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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Lately there haven't been any significant updates regarding al-Bab. Hope they aren't bogged down.

I wonder why we dont give some of the Akreps or even Cobras to our FSA Mercenaries. We give nearly 100 KIA/WIA in those Cobras in Anti Terror Operations due to they have very little IED defense capability. But they have perfect protection for small arms IS/PKK scum use in Syria.

Those trucks we give FSA are aliminium papers which has no protection. 5 bullet hit the truck = 3-5 dead or wounded FSA soldiers.

When things turn into street fight in Al-Bab, Cobra-like vehicles will be needed so much. Those trucks cannot survive in Al-Bab.

You have many M113 which you can give to FSA.

What is latest news? whats going on? Latest map please.
There has been no major updates regarding territory win or lose lately. Seems situation is pretty much stalemate due to 2 soldiers in isis hands and ypg pressuring fsa to stay away from al-bab. On the other hand east Aleppo's fall is only a matter of time, thus freeing up Assad militias for probably al-Bab too. Whatever needs to be done to get al-Bab should be done asap imo.
I think there could be a negotiation with Moscow going on, maybe to evacuate FSA in Aleppo to Al-Bab operation. Assad will be allowed to control Aleppo un-molested, remaining FSA will push out PYD between Afrin and Euphrates river.
nah, I think both SAA and PKK are waiting for turkish push for al bab so they can sneak from behind and capture everything. I want to remind u we have 400 soldiers down there and maybe 15-20 tanks and maybe 1-2 active f16 so optimal situation for sneaky actions.
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