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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

You said ;

[I would LOVE to confront the French, if they dare to attack us.]

I told you in nobody in France has ever talked of attacking Turkey,so what are you talking about ?

Wrong guy, check again.
This guy can not be frenchman. İ think he is an Algerian or Tunusian who has hefty french indulgence.
İf he were ownself we would respect him.
Answer honestly. You don't care about our deads, do you? Just be honest. The whole problem occurs because every westerner like you talk about human rights etc. yet you just turn a blind eye and allow these people do anything they want and roam freely in your countries. The only time you move on them is when they break your rules. Even if they kill someone here it's not enough for you.

Just be honest that's what we want. "Yes, you are Muslims so we don't care" or "We don't want to help Turks" or any other thing. Anything. Just the truth. Be racist I don't care just tell the truth don't play with us.

The only crime we committed is twitter didn't exist back then and the world couldn't witness the murders of thousands of innocent villagers while the "Westerners" couldn't masturbate their ego while bragging about how much they support the Turkish nation against terrorism.
You said ;

[I would LOVE to confront the French, if they dare to attack us.]

I told you in nobody in France has ever talked of attacking Turkey,so what are you talking about ?

When advices don’t give right effect on our “ally” not to support PYD terrorists, Turkish Army didn’t think twice to attack on US controled areas to destroy anything belongs to them. It is no need to have an attack to Turkey. Later, US officials had to visit area to give a pose with their terrorists to show their support. Do you imagine If It was Franch soldiers next to PYD, what would Turks do to them? Taking risks in Syria, especially backing PYD terrorists againt Turkey will be a clear provocation against Turkish Army and Turkish nation will support to do what we couldn’t do to US in region without any doubt. Turks, one of the most nationalistic nation, mostly behave with mixture of emotion/intelligence when the subject became its country. we may seem abit aggresive while protecting our country in forums but It is same in field for national benefits. You can never predict the results of Turkish anger. A nation who dare to strike a Russian aircraft bombing Turkmens in Syria, have courage enough to wipe any European state in Syria witha great pleasure If you side with terrorists having claims on our lands with a blood-shed of Turks.

I hear the return of many Syrians in Turkey to Idlib those past days/weeks... after being said to be "safe"
But I still can't grasp the meaning of "being safe" yet...

HTS is still present in the area so its normal. It also can be hard to distinguish HTS and JTS/FSA fighters. Their time will come very soon. Everything have its priorities. We didn't even established all of the observation points and we also have bigger concerns but their time surely will come. There is no place to hide.
HTS is still present in the area so its normal. It also can be hard to distinguish HTS and JTS/FSA fighters. Their time will come very soon. Everything have its priorities. We didn't even established all of the observation points and we also have bigger concerns but their time surely will come. There is no place to hide.
Observatory point are meant against ASSad land offensive and Airstrikes...
Since the agreement, it's 99% airstrikes made by Russia...
And it's not an HTS problem...since those airstrike are made on FSA too... even few were made 1-2 km from those actual TR OB point or less than 1.5km from TR border.

And Last... Russia rhetoric is " Those against ASSad are Jihadist/AQ/ISIS" and for RU newspaper "Turkey is a jihadist/ISIS supporter"...
So even eradicating HTS, will not change much tbh.

Right now, They can't touch East Euphrate areas. so they get busy elsewhere.
Anyway. Inshallah things get resolved for the better.

But something should be said. Russia WANT it all. After they get those pocket in Damascus and South Syria, they will mostly get to take all of the North and beyond.
And the same tactic will be used..." Push proxies to advance... Then give light support and then take out the card of Terrorist/jihadist and begin land offensive and airstrikes"...
And when they got this far...no one can stop them.
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Someone with better english can please translate this?

It is worth translating since pure honesty is seen in the conversation.

The Younger from Rudaw the Barzani-owned Tv channel, Older:
the town of Eşme in Erbil/Iraq

Y: When did the Turks come, and say 'hi' to you?
O: they came on those hills, and told us to go to the other town, just passing by for some serveillance and would not do any harm to you.
Y: Did they come in your house?
O: No, they did not come down from those hills.
Y: Did they call any one in?
O: No, just my kid for some ayran to drink, and sent them some water.
Y: Are you raising livestock?
O: Yes.
Y: Does Turkey not let you in that?
O:No They do, PKK does not; the world would be more free if we get rid of them(PKK).
Y: Has any bombardement or fighter jet activity occured around here?
O: No, they (Turks) have never hit us, ever and never.
Y: Any bombardement recently?
O:No, just top of some hills over there behind the town.
Y: Where are the Turk soldiers now?
O: over the top of the hills.
Y: Thanks.
O: (she jumps in the talk of the younger)... you should do something, we have no roads, electricity, water; why don't you try to do something for us? We have no school. Why don't you ask us for those things instead of coming here to ask Turks?

P.S: It is directly translated from the Turkish subtitle in the video.
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Observatory point are meant against ASSad land offensive and Airstrikes...
Since the agreement, it's 99% airstrikes made by Russia...
And it's not an HTS problem...since those airstrike are made on FSA too... even few were made 1-2 km from those actual TR OB point or less than 1.5km from TR border.

And Last... Russia rhetoric is " Those against ASSad are Jihadist/AQ/ISIS" and for RU newspaper "Turkey is a jihadist/ISIS supporter"...
So even eradicating HTS, will not change much tbh.

Right now, They can't touch East Euphrate areas. so they get busy elsewhere.
Anyway. Inshallah things get resolved for the better.

But something should be said. Russia WANT it all. After they get those pocket in Damascus and South Syria, they will mostly get to take all of the North and beyond.
And the same tactic will be used..." Push proxies to advance... Then give light support and then take out the card of Terrorist/jihadist and begin land offensive and airstrikes"...
And when they got this far...no one can stop them.
I don't have to explain to you that while negotiations and deals are being made both sides are trying to weaken each other. I don't believe that the Russian strikes that are deep inside Idlib territory are intentional to strike FSA while they have the right to retaliate if FSA attack on some front. As I said its very hard to say at the situation now exactly who is on "X" place. Its difficult to distinguish HTS and FSA from above. Its also normal for their press to work in that way because it can come out like Russia suddenly halt action against "the bad jihadists" that were so demonized until now and this action may be taken not good by the public including the Russian supporters around the world while in fact processes like Astana meetings are giving the opportunity all actors to hear and actually work for the cease fire while desiring the best case scenarios for their side and compromise must be achieved in order for the tongues to start working more instead the weapons and also some kind of stance that is fighting the bigger evil that is inside Syria. Its like Erdogan saying that he have not contact with Assad and the two governments are not communicating... this is not true. While the establishing of the observation points is continuing there is also continuing work on the ground trough our proxies and special services against HTS. When all the formalities around the observation points finish and the borders are being drawn more concentrated and aggressive actions will be started in order to destroy HTS in Idlib because the presence of HTS is authorizing the Russians and Assad to organize attacks over Idlib as they are attacking both and are also seen as a terrorist organization in the eyes of both west and east. In these attacks collateral damage is being done including civilians. I think similar model will take a place in Idlib as in Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch security zones. Civil administration, checkpoints and presence of the Syrian National Army and the Free Syrian Police. Also elements from the Turkish Armed Forces, the Turkish police will be most likely present in order to support, train and advice the local authorities and also prevent infighting between the groups that are in the area. The vision in the fight against terrorism on Syrian territory in both Russian and Turkish eyes are the same. Neutralizing of radical organizations like ISIS, HTS and their affiliates and then minimizing the US power in Syria as much as possible by fighting PYD-YPG but note* without the total exclusion of the Kurds as a voice. The vision is the same just the priorities are different. Both the Russians and Assad know very well that they cant just silence the opposition like its not present. For sure at the end Assad will have to step down because his reputation is already being hurt and he will have to answer the international community over his war crimes if the Russians don't give him shelter and compromise between the supporters of Assad and the opposition must occur for more balanced government in which both sides have powers. If not then Syria will be partitioned.
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I don't have to explain to you that while negotiations and deals are being made both sides are trying to weaken each other. I don't believe that the Russian strikes that are deep inside Idlib territory are intentional to strike FSA while they have the right to retaliate if FSA attack on some front. As I said its very hard to say at the situation now exactly who is on "X" place. Its difficult to distinguish HTS and FSA from above. Its also normal for their press to work in that way because it can come out like Russia suddenly halt action against "the bad jihadists" that were so demonized until now and this action may be taken not good by the public including the Russian supporters around the world while in fact processes like Astana meetings are giving the opportunity all actors to hear and actually work for the cease fire while desiring the best case scenarios for their side and compromise must be achieved in order for the tongues to start working more instead the weapons and also some kind of stance that is fighting the bigger evil that is inside Syria. Its like Erdogan saying that he have not contact with Assad and the two governments are not communicating... this is not true. While the establishing of the observation points is continuing there is also continuing work on the ground trough our proxies and special services against HTS. When all the formalities around the observation points finish and the borders are being drawn more concentrated and aggressive actions will be started in order to destroy HTS in Idlib because the presence of HTS is authorizing the Russians and Assad to organize attacks over Idlib as they are attacking both and are also seen as a terrorist organization in the eyes of both west and east. In these attacks collateral damage is being done including civilians. I think similar model will take a place in Idlib as in Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch security zones. Civil administration, checkpoints and presence of the Syrian National Army and the Free Syrian Police. Also elements from the Turkish Armed Forces, the Turkish police will be most likely present in order to support, train and advice the local authorities and also prevent infighting between the groups that are in the area. The vision in the fight against terrorism on Syrian territory in both Russian and Turkish eyes are the same. Neutralizing of radical organizations like ISIS, HTS and their affiliates and then minimizing the US power in Syria as much as possible by fighting PYD-YPG but note* without the total exclusion of the Kurds as a voice. The vision is the same just the priorities are different. Both the Russians and Assad know very well that they cant just silence the opposition like its not present. For sure at the end Assad will have to step down because his reputation is already being hurt and he will have to answer the international community over his war crimes if the Russians don't give them shelter and compromise between the supporters of Assad and the opposition must occur for more balanced government in which both sides have powers. If not then Syria will be partitioned.

You are giving to much credits to "Deals" and "Promises"... And in WAR, such things never last.
But you should also understand... That if by Any Chance RU decide to advance on what is left in North Syria later on... for X reasons... No one can stop them. And Turkey will not be able to "Support" FSA, in any way.

And it will be those past years over again... Millions of refugees knocking at the door.

You may be optimistic... But I don't... I saw those 7+years and never NEVER things went as they wanted it.
And I still think, With The End of ISIS, the true conflict has just started... since right now... Every Power has a foot in this mess and Each one of them... will not back off easily without a fight. And as any WAr... Only one Side will win... The Q is... Who?
You are giving to much credits to "Deals" and "Promises"... And in WAR, such things never last.
But you should also understand... That if by Any Chance RU decide to advance on what is left in North Syria later on... for X reasons... No one can stop them. And Turkey will not be able to "Support" FSA, in any way.

And it will be those past years over again... Millions of refugees knocking at the door.

You may be optimistic... But I don't... I saw those 7+years and never NEVER things went as they wanted it.
And I still think, With The End of ISIS, the true conflict has just started... since right now... Every Power has a foot in this mess and Each one of them... will not back off easily without a fight. And as any WAr... Only one Side will win... The Q is... Who?
There are always "if"s my friend but such moves will compromise all of the work that all of the sides done all this time from the beginning of the cooperation. Not even mentioning the relations between countries and the lack of trust between them. The only one that have both luxury and also curse to breach these agreements and act on his own is Assad that is partially being supported in these suicidal moves by Iran (just personal opinion) and for now he is getting the answers he deserves in different ways. Not one or two times the Russians were thinking how to explain different destructive moves made by Assad without authorizing from the Russian side. There are multiple small breaches of these agreements like breaching cease fires and wrong behavior from the both sides and that is why Turkey is building the observation points in order to actually practically implement the deconfliction zones in order for fighting in Idlib to stop. Both sides are making compromises like the Russians gave us Afrin while they were able to pressure us from there but they gave away that card. We are also making compromises but everything possible is being done in order for the opposition to have word in the political process and also the national security to be defended. A lot of if's are in Syria right now like the US actions recently like talking about going out of Syria and also reinforcements to Al Tanf while France is looking like they are trying to take the future leading role for YPG after the possible US withdrawal of forces. We will see.
Then Germany will never find true glory again

I don’t talk about a „total war“.

I recommend you to investigate about Macron's background. How, why and by whom he was supported until he became president?

He reminds me the first days of Erdogan and the support he got. (I am not talking about support of people who vote)

It seems you have an idea.
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