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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

ofcourse OIR spokesman couldnt comment on the op w/o mentioning their petproject SDF even if they had nothing do to with it. These guys from CENTCOM, Vetel, McGurk are adamant in defending SDF and YPG for one reason only, selfish reason, their legacy and career depends on it. They will never admit they made a mistake. And are using everything they have on their desposal to promote and lobby for SDF.
Many in Pentagon, esspecially those serving in NATO are against it, and think that choice between Turkey and PKK isnt a choice at all. And are pushing back against hese idiots.
( more on this in detail on theread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/amer...-could-cause-turkey-and-nato-to-split.558391/

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And Turkey continues to be the fool in cooperating with the US, even after knowing that they are behind the biggest security threat to Turkey - the PKK. This kind of mindset is beyond understanding. Someday Turkey will be destroyed because of this foolishness.

Meanwhile US use of Incirlik means that the US can directly feed detailed EW intelligence to PKK of all areas along the southern border of Turkey.

Helping the enemy that plotted a coup against your government. Helping an enemy that has built a quasi-state for PKK. Helping an enemy that has trained, armed and militarily supported the PKK. And what do you do? Hand them an enemy that they can now celebrate as a great PKK victory.
I wouldnt call it foolish. By continuing such cooperations on ISIS Turkey is demostrating its value as an ally, respecting previuos arangments and making a case for the turkey friendly establisment inside the Pentagon.
Read the article at the end of the previus post.

McGurk and co will not be running things much longer. ISIS campaign is almost at its end. And these guys will sonn be out of the picture. Soon, US is going back from anti-ISIS mode to big powers struggle. And w/o Turkey they have no chance to check Russia and other foes.NATO w/o Turkey is much, much weaker alliance...
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The training and graduation of 150 new recruits of the National Armys Suleiman Shah brigade, in northern Aleppo countryside

They were part of operation Euphrates Shield against IS in Al-Bab and during Olive Branch against the PKK affiliate YPG in Afrin.

The training and graduation of 150 new recruits of the National Armys Suleiman Shah brigade, in northern Aleppo countryside

They were part of operation Euphrates Shield against IS in Al-Bab and during Olive Branch against the PKK affiliate YPG in Afrin.

I am not sure why are they even bothering to make close combat and tactical demonstrations... If you do it do it like its supposed to be done or don't do it because there is nothing that you demonstrate but "How not to apply close combat techniques" Damn look at 1:32 :D :D :D Was that even supposed to be a kick?!??!? He would not get any impact but injure himself even if he land it on the perfect point. The enemy wouldn't even bother to be involved further. And the throw after it is very good and effective in its base but the way he is applying it is turning to be one of the most effective ways to get a serious back injury that can put you out of combat for weeks or even months and can cost your life against a trained fighter. I would not even bother to comment on the staged entry in the building and the transportation technique they applied. They are begging some radical or trained MF to take their weapon and inflict casualties all over the team. If you are going to transport somebody with hands behind head (the worst technique for transportation) you must inflict constant pain and stress over the detainee trough special technique that is being applied over his hands and make sure you control his balance trough that technique. I am seeing none of this. Just hilarious as you can teach that technique to a kid in 5 minutes and he/she would make you cry while taking you whatever he/she wants. It is clear that they didn't receive training from our guys :D

Its propbably a month long basic course. Thats about it what you can learn in a month time. I wouldnt worry about those close combat hand to hand, in this kind of war you will not find much oportunities to use em. Believe me. I had extensive training in close combat, and in almost 4 years in war I only once found myself in a situation to use one of the tecniques. They are more cardio exercizes then anything else.

Also, these guys arent going against some profesional top teir enemy. Its PKK and SAA. And you know, for extensive traning you need time and money. In a war time, where you lack both of those, priority is to train as much personal as you can in less time as you can. So, just basics. Main taks of these guys will be probably to hold a line, manning the checkpoints, and to be used as a back up to those inghimasi ( as Syrians call em)

Im sure some other units, are reciving a bit more extensive training... like those Hamza guys. You know special units for infiltrations etc..

I ddint post the video for its kickass content. I posted it for what it means, that even after securing Afrin, FSA and Turkey are still running training camps for new recruites, expanind their capacities, which indicates that Afrin opp will not be the last one spirheaded by TSK and FSA, and that Turkey is dead serious in building the security apparatus in opposionion held teritories. It was quite interesting to see turkish flag patches on one arm and FSA on the other.

Beyond North Aleppo I noticed similiar ctivities in Idlib... after some time videos of traqining camps from there started popping up again, Idlib Army and Jaish al Nasr for example. And whats interesting, it started not long after TSK convoys came in the area to build its opservations points.
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Its propbably a month long basic course. Thats about it what you can learn in a month time. I wouldnt worry about those close combat hand to hand, in this kind of war you will not find much oportunities to use em. Believe me. I had extensive training in close combat, and in almost 4 years in war I only once found myself in a situation to use one of the tecniques. They are more cardio exercizes then anything else.

Also, these guys arent going against some profesional top teir enemy. Its PKK and SAA. And you know, for extensive traning you need time and money. In a war time, where you lack both of those, priority is to train as much personal as you can in less time as you can. So, just basics. Main taks of these guys will be probably to hold a line, manning the checkpoints, and to be used as a back up to those inghimasi ( as Syrians call em)

Im sure some other units, are reciving a bit more extensive training... like those Hamza guys. You know special units for infiltrations etc..

I ddint post the video for its kickass content. I posted it for what it means, that even after securing Afrin, FSA and Turkey are still running training camps for new recruites, expanind their capacities, which indicates that Afrin opp will not be the last one spirheaded by TSK and FSA, and that Turkey is dead serious in building the security apparatus in opposionion held teritories. It was quite interesting to see turkish flag patches on one arm and FSA on the other.

Beyond North Aleppo I noticed similiar ctivities in Idlib... after some time videos of traqining camps from there started popping up again, Idlib Army and Jaish al Nasr for example. And whats interesting, it started not long after TSK convoys came in the area to build its opservations points.
You are right. They don't need so extensive training but basic and effective techniques and tactical work. The point I tried to make here is the following.

Its better for them not to do this kind of demonstrations of techniques and tactics that are beyond their level. It would be better for them just to demonstrate what they really learned but in a way in which we can see that they did a good job with their training otherwise it looks unprofessional as that video. They could use footage for example shooting from the three basic positions with good posture, recoil control and transitions and some basic tactical performance like you say holding a line formation, professionally approaching a car and some performance with vocal commands without show of to complicated techniques. For me that is the way to go in the propaganda for them. If they want show they can use more talented guys that suits the purpose. Just put some balaklava on their heads and they turn out to be super ninja commandos that walk with a knife between their teeth on operation in front of the normal viewer.

Yes a lot of training is going on in Idlib and ES area. There are a lot of good units in Idlib and the area close to Manbij that are from those more extensively trained units you said and its understandable. They have to be able to do a effective recon, HUMINT, infiltration and sabotage operations. As we see the situation in Idlib is not so steady there must be units ready for special operations against HTS or any other threats like spy networks of enemy forces or sleeping cells of X organization.

BTW which unit or at least what type of unit you served in?


Yeah, I see you point. But this is a propaganda recrutment video. So, these teatricks are for that purpose. You, me, and other ppl with some knowledge about these will of course reconize these deatails you pointed out. But their targeted audiance will not, potential young volontiers. You need a bit of these teatricks.

It remided me a bit to our bosnian recrutment videos and songs like this one:


I was first a member of local unit from my neighborhood area, it was just bunch of men from the area who organized themself to protect the neighborhood . We had more huntiung rifles then AKs. Later as Bosnian Army started to take shape it became part of almost 10 thousound strong Sarajevo based brigade, which operated on many front. I was,I dont know which english term to use to fit our name, we called it divezantska unit ( unit for diversion ).. I gues you can labeled it special forces.. we operated behind enemy lines, doing ifiltrations, taking on the most fortified positions during d attack etc.... We were young, a bit crazy, and willing to do anything asked of us. That was our speciality, if I want to be honest. We warent some Rambos... just willing
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Yeah, I see you point. But this is a propaganda recrutment video. So, these teatricks are for that purpose. You, me, and other ppl with some knowledge about these will of course reconize these deatails you pointed out. But their targeted audiance will not, potential young volontiers. You need a bit of these teatricks.

It remided me a bit to our bosnian recrutment videos and songs like this one:

Pucajte u sve što vidite! :D :D :D
Pucajte u sve što vidite! :D :D :D

hehe, it was quite effective propaganda song and video. and the sons lyrics are very good and inspiring. It wasnt uncommon to finf the cassets with that song in serbs bunkers, they were pumping themself too with it. :D#Unfoturnetlu only one of those guys in the video survived the war. Guy on the begining.

You speak our lenguage? :)
hehe, it was quite effective propaganda song and video. and the sons lyrics are very good and inspiring. It wasnt uncommon to finf the cassets with that song in serbs bunkers, they were pumping themself too with it. :D#Unfoturnetlu only one of those guys in the video survived the war. Guy on the begining.

You speak our lenguage? :)
I can't speak it but I understand it. Its the same with Russian and Macedonian. I speak Bulgarian. Rest in peace to our heroes. Stay safe :)
PKK may change its name, its colors, but they cant change their terorrist ways. What they are.
Everysingle autobomb in the north Aleppo was targeting civilians, markets, post office buildings, mosques...
They are aware that normalcy, security is retuturning to ES areas, life conditions are improving. Aim of these bombings is to undermine that development. Its as much a treath to their project in Syria as its FSA and TSK.
Regime also isnt happy, I wouldn be suprised if they assist them in these opps. Both of them dont want an alternative, better one, to their rule. And Turkey and the Syrian oposition are offering one.

Jarabulus was esspecially targeted cause its the prime example of fore mentioned alternative. Its said that Turkey see it as a blueprint for other areas.
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