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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Its up to us,we gave them that freedom,its our fault.
Why not deny them entree to our Air base?
This is unacceptable.
Because Ankara has no balls. Combine that with a foreign policy that has destroyed our deterrence (talking the talk but not walking the walk) and you are left with "allies" that use your own airbase to aid terrorists that bomb your own citizens. Least to say I agree with you that this is unacceptable
Because Ankara has no balls. Combine that with a foreign policy that has destroyed our deterrence (talking the talk but not walking the walk) and you are left with "allies" that use your own airbase to aid terrorists that bomb your own citizens. Least to say I agree with you that this is unacceptable
Do you think they cant prevent them to use the airbase....you should think what you will get from it and what you should pay for it ...this is politics
Lets stay on topic. We take 3 village today so thats good. I hope we do the same by taking south eastern villages in Bab. There are reports that Isis send more T 55 and T 62 to Al Bab.
this is just funny if true

ABD'nin YPG'ye gönderdiği zırhlı araçlar Türkiye'de üretilmiş


I think by the way that this whole incirlik situation is ridiculous turkey should just leave nato and close incirlik. What these nations are pulling up there is some serious shit- i think they shouldnt be in a position to do that and the only option i see is throwing them out let them use another airbase for their pervert games. I also think that al bab will be captured in the coming weeks so we will probably move to manbij afterwards or tel rifat. I think tel rifat more important to boost the morale of our mercenaries and afterwards straight to manbij. Then its important to play it out diplomaticly for east of eupraths. trump is unfortunately also pro PKK that means that there is iran,syria and russia left it is now important to be become on good terms with them because they would be the solution to completly eradicate KCK and its groups in north syria. What turkey needs is not military backing but political and if we would have a proper foreign policy this wouldnt have been a problem lets hope we can somehow fix this mess we are in because if not we will unfortunately be the next one.
Map pls...
this is just funny if true

ABD'nin YPG'ye gönderdiği zırhlı araçlar Türkiye'de üretilmiş


I think by the way that this whole incirlik situation is ridiculous turkey should just leave nato and close incirlik. What these nations are pulling up there is some serious shit- i think they shouldnt be in a position to do that and the only option i see is throwing them out let them use another airbase for their pervert games. I also think that al bab will be captured in the coming weeks so we will probably move to manbij afterwards or tel rifat. I think tel rifat more important to boost the morale of our mercenaries and afterwards straight to manbij. Then its important to play it out diplomaticly for east of eupraths. trump is unfortunately also pro PKK that means that there is iran,syria and russia left it is now important to be become on good terms with them because they would be the solution to completly eradicate KCK and its groups in north syria. What turkey needs is not military backing but political and if we would have a proper foreign policy this wouldnt have been a problem lets hope we can somehow fix this mess we are in because if not we will unfortunately be the next one.

That company has factories in Bursa.
I think by the way that this whole incirlik situation is ridiculous turkey should just leave nato and close incirlik. What these nations are pulling up there is some serious shit- i think they shouldnt be in a position to do that and the only option i see is throwing them out let them use another airbase for their pervert games.
Yes it is ridiculous but it has nothing to do with NATO,remember they wanted to use Incirlik during one of the Iraq wars and we refused to let them use it.
Its all up to us,if we make good deals,nobody can mess with us.
Leaving NATO would be very dumb.
I also think that al bab will be captured in the coming weeks so we will probably move to manbij afterwards or tel rifat. I think tel rifat more important to boost the morale of our mercenaries and afterwards straight to manbij.
Forget that from ever happening,since the end of december last year we havent moved an inch and still lost so many soldiers and equipment.
They should have went for al-Bab already,whats keeping them from attacking?
Im sure the Russians and Americans made a deal and excluded us,wait and see.
SAA will take al-Bab and Manbij will stay in YPG hands.
Then its important to play it out diplomaticly for east of eupraths. trump is unfortunately also pro PKK that means that there is iran,syria and russia left it is now important to be become on good terms with them because they would be the solution to completly eradicate KCK and its groups in north syria. What turkey needs is not military backing but political and if we would have a proper foreign policy this wouldnt have been a problem lets hope we can somehow fix this mess we are in because if not we will unfortunately be the next one.
Not going to happen.
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