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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Idlib is a fucking mess and not worth a single Turkish soldiers life. And we have already lost over 30 in one single incident for a region that will turn its back on us the second they no longer need us.
Idlib is a fucking mess and not worth a single Turkish soldiers life. And we have already lost over 30 in one single incident for a region that will turn its back on us the second they no longer need us.
Our soldiers are in there to stop a massive immigrant wave, the second we take out our soldiers, you will find 4+ million immigrants to feed in front of your door and I'm still not adding the the existing 7+ million. We are not in there just for fun...
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Just search google. T this point there aer multiple sources, some historical to link Turkey and ISIS. Most recent one is TUrkish govt not giving EU countries the IDing information for suspected ISIS militants, because that would be used to prove court cases against them. TUrkey isnt providing that to EU. WHY YOU THINK THAT IS SO???

Finally, if you have to ask for proof in 2020 that Turkey has helped ISIS, your issue isnt information, its something else. If you notice, the only people who really argue against that on PDF are Turks. that is not coincidental.

You claimed that, so its your job to bring the source, not mine to search for. Again, where is the source? You dont know my issue, so dont worry my intention.
Our soldiers are in there to stop a massive immigrant wave, the second we take out our soldiers, you will find 4+ million immigrants to feed in front of your door and I'm still not adding the the existing 7+ million. We are not in there just for fun...

There is an easier way. The borders are closed and manned, divert the refugee flow to Afrin or Northern Aleppo. Build camps there and even offer bus services if we have to, no one can touch the refugees there because its safe.
Idlib is just a huge mess. We can't trust these Islamists. They're very unpredictable, even in Turkey most hardcore Islamists are threats to the state. I honestly think we should secure our border then bomb the crap out of HTS.
That was Turkey's rookie move(just like GCC when they tried to "develop proxies")- Most Sunni proxies end up backstabbing their Sunni patrons. thats a fact! AQ backstabbed KSA, HTS now backstabbing Turkey...

You are still not providing a source.

Uav action on M4, targetting rogue elements
If you dunno just say you dunno, I know and i've confirmed multiple times on this forum all the ways TUrkey has collaborated iwth ISIS:

1) Let ISIS brides into Syria to do Sex JIhad and get ISIS boys laid during the war

2) Buying ISIS oil(check youtube and ask why RuAF had 10s of tankers to bomb that US already knew about)

3) Not providing ID to EU for ISIS members that were weaponized by TUrkish govt as blackmail against EU for not supporting TUrkey in the SYrian conflict.

4) THere are pictures on the internet in the first few years of the war showing ISIS members and Turkish border guards laughing and smiling on the Turkey/SYrian border.

5) Turkey has been the conduit for providing western or/and GCC weapons to ISIS and AQ- why ISIS is always caught withAmerican M16s and US TOW missile systems??? you think US has "rogue officers " who sell US weapons to anyone who has money?

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Units of the Syrian Army seized a number of weapons, including the US-made TOW anti-tank guided missile launcher, abandoned by militants in southeast Idlib.

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6) Why ISIS always show up where US enemies are? When ISIS showed up in Syria, US obv couldnt deal directly with those dirty terrorrists, so guess who was calling in to "manage the ISIS Partners"? yup - TUrkey.

7) How did US Dept of defense "LOSE" $715 M while arming anti-ISIS "partners"? I mean, it either went to corruption or and ISIS...but considering how much power ISIS has, i think that money went towards supporting ISIS(at the minimum,maybe not only ISIS)..its almost a billion dollars. US allowed ISIS get new Toyota trucks years ago...US treasury allowed it..but once agian, US money and weapons is going to ISIS without us being able to catch CIA and US military doing it ...u know why? cuz Its TUrkey's hand that got stained "supporting " ISIS..US cant touch terrorist groups directly....cuz of the laws...so they use broker/partners in ME like TUrkey or/and GCC>

if you dont want to believe, at least dont be lAZY Enough to not search google FOR YOURSELF. cheers.
There is an easier way. The borders are closed and manned, divert the refugee flow to Afrin or Northern Aleppo. Build camps there and even offer bus services if we have to, no one can touch the refugees there because its safe.
Easier saif than done...
That was Turkey's rookie move(just like GCC when they tried to "develop proxies")- Most Sunni proxies end up backstabbing their Sunni patrons. thats a fact! AQ backstabbed KSA, HTS now backstabbing Turkey...

If you dunno just say you dunno, I know and i've confirmed multiple times on this forum all the ways TUrkey has collaborated iwth ISIS:

1) Let ISIS brides into Syria to do Sex JIhad and get ISIS boys laid during the war

2) Buying ISIS oil(check youtube and ask why RuAF had 10s of tankers to bomb that US already knew about)

3) Not providing ID to EU for ISIS members that were weaponized by TUrkish govt as blackmail against EU for not supporting TUrkey in the SYrian conflict.

4) THere are pictures on the internet in the first few years of the war showing ISIS members and Turkish border guards laughing and smiling on the Turkey/SYrian border.

5) Turkey has been the conduit for providing western or/and GCC weapons to ISIS and AQ- why ISIS is always caught withAmerican M16s and US TOW missile systems??? you think US has "rogue officers " who sell US weapons to anyone who has money?

185 104 0 Share0 0

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Units of the Syrian Army seized a number of weapons, including the US-made TOW anti-tank guided missile launcher, abandoned by militants in southeast Idlib.

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image

Click to see the full-size image


6) Why ISIS always show up where US enemies are? When ISIS showed up in Syria, US obv couldnt deal directly with those dirty terrorrists, so guess who was calling in to "manage the ISIS Partners"? yup - TUrkey.

7) How did US Dept of defense "LOSE" $715 M while arming anti-ISIS "partners"? I mean, it either went to corruption or and ISIS...but considering how much power ISIS has, i think that money went towards supporting ISIS(at the minimum,maybe not only ISIS)..its almost a billion dollars. US allowed ISIS get new Toyota trucks years ago...US treasury allowed it..but once agian, US money and weapons is going to ISIS without us being able to catch CIA and US military doing it ...u know why? cuz Its TUrkey's hand that got stained "supporting " ISIS..US cant touch terrorist groups directly....cuz of the laws...so they use broker/partners in ME like TUrkey or/and GCC>

if you dont want to believe, at least dont be lAZY Enough to not search google FOR YOURSELF. cheers.

1. I call BS on this. you're trying to blame Turkey for EU's inability to prevent their own citizens from joining ISIS. It is not Turkey's responsibility to do so, otherwise you'd have to accept that NATO countries especially Europe should have deployed and help Turkey.

2. Smuggling occurs or are you saying that smuggling doesn't occur in the US ? Drugs, Heroin, Cocain you name it. So because US doesn't stop it, they allow it ? That logic doesn't sound very good does it. The point here should be The turkish government didn't do it.

In January 2016 the Israeli Defence minister alleged that Turkey was buying oil from ISIS[27] In March 2016, an RT documentary presented documents left by retreating ISIL operatives and witness reports that also suggested a link between ISIL's oil production and support by Turkey that, in turn, was benefiting from cheap oil.[28] In response to the allegations, Serko Cevdet, the head of the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government's (KRG) energy commission, told the Turkish media that the trucks in the footage actually belonged to the Kurds and there was no way that ISIL could have transported them through a Kurdish controlled territory due to the ongoing conflict between the Kurds and ISIL.[29] Fawaz Gerges from the London School of Economics and Political Science argued that the claims about Turkey's involvement in ISIL oil trade were conspiracy theories.[30] In 2016 WikiLeaks published more than 57,000 emails from 2010 to 2016 reportedly obtained by the hacktivist group Redhack that linked ISIL with Turkey's Minister of Oil Berat Albayrak, Tayyip Erdogan's son-in-law, by allegedly "proving his connection to ISIS operation smuggling oil into Turkey," even years after Turkey banned most oil imports from ISIL.[31][32][33] Commenting on the allegations, John R. Bass, the US Ambassador to Turkey, told the press that the claims about the Turkish government's involvement in ISIL oil trade were unfounded, citing the official apology issued by the CIA with regards to the allegations in 2014.[34][35]

Surely you do understand the difference between a smuggler network and government approved imports.

3. That's a claim unless you can provide a source, that Turkey armed ISIS. Not to mention that Turkey did demand that the US keep track of all arms given to their proxies. And what are the chances that US/Pentagon can deliver a full account on where those weapons are ? But you are right about the blackmail thing albeit in a different way. IMO Turkey should never have agreed to stem the tide of refugees because that would have forced EU to put soldiers on the ground.

4. That's a claim, unless you have a source, a reliable one please, not one where please dress out in Halloween costumes. something like this https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/ba1529aa-b4ab-40d4-99c8-698a15b1eb34 I even got this for you https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...u-have-got-to-change-your-brand-idUSKBN1A62SS
I know Osama should have renamed himself to Billy Bob, then he would have been alive.

5. I call BS on this too mate. Considering how US armed the Taliban back in the days it's a given that any terrorist organization would be able to get their hands on US arms. Especially considering how much shit the US has dumped into Syria, and Iraq. And you can't even account for all that shit. You are trying to pin the blame on Turkey, but in the end you will come up with nothing even if it takes 10 years. Did Saddam have WMD ? No, so imo you are sticking to your belief that Turkey is the bad guy here because without that belief you have nothing.
Also the US must be selling waterpistols to the KSA.

6. BS your arguments and allegations are based on that Turkey is working together with ISIS, but you have not provided any evidence or source for your claims.

7. Article has nothing to do with Turkey it basically says that the USAF didn't keep track of things properly. And 715 mio USD is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions that Pentagon can't account for. Which is why review will happen somewhere in the next millenia probably.

It's actually quite refreshing to have this discussion, now let's do the scenario where you are wrong and you realize that you have been wrong all along then what ? Nothing absolutely nothing will change because you need to blame someone in order to continue the politics the US has been using so far.
1. I call BS on this. you're trying to blame Turkey for EU's inability to prevent their own citizens from joining ISIS. It is not Turkey's responsibility to do so, otherwise you'd have to accept that NATO countries especially Europe should have deployed and help Turkey.

2. Smuggling occurs or are you saying that smuggling doesn't occur in the US ? Drugs, Heroin, Cocain you name it. So because US doesn't stop it, they allow it ? That logic doesn't sound very good does it. The point here should be The turkish government didn't do it.


Surely you do understand the difference between a smuggler network and government approved imports.

3. That's a claim unless you can provide a source, that Turkey armed ISIS. Not to mention that Turkey did demand that the US keep track of all arms given to their proxies. And what are the chances that US/Pentagon can deliver a full account on where those weapons are ? But you are right about the blackmail thing albeit in a different way. IMO Turkey should never have agreed to stem the tide of refugees because that would have forced EU to put soldiers on the ground.

4. That's a claim, unless you have a source, a reliable one please, not one where please dress out in Halloween costumes. something like this https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/ba1529aa-b4ab-40d4-99c8-698a15b1eb34 I even got this for you https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...u-have-got-to-change-your-brand-idUSKBN1A62SS
I know Osama should have renamed himself to Billy Bob, then he would have been alive.

5. I call BS on this too mate. Considering how US armed the Taliban back in the days it's a given that any terrorist organization would be able to get their hands on US arms. Especially considering how much shit the US has dumped into Syria, and Iraq. And you can't even account for all that shit. You are trying to pin the blame on Turkey, but in the end you will come up with nothing even if it takes 10 years. Did Saddam have WMD ? No, so imo you are sticking to your belief that Turkey is the bad guy here because without that belief you have nothing.
Also the US must be selling waterpistols to the KSA.

6. BS your arguments and allegations are based on that Turkey is working together with ISIS, but you have not provided any evidence or source for your claims.

7. Article has nothing to do with Turkey it basically says that the USAF didn't keep track of things properly. And 715 mio USD is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions that Pentagon can't account for. Which is why review will happen somewhere in the next millenia probably.

It's actually quite refreshing to have this discussion, now let's do the scenario where you are wrong and you realize that you have been wrong all along then what ? Nothing absolutely nothing will change because you need to blame someone in order to continue the politics the US has been using so far.

They wont admit they are wrong because the Iranians, Russians and Assadists all insist they are right whoever disagrees with them are called zionists, terrorists, wahabis you name it.

Funny how the Turks have fought the Waahabis numerous times while the Iranians have not fired one shot and are too busy killing Sunnis in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Turkey has done more against Israel unlike Iran which just barks at the microphone.
1. I call BS on this. you're trying to blame Turkey for EU's inability to prevent their own citizens from joining ISIS. It is not Turkey's responsibility to do so, otherwise you'd have to accept that NATO countries especially Europe should have deployed and help Turkey.

2. Smuggling occurs or are you saying that smuggling doesn't occur in the US ? Drugs, Heroin, Cocain you name it. So because US doesn't stop it, they allow it ? That logic doesn't sound very good does it. The point here should be The turkish government didn't do it.


Surely you do understand the difference between a smuggler network and government approved imports.

3. That's a claim unless you can provide a source, that Turkey armed ISIS. Not to mention that Turkey did demand that the US keep track of all arms given to their proxies. And what are the chances that US/Pentagon can deliver a full account on where those weapons are ? But you are right about the blackmail thing albeit in a different way. IMO Turkey should never have agreed to stem the tide of refugees because that would have forced EU to put soldiers on the ground.

4. That's a claim, unless you have a source, a reliable one please, not one where please dress out in Halloween costumes. something like this https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/ba1529aa-b4ab-40d4-99c8-698a15b1eb34 I even got this for you https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...u-have-got-to-change-your-brand-idUSKBN1A62SS
I know Osama should have renamed himself to Billy Bob, then he would have been alive.

5. I call BS on this too mate. Considering how US armed the Taliban back in the days it's a given that any terrorist organization would be able to get their hands on US arms. Especially considering how much shit the US has dumped into Syria, and Iraq. And you can't even account for all that shit. You are trying to pin the blame on Turkey, but in the end you will come up with nothing even if it takes 10 years. Did Saddam have WMD ? No, so imo you are sticking to your belief that Turkey is the bad guy here because without that belief you have nothing.
Also the US must be selling waterpistols to the KSA.

6. BS your arguments and allegations are based on that Turkey is working together with ISIS, but you have not provided any evidence or source for your claims.

7. Article has nothing to do with Turkey it basically says that the USAF didn't keep track of things properly. And 715 mio USD is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions that Pentagon can't account for. Which is why review will happen somewhere in the next millenia probably.

It's actually quite refreshing to have this discussion, now let's do the scenario where you are wrong and you realize that you have been wrong all along then what ? Nothing absolutely nothing will change because you need to blame someone in order to continue the politics the US has been using so far.
You used to make sense weeks ago on this forum, now you have the opinions similar to that of a biased Turk. enjoy with your fellow brethren!!
You claimed that, so its your job to bring the source, not mine to search for. Again, where is the source? You dont know my issue, so dont worry my intention.
Then go find evidence disproving what i've said! thats a good work around no? sorry ,but i also know you and i dont have to prove crap to you, cuz i know you on this forum and your general leanings. if you check my record, i rarely lie about facts and realities. i also got tired of providing evidence cuz Turks wouldnt believe me any way.

Funny how the Turks have fought the Waahabis numerous times while the Iranians have not fired one shot and are too busy killing Sunnis in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Turkey has done more against Israel unlike Iran which just barks at the microphone.
Name the "Wahhabi" groups TUrkey has been fighting. Look at u..coming to play victim when Iran has been a bigger victim of Wahhabi vioelnce than Turkey. TUrkey ONLY just split with GCC recently i must remind you. TUrkey has been sleeping with any GCC and NATO allies that can provide it with strategic benefits.

We know right now TSK is in SYria WITH HTS(SUnni group), Turkey helped ISIS(Sunni group again)...you just talk in reverse.
Then go find evidence disproving what i've said! thats a good work around no? sorry ,but i also know you and i dont have to prove crap to you, cuz i know you on this forum and your general leanings. if you check my record, i rarely lie about facts and realities. i also got tired of providing evidence cuz Turks wouldnt believe me any way.

Name the "Wahhabi" groups TUrkey has been fighting. Look at u..coming to play victim when Iran has been a bigger victim of Wahhabi vioelnce than Turkey. TUrkey ONLY just split with GCC recently i must remind you. TUrkey has been sleeping with any GCC and NATO allies that can provide it with strategic benefits.

We know right now TSK is in SYria WITH HTS(SUnni group), Turkey helped ISIS(Sunni group again)...you just talk in reverse.

Wahabis and Shias are not so different from each other both are the killers of Sunnis.

Go take your iranian propaganda elsewhere.

Hahahaha iranians have the biggest victimhood mentality they cry about the Arabs and Turks everyday while screaming to the world that there is a shia genocide.

You iranians have no shame that you backstabbed your Azerbaijani brothers for Armenia. Even today oppress them even calling them names like Tork Khara.

There are lots of iranian backed terrorist proxies like hezbollah, pmu, afghani shia militias, alawite militias and pakistani shias not to mention the houthis.

You people have the audacity to say Turkey is supporting terrorism. Get F*cked.
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