran & SAA to prepare for attack when the time comes. The S-300 is part of a strategy to embolden them and can strike targets within Turkish Airspace.

maybe I am reading too much into this but I find it very suspect that Israel "attacked" Syria the day after the ceasefire on Idlib was announced and how this resulted in Assad getting the S-300. Why now all of a Sudden? Obviously somebody wants the ceasefire to fail..
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