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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Maybe ypg accepted the 4 million refugees in turkey. That is why he’s released. But of course nothing is certain.
Part of trump’s tweet: It’s a perfect deal many are saying it’s one of a kind deal erdogan(trump is actually saying erdOan ;)) and “the kurds”(i am using the term by the west) congratulated me for being the best negotiator in the history
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Well ypg has strategically captured most of syrias fertile land and oil field. But they need population in order to keep it.
I seriously doubt any offer from the US is worth having terrorist land on our borde, plus trump can’t do shit without the senate. And elections are coming up. Politics with west is unreliable at best. They drag out things. Plus we don’t want a dying man from Pennsylvania for a deal like that.

plus now is not the time to make deals. Wait our the covid19 and see how the world looks. Europe is slowly imploding, and with current leaders who don’t seem to work towards a united Europe, the East European countries especially those who are close to former USSR borders, are showing how much democratic they are. We have to focus on self sustainability, and help externally.

I read up on China’s help to Europe, and it has hooks, barbs and poison. So doing our best to stay clear of further Chinese help would be best. Remember it spread because they tried to keep it a secret
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Maybe Trump promised something big.
If the deal is one terrorist for another operation against pkk(manbij tel rifat and/or ayn el arab) then it’s not a bad deal but we all know this option is unrealistic
If the deal means permanent ceasifre with pkk for a trade volume of 100B between Turkey and US then i can say this is treason
Only 20B trade volume was enough for US to put serious damage sanctions on turkish economy imagine how much leverage they get when the trade gets to 100B and pkk terrorists stay on southern border forever
No matter what americans offer nothing enough if they ask for permanent ceasifre
Well if ypg and pkk relocate to southern part of syria and leave arabs as our neighbours i might tolerate them, but still keep an eye on them.
If the deal is one terrorist for another operation against pkk(manbij tel rifat and/or ayn el arab) then it’s not a bad deal but we all know this option is unrealistic
If the deal means permanent ceasifre with pkk for a trade volume of 100B between Turkey and US then i can say this is treason
Only 20B trade volume was enough for US to put serious damage sanctions on turkish economy imagine how much leverage they get when the trade gets to 100B and pkk terrorists stay on southern border forever
No matter what americans offer nothing enough if they ask for permanent ceasifre
We just have to wait and see.
I seriously doubt any offer from the US is worth having terrorist land on our borde, plus trump can’t do shit without the senate. And elections are coming up. Politics with west is unreliable at best. They drag out things. Plus we don’t want a dying man from Pennsylvania for a deal like that.

plus now is not the time to make deals. Wait our the covid19 and see how the world looks. Europe is slowly imploding, and with current leaders who don’t seem to work towards a united Europe, the East European countries especially those who are close to former USSR borders, are showing how much democratic they are. We have to focus on self sustainability, and help externally.

I read up on China’s help to Europe, and it has hooks, barbs and poison. So doing our best to stay clear of further Chinese help would be best. Remember it spread because they tried to keep it a secret
What did Eastern European countries showed exactly? There is nothing unusual.
We should use UAV to target them in areas they’re in control of. Locate their leaders and snuff them out. This is their normal tactics.
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