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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

US and French special forces are spotted patrolling the Manbij countryside.

Nothing new there. They are patroling the area for months.
Its a fools errand, sooner or later, PKK will be ousted from there. It just postpons the inevitable.

The only thing is: will it heppen nicely in cooperation with Turkey, or it will heppen the ugly way.

I think that many in the West underestimate how much Turkey is willing to sacrifice & risk to eliminate PKK treath.
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I don't understand who plays the husband role? US or France?

According to me, there is nothing to see but let's see...

When I said 'the ugly way) I wanst implying direct confrontation of TSK and USA/France. But turkish covert acctions both political and military, with a gole of destibilizaing SDF teritories and making USA/France presence there and protections of SDF more costly then its worth

Im lwillling to bet mine right hand that operatives who are executing these opps in Qamisli are themself antiPKK kurds.

YPG Launch Detention Campaign Around Manbij Eastern Aleppo

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I wanst implying direct confrontation of TSK and USA/France.
I imply both, a direct confrontation where arrests might take place, and, a covert action but as you see a covert action is already taking place.
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Assad has cleaned most pockets. They cant touch the pocket near Israeli border and as far as I know the pocket south of Palmyra is being protected by US, as if Assad clears it, he will have easier land routes to Iraq. This leaves Idlib. Observation posts are established but he may still try his luck. We should unleash our guys upon HTS and quickly establish ourselves in Idlib city center. Even a small TAF office in city center will be enough to keep him away.
Assad has cleaned most pockets. They cant touch the pocket near Israeli border and as far as I know the pocket south of Palmyra is being protected by US, as if Assad clears it, he will have easier land routes to Iraq. This leaves Idlib. Observation posts are established but he may still try his luck. We should unleash our guys upon HTS and quickly establish ourselves in Idlib city center. Even a small TAF office in city center will be enough to keep him away.

That would be a major miscalcualation by Assad and Iranians. And of today Jisr is secured to. Assads Syria is a house of cards, true they turned the tide of the war, but only with direct and overwhelming suport of Iran, then Russia. Assad is at best mayor of Damascus, tottaly subserviant to iranians and Russians for its survival. And everybody knows it.
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