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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Thats now the question, who did it? If its assad then slaughter them another round via drones if its HTS then let MiT handle them.
Turkey sends medical equipment to Iran for no money and in turn Iranian rats kill Turkish soldiers in Syria. **** Erdogan and every single one of his followers. Instead of those soldiers dying you all should be put in gas chambers.

You have destroyed hundreds of families with your disgusting policies that could easily be deemed treasonous and laughed while poor families grieved their dead fathers, sons, brothers, husbands. And then without any shred of pride you went and sucked Putin's dick. Now the you gave the iranian terror regime medical equipment your own country needs while your "muslim brothers" kill your soldiers in Syria.

Erdogan sent planes to help greece with their wildfires what do you expect when most people believe in this humanist bullshit.

Why help anti Turkish rats when they harbour hatred towards us?

Let the anti Turkish rats burn.
Iran wants conflict in Turkey and our traitors in charge try to protect the terror regime there. Let the US bomb them back to the stone age why the **** would we care, close the fucking border and let the Americans deal with them. Imagine coming out in support for fucking Iran while Iranian terror rats attack your soldiers in Syria and drive millions of Syrian into your country.

Do you know how Turks are treated in Iran, these fuckers step on our flag and burn it as a national past time and our traitors think we need to protect and treat those fuckers with respect, why? Because muh muslim brothers.

You know the Iranians have lots of racist sayings towards Turks.

Like Tork Khara which means Turkish Donkey. To be honest Iranians are actually trying to escape into Turkey only thing these poorsians deserve is a 7.62 nato bullet into their heads. Because if these iranians breach the border it is going to be coronavirus galore in Turkey.

Not to mention on Social Media they celebrated the Coronavirus reaching Turkey.

Why does Turkey even help Iran at the first place?

Since when do Iranians care about Muslim brotherhood. The iranians exported terrorism and got thousands of Muslims killed in syria, iraq and yemen when you mention these they call anybody a zionist wahabi. Thats how they shut down criticism by calling everybody a terrorist, zionist or a wahabi.

Iran is one of the most sectarian states on the planet akin to Saudi Arabia. In fact they are just as dangerous if not more.
You know the Iranians have lots of racist sayings towards Turks.

Like Tork Khara which means Turkish Donkey. To be honest Iranians are actually trying to escape into Turkey only thing these poorsians deserve is a 7.62 nato bullet into their heads. Because if these iranians breach the border it is going to be coronavirus galore in Turkey.

Not to mention on Social Media they celebrated the Coronavirus reaching Turkey.

Why does Turkey even help Iran at the first place?

Since when do Iranians care about Muslim brotherhood. The iranians exported terrorism and got thousands of Muslims killed in syria, iraq and yemen when you mention these they call anybody a zionist wahabi. Thats how they shut down criticism by calling everybody a terrorist, zionist or a wahabi.

Iran is one of the most sectarian states on the planet akin to Saudi Arabia. In fact they are just as dangerous if not more.
iranian propaganda TV and numerous high ranking officials were literally full with hatred and everyday cried why there’s no coronavirus case in Turkey!!! When finally corona arrived they are now saying that there are 10x more cases than reported
Can you imagine the level of hypocrisy when iranian terrorist accuse you of hiding numbers!?!
I don’t know why Turkey is sending help to Iran or to any other anti-turkish country
Only thing that should be send to such states is a fucking nuke
iranian propaganda TV and numerous high ranking officials were literally full with hatred and everyday cried why there’s no coronavirus case in Turkey!!! When finally corona arrived they are now saying that there are 10x more cases than reported
Can you imagine the level of hypocrisy when iranian terrorist accuse you of hiding numbers!?!
I don’t know why Turkey is sending help to Iran or to any other anti-turkish country
Only thing that should be send to such states is a fucking nuke

They are licking shrines and screaming Ya Ali lmaoooooo
Nope our idiots will not learn, this is probably the 4/5 time we have martyrs because ceasefire and patrols.
As long as the people knows the help comes from Turkey, I don't mind. why ? Well because there are quite a few Azeri living in Iran. And the people shouldn't be held responsible for what politicians do.

Bir Türk'ün barindigi yerde insanlik ölmez kocum :)
HTS didn't do it, but if Turkey wants to side with Russia, I guess Turkey already had a change of heart
And you know that from where exactly? HTS has many groups within who knows...

MSB said radical group.
HTS didn't do it, but if Turkey wants to side with Russia, I guess Turkey already had a change of heart
If assad did it there would have been already rain of drone strikes on assad militia
Rebels or radical groups should’ve attack russian soldiers attacking turkish soldiers is like digging own grave
It’s crystal clear that in idlib only united rebel force with pro-Tukrey view is needed all other groups must be eliminated maybe this attack would only speed up things
If hts dissolved itself and joined FSA/SNA in 2018 russia/assad wouldn’t have pretext to attack idlib
There are also other controversial groups like huras al din that need to be wiped out too
for now mixed reports who was behind the attack some say assad others hts
It’s clear that both of these two terrorists should be annihilated

Assadist thugs probably did it,but Turkey reports "radical groups" were behind it. Why would they make such claims ? That would be the first time HTS&co attack Turkish soldiers. :coffee:

İdlib'de 3 asker şehit oldu!

The leadership of Turkey is becoming more and more a bunch of pussies!

Russia kills 40+ Turkish troops in Idlib. Turkey blames Assad.
Assad violates ceasefire on a daily basis. Turkey is silent.
Assad kills Turkish soldiers yesterday. Turkey retaliates with artillery against Assad but officially announce that it was radical groups.

This is disgusting. If you don't even respect the lives of your own soldiers then step down!
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