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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Is this real?

just look at 1:57 if someone get headshot next to you thats not the reaction.

I think something is wrong with operation. We are losing areas that we capture before, pkk rats sharing our fallen soldiers and carrying them with pickup. how can this possible?

we didnt hit them hard enough. We are sending our soldiers and fsa into foggy mountains with lots of tunnels. ı saw a bunker that pkk rats made in a mountain with 90 cm concrete you cant destroy without airstrike.
YPG Press Office published photo's of claimed spoils of Turkish army in Afrin, showing uniforms and ID's. Also dead body of what seems to be a Turkish soldier (can't really tell if it's FSA or TR since similar uniform).
just look at 1:57 if someone get headshot next to you thats not the reaction.

I think something is wrong with operation. We are losing areas that we capture before, pkk rats sharing our fallen soldiers and carrying them with pickup. how can this possible?

we didnt hit them hard enough. We are sending our soldiers and fsa into foggy mountains with lots of tunnels. ı saw a bunker that pkk rats made in a mountain with 90 cm concrete you cant destroy without airstrike.

They are not Turkish soldiers. The ID in the pictures belongs to the soldier that was martyrd yesterday but the body is an FSA fighter. What most likely happened was, when our soldiers carried the body of the soldier they left his bag behind because they weigh about 20kg and the bag included his dirty laundry, ID etc.

In the pictures they intentionally blur the bodies' faces because if they weren't we cauld have easily seen that they weren't our soldiers.

TC GELDİ (Wikimapia):-)


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YPG Press Office published photo's of claimed spoils of Turkish army in Afrin, showing uniforms and ID's. Also dead body of what seems to be a Turkish soldier (can't really tell if it's FSA or TR since similar uniform).
The video and pics were spread by an Greek account. The bodies are FSA. Walky Talkies, gears, uniforms with ranks, ID and special weapons ( 40 mm rotating mortar gun) Turkish.
Looking at the topography around Afrin it seems like a difficult terrain to fight on. It will definetly take a couple of months atleast to clear this out. However Manbij is on flat terrain and will probably be easier to take over, though they might face a heavier resistance. With the rebel forces fighting from the eastern front and Turkish forces attacking from the north and west, while the syrian govt holding the south, it seems difficult for the ypg to avoid a defeat, unless the Syrian govt lets them pass.
Looking at the topography around Afrin it seems like a difficult terrain to fight on. It will definetly take a couple of months atleast to clear this out. However Manbij is on flat terrain and will probably be easier to take over, though they might face a heavier resistance. With the rebel forces fighting from the eastern front and Turkish forces attacking from the north and west, while the syrian govt holding the south, it seems difficult for the ypg to avoid a defeat, unless the Syrian govt lets them pass.
Believe it or not . Turkish Forces are faced with PMC professionals. Credible source.
I dont doubt that. The real question that remains is if its going to be a fare fight or are the syrian govt/russians going to supply the ypg. If they block feom their side it will be a siege and difficult for the ypg to get resupplied and hence a fall eventually. However if the syrian govt wants the turks to make it into a quagmire it might get much more tricky. Following the AlKazeera report turkey has already takwn the villages north of Afrin and hence maybe 20-30%. The coming week will be decisive. If few casualties the morale of the ypg will fall and they will start fleeing to regroup at the next battle
The ID in the pictures belongs to the soldier that was martyrd yesterday

We respect our martyrs but the ID was not blown by the wind. Was a hard job for our Special Forces to recover martyred. Don't ask for details.
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