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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Live Map of Syria... Should be a must have...instead of jumping on Conclusion when it comes to "who has what..."

Explanation pls. bro . I am scanning Twitter and all social media.

Live Map of Syria... Should be a must have...instead of jumping on Conclusion when it comes to "who has what..."


Now.. you guys know what was the deal for Afrin...

Idlib for Afrin was and is the deal. Without air coverage Turkey wouldnt did this ops. But mark my words. Kandil will follow.
Now you are just speculating. Afrin has nothing to do with Abu Duhor nor Idlib.
it does... Never you asked yourself why Thousands and Thousands of FSA and even HTS soldiers were taken to Afrin front...when they ALREADY have an Open front with ASSad/RU in West Idlib? never it came to your mind?

And now... You have a statement fromm ASSad to STOP Idlib op... when they have the upper hand?no one to stop them...

Come on... that's how Things work in such scenarios... You are granted somthing for somthing else...

And now...we have a beginning of TSK reco missions in that same Idlib demarcation line...for maybe putting in place future "Observation positions"... along the M5 Highway...
Civilians return to village liberated in Afrin


Civilians began returning to a village in northern Syria’s Afrin region which the Turkish army liberated during an ongoing operation, Anadolu Agency reporters on the field said Tuesday.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, the 55-year-old, said the PYD/PKK wanted to recruit her children forcibly. Three of her sons and her husband have been taken hostage after they refused to join the group.

“I do not know what happened to my sons and husband. I hope I will reunite with them some day. I can only pray,” she said.

The source: http://aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/civilians-return-to-village-liberated-in-afrin/1040218
PKK supporters vandalize two mosques in Germany

In the small northwestern town of Minden, the assailants hurled stones and bottles filled with paint at the Green Mosque, which is run by DITIB, a moderate Muslim organization founded by Turkish migrants.

The name of PKK’s Syrian offshoot “PYD” and slogans such as “Afrin” and “Revenge” were written on the walls of the mosque.

In the eastern German city of Leipzig, sympathizers of the PYD/PKK terror organization attacked Eyup Sultan Mosque, smashed the windows and spray-painted the names of PKK and YPG, armed wing of the PYD.

The source: https://www.yenisafak.com/en/world/pkk-supporters-vandalize-two-mosques-in-germany-3003111

PYD/PKK supporters attack mosque in Netherlands

The windows of the Geylani Mosque, which is run by the Geylani Foundation, were broken and the walls were vandalized with slogans related to the terrorist organization.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Ali Dede Tas, head of the Geylani Foundation, condemned the attack, adding that it was likely related to Turkey’s current military operation in northwest Syria.
The source: http://aa.com.tr/en/europe/pyd-pkk-supporters-attack-mosque-in-netherlands/1039993

Another mosque hit in Kilis/Turkey.

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