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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Can someone explain the turkish strategy for this battle ?

Many villages are captured/recaptured like the ping pong near Al Bab. Why there is so many shorts front which aren't pushed deeper ?
We are trying to extend the front line for them as much as possible. They have prepared for this for years, they got so much arms from USA and dug tunnels, trenches etc and also have a large terrorist force there. We are trying to move in from as many positions as possible, making sure it's cleared out then moving in. They have many atgms, heavy weapons and even tanks, so we are not facing terrorists with ak47s
We are trying to extend the front line for them as much as possible. They have prepared for this for years, they got so much arms from USA and dug tunnels, trenches etc and also have a large terrorist force there. We are trying to move in from as many positions as possible, making sure it's cleared out then moving in. They have many atgms, heavy weapons and even tanks, so we are not facing terrorists with ak47s

This would be a tough battle, Turkish army needs at-least 6 more weeks to siege Afrin city before Urban warfare which will take on its own several weeks .
There should be absolutely no doubt in your mind, Americans are using PKK as proxy force against Turkey.
Voice Of America which is US state media, has a Kurdish language outlet covering bombardment of PKK strongholds.

US is using PKK against Turkey.
It seems they gotten couple of our soldiers. This makes me so angry. Where are these so called FSA fighters? They got in total 5 bodies of our soldiers and none FSA fighter corpse. It seems FSA is not fighting on the front. They are being used as guards to patrol captured lands.

https:// twitter.com/nbbreaking/status/956626509602738177

They not looks like Turkish soldiers to me, they must be FSA soldiers. btw because of bad weather it is hard to move, but our forces never leave them there.

The order and law in the world is what the terrorism tries to destroy. In the ''order'' created by another terrorist organisation The PKK/YPG above, who is the civilian and terrorist by the law?

The terrorism is using civilian privileged rights to fool the civilians around the world. Here is another picture of PKK-affiliated USA ally YPG/SDF in Syria:

YPG foreign terrorists in Afrin just made a video, cant wait till we showcase there dead bodies and EU/US will cry "Torkey killings EU/US citizens, free Kords"!!!

Can not wait till we take over Jinderes & Tell Rifat, will be a huge blow to them.

LOL SDF just said 308 Turkish soldiers killed lol
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We almost making no gains. After Saturday the weather is going to be good. If after Saturday we aren’t moving forward it will reveal that we have some serious issues.

No, it will reveal preparations and plans, warfare, it hasn't even been 3 days if you count the bad weather. Why don't you go to the front if "we cant do it" @cabatli_53 ban this troll please, we don't need mentally defeated people here talking about our armed forces.
If after Saturday we aren’t moving forward it will reveal that we have some serious issues.
Every army has issues. After Euphrates Shield, Army took big lessons from it's mistakes. There are still big mistakes in Operation olive branch to be taken lessons afterwards. That is how Armies evolve, to see their plans don't work as planned so they need to reform their plans. There is nothing wrong about facing difficulties. No need to be panicked about that.
Great analysis, you should email the MoD in Turkey and explain everything! It seems that they are unable to plan anything but luckily there are armchair generals like you who sit in their room questioning everything, but know nothing about the area, the threats and the logistics!
Great analysis, you should email the MoD in Turkey and explain everything! It seems that they are unable to plan anything but luckily there are armchair generals like you who sit in their room questioning everything, but know nothing about the area, the threats and the logistics!
He didn't give any analyses nor proposed anything, he just implied that there would be issues -which is nothing wrong to have- and that's it. You seem so harsh on him. He probably panicked little bit because he loves his Army and nation.
We almost making no gains. After Saturday the weather is going to be good. If after Saturday we aren’t moving forward it will reveal that we have some serious issues.

No, it will reveal preparations and plans, warfare, it hasn't even been 3 days if you count the bad weather. Why don't you go to the front if "we cant do it" @cabatli_53 ban this troll please, we don't need mentally defeated people here talking about our armed forces.

Every army has issues. After Euphrates Shield, Army took big lessons from it's mistakes. There are still big mistakes in Operation olive branch to be taken lessons afterwards. That is how Armies evolve, to see their plans don't work as planned so they need to reform their plans. There is nothing wrong about facing difficulties. No need to be panicked about that.

Guys, did you watched the video of the Mete Yarar which i posted a few days ago ?
He didn't give any analyses nor proposed anything, he just implied that there would be issues -which is nothing wrong to have- and that's it. You seem so harsh on him. He probably panicked little bit because he loves his Army and nation.

I didnt mention anyone specifically, its for the people that should feel like they were adressed.
I posted two days ago that you shouldn't expect any big news the next days and some people would rather play ignorant. There is a heavy fog on Afrin at the moment and moving forward in that weather would lead to causalties that are unnecessary just because some here get their own panties wet. If the Army would move foward and we AGAIN like in Al-Bab would loose through a ambush dozen soldiers you would be scream why aren't they waiting until the weather clears and the sun comes out. Inform yourself before writing ignorant sh*t here.
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