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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What do you guys think? It is very disturbing if the US helps pkk terrorist to access the Mediterranean.
What good would being a NATO-member do if the US is Actively working against their ally.

I really hope turkey have some secret sublaunchable with nuke-wareheads.

all though they haven't done it yet, it would not surprise me if the did.

The Americans are helping them against ISIS, there is no support in Arfin(?). Those guys are on their own.

American support will stop once ISIS is gone and the fragile coalition that is called SDF will crumble, since the common goal of those very diverse groups will no longer be there.

There will be a reckoning when Arabs realize what the YPG has planned for the lands under their control.

Turkish airstrikes on SDF forces in the outskirts of Manbij city

SDF official Hediya Yousef told the Observer: "Arriving at the Mediterranean Sea is in our project for northern Syria, it’s a legal right for us to reach the Mediterranean." Revealing the possibility that SDF forces might eventually push south/west to attempt to capture the city of Idlib or parts of Idlib as a map in the PYD office in Russia illustrates.

Those monkeys think they could conquer SYRIA


Turkish airstrikes on SDF forces in the outskirts of Manbij city

SDF official Hediya Yousef told the Observer: "Arriving at the Mediterranean Sea is in our project for northern Syria, it’s a legal right for us to reach the Mediterranean." Revealing the possibility that SDF forces might eventually push south/west to attempt to capture the city of Idlib or parts of Idlib as a map in the PYD office in Russia illustrates.

Those monkeys think they could conquer SYRIA

Bu o.ç.larının ta amk ben. Yemin ediyorum yüzlerini görünce küfür edesim geliyor. Ve bunlara yumuşak yardım veren bir ana muhalefetimiz de var, 7 hazirandan sonra hdp ile birlikte iyi salladık diyen şırfıntı da vardı bir zamanlar, ulan düşmanı dışarıda aramaya gerek yok, bu ana muhalefet tam bir hain yuvası.
The Americans are helping them against ISIS, there is no support in Arfin(?). Those guys are on their own.

American support will stop once ISIS is gone and the fragile coalition that is called SDF will crumble, since the common goal of those very diverse groups will no longer be there.

There will be a reckoning when Arabs realize what the YPG has planned for the lands under their control.

I think this is what we are waiting for. Otherwise we would've intervened a long time ago but U.S keeps coming in the way so it won't "affect the Raqqa op(death of ISIS basically)".
I think this is what we are waiting for. Otherwise we would've intervened a long time ago but U.S keeps coming in the way so it won't "affect the Raqqa op(death of ISIS basically)".
Why is it that they choose pkk when the turkish army are much more effective and the have thousands of arab fighter who are native to the area.
Why is it that they choose pkk when the turkish army are much more effective and the have thousands of arab fighter who are native to the area.

Because America obeys to Israel that wants independent Kurdish states to blackmail Arab regimes
Why is it that they choose pkk when the turkish army are much more effective and the have thousands of arab fighter who are native to the area.

It's easier for many Turks to be anti-American than acknowledging the fact that we made some grave strategic mistakes. There was an article in the Washington Post revealing some background information about the Raqqa Operation and America's alliance with YPG. Washington did ask the Turks for help, assistance and troops before choosing PKK to fight against ISIS in Raqqa. Unfortunately, we neither had the required numbers of Arab fighters nor the Turkish gov't was willing to send thousands of Turkish soldiers to die for Arab land.

THIS was Erdogan's fault.

On the other hand, our Kemalist generals are also guilty. They simply were against any kind of Turkish intervention in North Syria. Yearslong they blocked any civil call for entering Syria. Why?

Many of those generals also participated in the coup attempt.

Conspiracy theory?! Bullshit! Even main stream German newspapers reported that Turkish generals were against "dangerous Syrian adventures" in the past. Those generals had also a very pro-American and pro-Nato stance.

Our Syrian Operation had started only after the failed coup. The Turkish gov't itself took revenge on some NATO members:

Key Nato posts go to pro-Russia hardliners in new Turkish purge
ISIS Al-Furat video also contains scenes of apparently captured Russia servicemen Evgeny Petrenko and his execution. Video also shows 3 other prisoners speaking Russian.

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Erdogan's Crimes against Humanity
Turkey Bombs Yazidi Homeland
by Uzay Bulut
May 9, 2017 at 4:00 am


  • While Yazidis are still suffering from these atrocities, Turkey, evidently still no friend of non-Muslims, has attacked them yet again.
  • Turkish officials say they consider these groups "terrorists." The general staff of the Turkish armed forces issued a statement concerning the airstrikes, saying that "operations will continue until the terrorists have completely been eliminated."
  • "Denying the genocide is not only saying 'we didn't do it.' It's much, much worse.... It is declaring murderers as heroes. It is honoring the genocide's perpetrators... [and] saying to the grandchildren of genocide victims, 'Murderers of your grandfathers and grandmothers are our heroes; they did it well, God bless them. If necessary, we would do it again.'" — Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association, Commemoration of the 102nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, April 24, 2017.
Just a few hours after the commemoration of the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2017, Turkish warplanes dropped bombs on the Yazidi homeland of Sinjar (Shingal) on April 25, at around 2 AM local time, according to reports from the region.

The strikes reportedly killed at least 70 people in the area, with one bomb hitting a Kurdish peshmerga post in Sinjar, killing at least five and severely wounding several more.

Yazidis say they have been subjected to 72 genocidal massacres. The latest genocide, committed by ISIS, is the 73rd and is still going on. Tens of thousands of Yazidis have been displaced and are refugees in several countries. Hundreds of Yazidi girls and women are still bought, sold and raped by ISIS terrorists -- the same men who murdered their husbands and fathers.

While Yazidis are still suffering from these atrocities, Turkey, evidently still no friend of non-Muslims, has attacked them yet again.

On August 3, 2014, Islamic State terrorists invaded Sinjar, the homeland of the Yazidis in Iraq, and started slaughtering the Yazidis; many survivors fled up Mount Sinjar.

In his speech to the U.S. Congress, Mirza Ismail, founder and chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International, described the genocide in Sinjar and pled for help:

"The entire Yezidi population was displaced in less than one day on August 3, 2014! The Yezidis and Chaldo-Assyrian Christians face this genocide together. Why? Because we are not Muslims, and because our path is the path of peace. For this, we are being burned alive. For living as men and women of peace."​

The Yazidis, a Kurdish-speaking, non-Muslim minority indigenous to northern Mesopotamia, oppose violence. Their faith combines aspects of ancient Mesopotamian religions, including Zoroastrianism.

Fox News reported on the attack:

"The Yazidis of Mountain Shingal are terrified. They feel threatened and unsafe. They thought ISIS days were almost done and they can return to their villages and towns, but now they face a bigger problem," Yakhi Hamza, country director of the 1st New Allied Expeditionary Force, a humanitarian nonprofit delivering medical help to the most vulnerable Yazidis.


"The strikes hit the only civilian clinic on the Mountain Shingal," Hamza said. "The clinic was run by a volunteer, Dr. Khansa, who was selflessly serving displaced Yazidi community on the mountain from Day One."

Before being bombed the clinic... was a makeshift room with six beds and a handful of medications run by a 36-year-old woman the locals lovingly call "Hero Doctor Khansa."​

In the face of ISIS attacks, Yazidis formed defense forces.[1]

Turkish officials apparently consider these groups "terrorists." The general staff of the Turkish armed forces issued a statement concerning the airstrikes, saying "operations will continue until the terrorists have completely been eliminated."

In 1915, up to 1.5 million Armenians were expelled from their native lands in Ottoman Turkey. Not only Armenians were targeted. Between 1914 and 1923, Assyrian and Greek Christians were also massacred, according to a report by the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS). The report described the situation as "a state-organized and state-sponsored campaign of destruction and genocide, aiming at wiping out from the emerging Turkish Republic its native Christian populations."

During the Armenian genocide, Yazidis, as well as Christians, were targeted. "To this day," writes professor Israel Charney in the report, "the Turkish government ostensibly denies having committed this genocide." Actually, Turkey not only denies the genocide, but also honors the perpetrators.

Talaat Pasha, Enver Pasha and Djemal Pasha, known as "the three Pashas," were the senior officials who ruled the Ottoman Empire during World War I. They were also the masterminds behind the Armenian Genocide. Their names, as well as the names of other officials who were responsible for the genocide, are still bestowed on many schools, neighborhoods and streets across Turkey.


In 1915, up to 1.5 million Armenians were expelled from their native lands in Ottoman Turkey. Not only Armenians were targeted. Between 1914 and 1923, Assyrian and Greek Christians were also massacred, according to a report by the International Association of Genocide Scholars. Pictured above: Armenian civilians, escorted by Ottoman soldiers, marched through Harput to a prison in nearby Mezireh (present-day Elazig), April 1915. (Image source: American Red Cross/Wikimedia Commons)

On April 24, the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) held a commemoration of the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in front of the Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum, a former prison where Armenian intellectuals were held prior to deportation.

Its statement read, in part:

"Denying the genocide is not only saying 'we didn't do it.' It's much, much worse. It is inflicting the genocide to the grandchildren of its victims every day, again and again with countless tiny little details of daily life. It is declaring murderers as heroes. It is honoring the genocide's perpetrators... [and] saying to the grandchildren of genocide victims, 'Murderers of your grandfathers and grandmothers are our heroes; they did it well, God bless them. If necessary, we would do it again.'"​

According to Professor Gregory H. Stanton, president of Genocide Watch:

"Studies by genocide scholars prove that the single best predictor of future genocide is denial of a past genocide coupled with impunity for its perpetrators. Genocide Deniers are three times more likely to commit genocide again than other governments."​

Meanwhile, in a recent speech, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan referred to Turkey's military operations in Iraq and Syria:

"It has now been revealed who acts in obedience to foreign forces and who acts in obedience to Allah.... We are determined to root out traitor gangs completely while we will also never forget that the Muslims cannot be bitten on the same wound over and over again."​

Turkey did not bomb Sinjar when ISIS attacked and invaded the region in 2014. Turkey also did not run to the rescue of Iraqi and Syrian Kurds when ISIS targeted them. Turkey, however, did bomb Sinjar after the region was liberated from ISIS, at a time when thousands of Yazidi civilians are still seeking shelter there.

Many Yazidi survivors of genocide still wish to return to their homeland. They request only infrastructure and international protection, after their homeland was largely destroyed by ISIS.

Matthew Karanian, the author of the 2015 book Historic Armenia After 100 Years, explained in his recent speech at Pasadena City College why Armenians are still fighting for recognition of their genocide. "The alternative," he said, "is a world in which crimes against humanity are committed with impunity, leaving the victims -- and the world -- forever at risk."

Uzay Bulut, a journalist born and raised a Muslim in Turkey, is currently based in Washington D.C. She is a writing fellow of the Middle East Forum.

[1] The Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ), its all-women offshoot, the Ezidxan Women's Units (YJÊ), and the Protection Force of Sinjar (HPŞ) founded the all-Yazidi joint commando umbrella structure "Sinjar Alliance," and took part in the November 2015 Sinjar offensive against ISIS.

No offence, but he can keep that BS to himself.

Turkeys official position is not that nothing happened all lies etc

Its that there were mass killing and cruelties on both sides. Turkey is not denying the suffering of Armenians as Erdogan our own dictator has said before. We dont agree with the terminology.
cruelties on both sides

There was unbelievable cruelty on both sides. Armenians massacred Muslims in Kars. I have heard this from the grandfather of a friend living in Germany, when I visited Erzurum and had the possibility to visit such an old man , who died 2005 and was real 103 years old.
They pressed a whole villages in mosques blocked the doors and burned hundreds people.
That's what he told me as example.

GENOCIDE is that what the German's, Spanish and USA did intention of deleting a whole ethnicity without making regional differences, concentrating only on ethnicity and profit.
Yezidis are a toy and argument to arm the PKK. Always the poor Yezidis, but in Europe they are the most cruel followers of "Vendeta and Ehrenmorde".
Can someone explain me what for does ypg need heavy weapons against ISIS? Who does the US think they are bullshitting? We all know that these weapons will be used against Turkey and the US will deny having anything to do with it. If Erdogan had any balls he would let our Air Force bomb the shit out of their weapon supplies but he won't. I have enough of these fuckers arming terrorists with the intend to let them use it against us. Bomb the shit of them, enough is enough. 24/7 bombing runs.
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