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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Those are rotorcrafts with cannons designed to fly with assymetric payload in close ranges to destroy enemy assets. It is the nature of those crafts in COIN operations. With your logic, It is no need to integrate any cannons but just missiles. With this ways, the moving targets on rough/rocky/rivery/mountainous terrains can walk like they are in a playground. That’s not what we want in operations. It is the reason those crafts are protected against 12,7 and 7,62mm bullets on crew and engine compartments including main rotors...

Flying low and fast makes shooting on close targets (with a cannon) also very difficult. This is due to the speed of passing by objects/targets. We are not saying that we do not trust our pilots. We are only concerned about the risk that was taken because if there was indeed a heavy machine weapon stationed, it would not have cost a lot to hit the helicopter and kill the crew.

But the pilots know better indeed. Let's keep it that way and close this subject.
Afrin | 13.01.2018


--- Start of the Operation Olive Branch | 20.01.2018 ---

Afrin | 27.01.2018


In just 7 days. Not that bad at all if you consider...

a.) the terrible weather condition
b.) the huge number of YPG terrorists (between 10.000 and 25.000, depends on source)
c.) the mountainous terrain
d.) the Western military equipment those rats received from the US
e.) that Damascus government forces pulled back from Afrin in spring 2012 (plenty of time for war preparations)

So far, we are doing a good job.
In 7 days 350+ terrorist where killed. If they do not surrender then this number will fly up by the day
I am also concerned for our helicopters flying like that pass a hill wich could have terrorists with manpads or heavy machine guns stationed

Why is this map that much different than liveumap? Liveumap is more unbiased normally right?
Normally yes (for other conflicts). Lately it takes hours for them to post new updates and sometimes they wont post updates at all. Also, some of their moderators are western PKK/YPG lovers. Thats why Liveuamap got blocked in Turkey couple of days ago, for posting PKK propaganda.
People spreading so much fake news on youtube about the operation its just unbelievable..
Lol don't get too worried guys. The current state of the operation was to be expected and TAF even said it would take at least 3 months. Once the frontlines are good, the operation will flow smooth and soon we will see rapid gains. Afrin is also not flat terrain has lots of hills and some mountains so keep that in mind. We don't need to prove to anyone how fast we can take it over, as long as the operation is successful with minimal casualties, that's all that matters. Better to take it slow and lose less, than to go all in and lose many.
The first blast must belong to airdropped bomb.
Then we can see a tank.
And other blasts from tank were very huge and interesting. İ havent anticipated tanks can damage like this. İ thought it was 122mm mlrs fire .
Strategic Mt Bursaya near Afrin captured by Turkish army: State-run agency

Mount Bursaya in the northeast of the Syrian district of Afrin was cleared of People’s Protection Units (YPG) militants on Jan. 28 by the Turkish military under “Operation Olive Branch,” state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

Earlier on Jan. 28, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said the strategic Mount Bursaya would be captured soon by the Turkish army.

“I just spoke with the [military] commander. I asked how many [militants] were neutralized. He said 484. He also said that he hopes Mt. Bursaya will be captured soon,” Erdoğan said.

Heavy clashes erupted on Jan. 28 between Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters and YPG militants at Mt. Bursaya.

The Turkish military and FSA forces engaged in heavy clashes with YPG militants in northern Syria, according to state-run Anadolu Agency reporters in the region.

The battle at Mt. Bursaya, a strategic peak in northeast Afrin, intensified early on Jan. 28, the ninth day of Turkey’s offensive, as Turkish-backed forces continue to clear more territories of the YPG as part of “Operation Olive Branch” in northwestern Syria, said the reporters.

A YPG fighter blew herself up next to a Turkish tank. First kamikaze attack against the Turkish army since the beginning of operations in Afrin.

The Turks should be careful about kamikaze attacks or even possibly used VBIEDs. Modus operandi already used by ISIS which proved to be successful (and deadly) against Iraqi forces,but also Turkish forces during the operation for Al-Bab.
A YPG fighter blew herself up next to a Turkish tank. First kamikaze attack against the Turkish army since the beginning of operations in Afrin.

The Turks should be careful about kamikaze attacks or even possibly used VBIEDs. Modus operandi already used by ISIS which proved to be successful (and deadly) against Iraqi forces,but also Turkish forces during the operation for Al-Bab.

Their tactics on the ground are very identical to the ISIS that even they(PKK-affiliated USA ally YPG/SDF terrorists) use manipulative drugs before the fight, here is a footage taken today.

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