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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Birthday gift in Afrin...
Safirz Jeep( Iranian)... WAiting for those calling that it was looted or from "Black market"...

Allah şehadetlerini kabul etsin, we have to atack all area where PYD active...
I read that wounded were transferred to nearby hospital in Turkey...Pilots are live ?
From video it looks like that they might survive ...that fall was more or less controlled.

it looks like some soldiers on the ground were wounded
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I read that wounded were transferred to nearby hospital in Turkey...Pilots are live ?
From video it looks like that they might survive ...that fall was more or less controlled.

it looks like some soldiers on the ground were wounded
unfortunately both pilots KIA, RIP

What puzzles me is the cause of the crash
It’s time for a Russian style revenge... F*ck the civilian casualties or what the medias say... just make Afrin a burning cemetery and teach them a lesson.

no we have to revenge from US soldiers not from civilians, Turkish style!
The US made clear to Turkey that they will retaliate to any attack against their troops..... Let's see if Erdogan has cojones!
I want blood! Fcken Erdy act! God bless our soilders and RIP to those who have fallen! Terrorists or terrorist supporting American or Russian or Farsi fcks MUST pay!
The US made clear to Turkey that they will retaliate to any attack against their troops..... Let's see if Erdogan has cojones!

We will see when US pulls out of manbitch just wait for Afrin to be over.

US / Russia said the same about Afrin before the op they thought the Turks were bluffing.
no we have to revenge from US soldiers not from civilians, Turkish style!

You must be pretty delusional to think that Turkey can come out winning from an open confrontation with the Americans in times when Turkey has no friends but only enemies ready to attack her in any opened chance. If you haven’t realized this already you are blind.

Turkey is almost completely dependent on American and Western technologies and markets keep that in mind... it’s easy to want war with America while sitting on the computer but if they sanction Turkey and cut all economic and political relations with it the mini Cold war with Russia in 2016 will look like a walk in the park.

Instead of you guys dreaming about attacking Americans Erdo can first kick them out of Incirlik but he lack the balls to even do that. Until he does this all your “Attack America” chants will sound funny and pity.

ps The PKK scums do not care when attacking civilians so why should we? Give them a healthy dose of their own medicine.
It is important to notice the time of attack.

Today Tillerson is visiting Turkey. May be this incident is a message.
One helicopter downed close to Hayat Kirikhan. It is T-129 Atak.

1141 terrorist killed until now in Afrin.
Is it just councidence Two crash in same day? Having been hit israeli f16, Turkish helicopter was shot down!
It is important to notice the time of attack.

Today Tillerson is visiting Turkey. May be this incident is a message.

You think they waited for Tillerson to down a helicopter? If they would able to down a T-129 they would have done it already many times. Just a lucky shot I say if not something technical.

Btw, I got angry about Erdoğan's speech about T-129 today. This is a war, such things are normal, I agree, but " we lost a helicopter, they will loose much more"... I would like him to adress to two martyr pilots instead of fvcking hardware!
You think they waited for Tillerson to down a helicopter? If they would able to down a T-129 they would have done it already many times. Just a lucky shot I say if not something technical.

Btw, I got angry about Erdoğan's speech about T-129 today. This is a war, such things are normal, I agree, but " we lost a helicopter, they will loose much more"... I would like him to adress to two martyr pilots instead of fvcking hardware!

This isnt something new. I tell this everytime that war is nothing but statistics for that guy. He doesnt cares about those who die. 20-25 kadar şehit, biz daha fazla öldürdük vs. He is like a child.
You think they waited for Tillerson to down a helicopter? If they would able to down a T-129 they would have done it already many times. Just a lucky shot I say if not something technical.

Btw, I got angry about Erdoğan's speech about T-129 today. This is a war, such things are normal, I agree, but " we lost a helicopter, they will loose much more"... I would like him to adress to two martyr pilots instead of fvcking hardware!
This isnt something new. I tell this everytime that war is nothing but statistics for that guy. He doesnt cares about those who die. 20-25 kadar şehit, biz daha fazla öldürdük vs. He is like a child.

He shouldn't have announced it at all. Think of all the family of pilots, just worrying calling their bases of operation - is my child,brother,father,husband the one Erdogan was speaking about on live TV. Was it worth sending message to we know who that is supplying weapons to PKK...

He needs better advisors, or he doesn't listen to his advisors at all...

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