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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

ofc... Then as Turkey IS a democracy AND Secular. maybe not a perfect one, but yet, it's one.
ASSad not a democracy but secular
And IRan An Islamic State.

So which one you choose? :)
I prefer a CHP-ruled Turkey, not an AKP-ruled Turkey.

So in the meantime, I guess I'd go for a secular Syria.
I prefer a CHP-ruled Turkey, not an AKP-ruled Turkey.

So in the meantime, I guess I'd go for a secular Syria.

It's your choice. A bad and irresponsible one. But it's yours.

As for me. I choose Turkey. EVen tho' AKP rule is a little authoritarian, with a good play on populism ( like incoming states in EUrope). Still It's a democracy, with a rule of law and AKP as anyother parties , the Turkish ppl will and can vote in the incoming election . It could be a not so good today, but at least Hope exist. WHile ASSad and IRan there is not...

Devil stay a devil...
Why middleasterns love to trolling in our section? Lets create one "middle eastern forum" section for these people and let real humans be without their dirty ignorance and dogmatism. They are acting like attention children while most of the Turks already ignored their entity from the beginning. It is so awkward.
You're not realictic.
Yes Barzani is not Turkey's friend, but he is not PKK's friend neither! Barzani didn't even organise the last election become he knew he would lost it to PUK which are PKK's lover.
So he dosn't have the people support and PKK's managed to increase in power everyhere in the region...he need Turkey. And we need him, at least if we don't want Iraki Kurd to be another PKK stronghold.

Can you even propose another name which can replace Barzani and be better for Turkey ?

My proposals wont work, because all of erdogans policies led to this. From 2003 to today.
Proposal 1 - 2003(very hard to do now)- strengthen the Turkmen in iraq at the time and create a armed group and support.

Proposal 2 - 2013(hard to do now compared to before) - Create a Turkmen group like ypg with covert turkish soldiers inside them too, give them all sorts of weapons, which would of allow them to take areas and subsequently a possible independent Turkmen area.

What actually happened
Mistake 1 - dont allow pkk to form in syria and bomb them straight away like israel does- precautionary attack
this is 2013


Terör Örgütü PKK, Suriye'de 1.000 Kişilik Tabur Kurdu

Mistake 2- erdogan support pkk


YPG`liler Türkiye`de Tedavi Ediliyor

Kobani yaralılarına Türkiye'de tedavi

These are all because of mistakes in the past, hata ustune hata yaptik, malesef basimizda icki icmeyen ama kafasi ucuk bir lider var.
Assad and Iran are winning due to Turkey's incompetence, and they'll continue to do so until Erdogan is removed from power by the Turkish people.

Assad and Iran are now in a much stronger position in Syria thanks in large part to Erdogan. Don't forget that it was Erdogan who betrayed the rebels of Idlib and Aleppo city in exchange for getting the green light from Moscow to enter the Azaz-Jarabulus corridor. That's the whole reason why Aleppo was taken over by the Syrian army in the first place.

So I find it rather ironic that you think Assad and Iran are losing.

As for the YPG, they're not going anywhere.

If you had told the Kurds in the 1970s and 80s that they would one day rule over northern Iraq and northern Syria, they would've called you mad. Things have gotten much better for them in the last couple of decades, and it'll only get better in the coming decades, especially as they continue to outbreed the ethnic Turks.

Are you high? The biggest loser in this conflict is Iran and Turkey.

Iran because they have a weak split up ally, where they lost thousand of soldiers and billions in lost trade etc

Turkey because we have created a pkk beside us

Biggest winner is Israel, USA and possibly Russia.

Israel because they have an enemy that is incapable now and they cant ever think of getting back the golans.

USA because they created another proxy to use.

Russia because they can gain even more from Syria because syrian government will be grateful for what Russia did and they will give many bases and buy alot of weapons in the future so become more dependent on Russia.

I prefer a CHP-ruled Turkey, not an AKP-ruled Turkey.

So in the meantime, I guess I'd go for a secular Syria.
Nobody cares what you want or prefer. We don't need anyone to support us. We Turks are united and strong.
Are you high? The biggest loser in this conflict is Iran and Turkey.

Iran because they have a weak split up ally, where they lost thousand of soldiers and billions in lost trade etc

Turkey because we have created a pkk beside us

Biggest winner is Israel, USA and possibly Russia.

Israel because they have an enemy that is incapable now and they cant ever think of getting back the golans.

USA because they created another proxy to use.

Russia because they can gain even more from Syria because syrian government will be grateful for what Russia did and they will give many bases and buy alot of weapons in the future so become more dependent on Russia.

Nobody cares what you want or prefer. We don't need anyone to support us. We Turks are united and strong.
I agree that Israel is the biggest winner. The Middle East is now more fragmented along ethnic and sectarian lines, which is great for Israel and the US.


Very interesting:

What's your take on this, @HannibalBarca ?
I agree that Israel is the biggest winner. The Middle East is now more fragmented along ethnic and sectarian lines, which is great for Israel and the US.


Very interesting:

What's your take on this, @HannibalBarca ?

Those MMC / SDF are not worthy. Unstable.
They will eventually use the SAA card, like they did previously near Aleppo. THey "maybe" backed off, bc they are retaking few points... but if they lose again... they will use it.
Simple as that. A group who are using ppl fear ( those innocents inside those villages) while playing their little power card, like headless chicken with no Honor...
Just for that, they have no place in syria...
Anyway, we will see ...
Those MMC / SDF are not worthy. Unstable.
They will eventually use the SAA card, like they did previously near Aleppo. THey "maybe" backed off, bc they are retaking few points... but if they lose again... they will use it.
Simple as that. A group who are using ppl fear ( those innocents inside those villages) while playing their little power card, like headless chicken with no Honor...
Just for that, they have no place in syria...
Anyway, we will see ...
Well, the US already confirmed that Russia sent a humanitarian convoy to Manbij to deliver food and medical aid. And some sources are saying that the Syrian border guards have already entered rural western Manbij. I think the real question is, how big is the buffer zone going to be? Will it only cover the demarcation line or will it also cover Manbij? Nobody really knows for sure right now. But I thought it was interesting that the tweet I shared with you said that the US helped the YPG recapture Jubb al Hamir from the Euphrates Shield loonies.
Well, the US already confirmed that Russia sent a humanitarian convoy to Manbij to deliver food and medical aid. And some sources are saying that the Syrian border guards have already entered rural western Manbij. I think the real question is, how big is the buffer zone going to be? Will it only cover the demarcation line or will it also cover Manbij? Nobody really knows for sure right now. But I thought it was interesting that the tweet I shared with you said that the US helped the YPG recapture Jubb al Hamir from the Euphrates Shield loonies.

WEll the "US" part is only from them... No airstrikes No ATGM or such thing were used. and THe US support is a big word... it's few dozens of US soldiers with Humvees...
Well, the US already confirmed that Russia sent a humanitarian convoy to Manbij to deliver food and medical aid. And some sources are saying that the Syrian border guards have already entered rural western Manbij. I think the real question is, how big is the buffer zone going to be? Will it only cover the demarcation line or will it also cover Manbij? Nobody really knows for sure right now. But I thought it was interesting that the tweet I shared with you said that the US helped the YPG recapture Jubb al Hamir from the Euphrates Shield loonies.
this terrorist sympathizer is calling our army loonies. where is the moderator guy?
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My proposals wont work, because all of erdogans policies led to this. From 2003 to today.
Proposal 1 - 2003(very hard to do now)- strengthen the Turkmen in iraq at the time and create a armed group and support.

Proposal 2 - 2013(hard to do now compared to before) - Create a Turkmen group like ypg with covert turkish soldiers inside them too, give them all sorts of weapons, which would of allow them to take areas and subsequently a possible independent Turkmen area.

Well crying over spilled milk is pointless...

But that being say you proposal too would not work even in the past, because Turkey wanted the Turkmen to form a party in Irak but Turkmen of Irak are shia (nothing wrong with that) choose to allied themself to the govt after Sadam fall.

And forget about Irak, Erdogan greatest mistake was in Syria not Irak.
WEll the "US" part is only from them... No airstrikes No ATGM or such thing were used. and THe US support is a big word... it's few dozens of US soldiers with Humvees...
I guess they were more than enough to drive the jihadists back.

I'm not sure how reliable this source is, though:

I had no idea the Americans already built a base in Manbij. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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