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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I dont think US would ever make YPG leave those "safe zone". Their idea is probably to symbolically let some Turkish soldiers into the bases they built in ypg controlled areas. Their is no way they can tell YPG to get out of Tel Abyad, Kobani etc.
Can be, you cant trust the US in this anymore. However, the fact that they start to propose such things that they would not dare to propose before is a good sign. We have thus secured a nice bargaining chip it seems.
Kurdish-Run Afrin Urges Damascus to Deploy Troops Along Turkish Border - Reports

Earlier on Thursday, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Ankara doesn't plan to attack Syrian government forces amid its military operation in the Afrin region that has been ongoing for the sixth day.

"We call on the Syrian state to carry out its sovereign obligations towards Afrin and protect its borders with Turkey from attacks of the Turkish occupier… and deploy its Syrian armed forces to secure the borders of the Afrin area," the statement by the authorities of Afrin, a predominantly Kurdish region in the north of Syria, reads.

The Turkish military forces have been carrying out the operation in Afrin to destroy the militant groups that they call "terrorists," including the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG). The decision to launch the offensive was made after the US had announced its plans to establish a border force in Syria that would include unions of the Kurdish military factions.

Damascus has condemned Turkey's operation, calling it a violation of the country's sovereignty. Syrian President Bashar Assad has blasted the offensive, saying it was part of Ankara's policies "pursued by the Turkish regime since the first day of the Syrian crisis and which is based for the most part on supporting terrorism and terrorist groups under different names."


LOL they are turning to Syrian Gov instead of uncle Sam. USA will always desert it's allies.
LOL they are turning to Syrian Gov instead of uncle Sam. USA will always desert it's allies.
They know exactly US wont face Turkey for the sake of Afrin, Russians gave the green ligh, cant ask Iran either since this would damage their polished image so whats left is Assad but i dont think Assad is dumb enough to use his soldiers as cannon fodders without even taking the full control of Afrin.

In short ypg in Afrin is desperate to get anyone involved into the conflict who might save them.
They know exactly US wont face Turkey for the sake of Afrin, Russians gave the green ligh, cant ask Iran either since this would damage their polished image so whats left is Assad but i dont think Assad is dumb enough to use his soldiers as cannon fodders without even taking the full control of Afrin.

In short ypg in Afrin is desperate to get anyone involved into the conflict who might save them.

Turkey wants Syrian regime to be on border so I think Turkey will not have any objection with Assad but I think Assad will not send troops to the border because he him self wants Turkey to push out USA backed forces from Syria. I cannot say in this situation what is good or bad move but one thing is clear that USA arming of YPG and PKK should be stopped at all cost and USA is the only one that is making the region burn and bring instability in the region.
Can be, you cant trust the US in this anymore. However, the fact that they start to propose such things that they would not dare to propose before is a good sign. We have thus secured a nice bargaining chip it seems.

They are not sincere about that offer. It is just a cheap trick to win time for YPG to set up defenses and for US to expand its base in Rojava. Soon the US will move its base from Incirlik to Rojava.
Actually, Turkmen land.

It seems they gotten couple of our soldiers. This makes me so angry. Where are these so called FSA fighters? They got in total 5 bodies of our soldiers and none FSA fighter corpse. It seems FSA is not fighting on the front. They are being used as guards to patrol captured lands.

https:// twitter.com/nbbreaking/status/956626509602738177
It seems they gotten couple of our soldiers. This makes me so angry. Where are these so called FSA fighters? They got in total 5 bodies of our soldiers and none FSA fighter.

https:// twitter.com/nbbreaking/status/956626509602738177

We captured 3 US - Spec Ops they are in Turkey
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