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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This is a lie. France called a meeting because of the humanitarian situation in syria. Nothing to do with Afrin or Turkey.

ps: WTF is PJMedia and what kind of a propaganda please is "christian" kurds. Are these the same "christian" kurds that killed christian syrians, burned down their homes, raped their wives,daughters and sisters and displaced them to turkey?

They really turned the SDF and Kurds christian. HAHAHAHA oh my god HAHAHAHA How scared are they please? :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

France want to involved EU (France first) in Syria freedom process. Although the United States.
Captured PYD terrorist !

These terrorists have better gear than most of our soldiers. They are being armed to teeth by USA. When daddy USA is not there they run like rats.

Don't know how reliable but it looks like FSA is still on the mountain. Acc. to this guy and his source they never left and that YPG is trying to harrass them with sniper fire. Told ya, if YPG got it back they would have published pictures and videos already. The other reports talked of a tactical retreat so the same thing like on the Hill in Al-Bab doesn't happen again.

Anatolian Agency claims that FSA retreated.
Poor Christians,very sad.
Btw,the Muslims dont count,its only about Christians.

Yezides count too. You forgot .

Don’t trust a word of Almasdar brother, they are anti Turkish to the bone. Even if rebels retreated for tactical reasons, they will capture it again tomorrow, remember how many times fronts change hands in war, YPG rats will eventually lose it for good.

Just watching CNN Türk. Hakan is a real provocateur. The 2 soldier guests are too naive to counter his BS questions. Hakan says open between the lines " There was no direct combat man v.s. man."
Shame on him.

Now , a nationalist lawyer Ersan SEN :
"Say it open, do you wanna say that we would have lost without air support !"

BRAVO , Ersen SEN . Obviously he knows the Plus and Minus of the Forces.

Now A.Agar counters very agitating ........OMG :coffee:
africans? didn't know the US is still importing "Africans"...

US hires all sort of and type but Africans they can openly parade as Americans, while in reality most of black dead in Iraq had no count.
True Americans cannot be erased from record, as they never existed.
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