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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Very wrong in my opinion. I dont know what backroom deals have been made but the focus shouldnt be even in manbij but in the east of euprahtes.
Turkler gitsinler sehit olsunlar biz oturalim nargile icelim, oh ne guzel...

They are right to chill there, it has never been a Syrian only war. What can you expect from them. I actually get triggered by the arrogance of this ignorant f*ck scolding those Syrian kids. Than he says that our soldiers are fighting for them. Lol, our soldiers are fighting for our interest, they are not fighting to protect the Syrians.
Syrian civil war is over, there is no more fighting between Assad and rebels in Idlib-Afrin-Al Bab-Jarablus. Turkish Army stands in the frontline. That's why Syrians can go and visit their families during holidays.

Muharrem İnce will kick those scums' a$$ into Syria, they can drink their nargile in the middle of Idlib ghettos. Hopefully Turks will get their country back after the elections.
Syrian civil war is over, there is no more fighting between Assad and rebels in Idlib-Afrin-Al Bab-Jarablus. Turkish Army stands in the frontline. That's why Syrians can go and visit their families during holidays.

Muharrem İnce will kick those scums' a$$ into Syria, they can drink their nargile in the middle of Idlib ghettos. Hopefully Turks will get their country back after the elections.

Just gonna tag this as well right here.

Can you imagine if cehape would say the same thing?

AKP created such a big mess with the refuges so even if they lose we can't send them all back in 1-2 years.

There's even a chance that 2 million ppl might come from Idlib too.
They are right to chill there, it has never been a Syrian only war. What can you expect from them. I actually get triggered by the arrogance of this ignorant f*ck scolding those Syrian kids. Than he says that our soldiers are fighting for them. Lol, our soldiers are fighting for our interest, they are not fighting to protect the Syrians.

They are right to chill, huh? Are you a cuck or a masochist or what?

What Turks did when their land was attacked by half of Europe 100 years ago? Did they run away like cowards leaving behind their mothers, families, women and children to go to some foreign country to chill on the beaches, steal, beg and live on welfare or they fought and died for their country by the millions?
When the Turkish Republic was born all Turks who migrated abroad to work or study came back to rebuild their country- a country destroyed by a decades long war where millions died. What is stopping our Ummah brothers from doing the same for their own country? There are plenty of nargiles in Syria too...

Our boys die in Syria because of the mistakes some big heads with no brain in them made... It’s always the ordinary people who suffer from the shit their politicians do.
They are right to chill, huh? Are you a cuck or a masochist or what?

What Turks did when their land was attacked by half of Europe 100 years ago? Did they run away like cowards leaving behind their mothers, families, women and children to go to some foreign country to chill on the beaches, steal, beg and live on welfare or they fought and died for their country by the millions?
When the Turkish Republic was born all Turks who migrated abroad to work or study came back to rebuild their country- a country destroyed by a decades long war where millions died. What is stopping our Ummah brothers from doing the same for their own country? There are plenty of nargiles in Syria too...

Our boys die in Syria because of the mistakes some big heads with no brain in them made... It’s always the ordinary people who suffer from the shit their politicians do.
And who are they going to fight with? With jihadists, HTS, JTS, the YPG or Assad? get real. This conflict is not a Syrian only war anymore. I would have agreed if this clip was from 5 years ago. However, the time for joining those organizations is over now. Everyone knows the table has been set. No ordinary Syrian kids can ever change the situation. The conflict is to internationalized.

You are comparing apples with oranges trying to compare Syria with the independence war
There is no more fighting in Turkish held territories, nor Assad held territories, since Turkish Army puts observation points. And that retard called KingWest still talks about "wars, fights, blood" etc. He is a retard, probably a Syrian migrant (not refugee, there is no reason for one Syrian to be a refugee. War is over)

Just ignore that retard and move on.
There is no more fighting in Turkish held territories, nor Assad held territories, since Turkish Army puts observation points. And that retard called KingWest still talks about "wars, fights, blood" etc. He is a retard, probably a Syrian migrant (not refugee, there is no reason for one Syrian to be a refugee. War is over)

Just ignore that retard and move on.

yeah, I am the retard while you cant even read and understand my comment. You are a fucking idiot. I have just said that the table has been set and there is no point for those kids to participate in some fighting anymore since the war is practically over. What do you expect from these kids, that they will shoot an AK at a Russian Sukoi? They are right to chill in that park. They cant make a difference without the backing of a foreign power.

2; you call me a retard since i am talking about "wars, fights, blood" have you even watched the video I reacted upon? You are indeed a fucking idiot

And Syrians cant be refugees anymore? No, sure every arab in Syria is perfectly safe. everyone can return safely to Raqqa /s. Read a couple of news articles before claiming such BS such as there is no fighting anymore in Turkish held areas. There is fighting everyday in Idlib between HTS and JTS, and bombings from Assad etc. But Idlib is totally safe right? If you know jack shit about the Syrian civil war, why do you even react in this thread?
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When you read some around here... that speak such ways... you can't imagine that those same ppl were insulting the German "Fascist" right side when "Turks" were insulted the same way by Nazis in Germany...

Hamdullah ya Rabb... The Great majority of Turks are not like you guys...
When you read some around here... that speak such ways... you can't imagine that those same ppl were insulting the German "Fascist" right side when "Turks" were insulted the same way by Nazis in Germany...

Hamdullah ya Rabb... The Great majority of Turks are not like you guys...
Speaks what ways? The ways of defending your country and family by all means? I prefer to die while shooting Sukhoi with Kalashnikov rather than to live in another country labelled as national traitor. I just would not be able to take it.

There are 3 millions only in Turkey. At least half of them young men. If they joined the fight when they were needed I am sure the results would be different today. Better to go butcher and steal from the enemy rather going to other countries and create no other than troubles and expenses.

Those are national traitors. I am not happy to give that example but look at the Kurds. Even women and young girls fight for their mission while the "poor" Syrians fight with Afghans in refugee centers.

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