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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Ofcourse it applies. They would be notified on before hand that the airspace is closed in a particular square miles so they won't venture in that zone. Thru the communication line they would be notified
A No fly Zone, is No jet above, be it TR or RU...
What you are speaking about is the dynamic that exist right now, but with RU on top...where they can give permission or not to let X or Y in.
So, Thinking that this power switch will happen, where TR will make the rules in the air, is hard to believe. and will mostly not happen, with her current limited AA syst.

Yes its probably more accurate they are just taking advantage of the current situation, but they seemed to have upped the frequency since last week. As a distant observer, I do wonder why Trump isn’t more swayed to more actively support the Turkey operation if it helped to curtail Iran a bit in the region.

Because RU is around... If RU wasn't around, ASSad will be out of the picture by now.
A No fly Zone, is No jet above, be it TR or RU...
What you are speaking about is the dynamic that exist right now, but with RU on top...where they can give permission or not to let X or Y in.
So, Thinking that this power switch will happen, where TR will make the rules in the air, is hard to believe. and will mostly not happen, with her current limited AA syst.

Because RU is around... If RU wasn't around, ASSad will be out of the picture now.

You are being unrealistic. If Russia had such an upper-hand they would have streamrolled Idlib. Turkey stood it's ground and stands firm. If the airspace is closed they will be notified to not fly over it simple as that. Nothing big deal this will also de-escalate the situation and ethblishes a firm cease-fire that can last for years.

Russia dosen't either have anything of importance on stake in Idlib to fight Turkey for it. They have already achieved their objective which was saving Assad twice. No wealth or anything on the plate for the Russians to bother
A No fly Zone, is No jet above, be it TR or RU...
What you are speaking about is the dynamic that exist right now, but with RU on top...where they can give permission or not to let X or Y in.
So, Thinking that this power switch will happen, where TR will make the rules in the air, is hard to believe. and will mostly not happen, with her current limited AA syst.

Because RU is around... If RU wasn't around, ASSad will be out of the picture by now.

I understand that, but the US/Nato don’t even seem to be give even covert support to Turkey right now, if it was given US could get two birds with one stone, curtail Russia a bit and push Iran back out of Syria too.
Lmao. this is to high profile meeting for such childish acts

Regardless the Airspace over Idlib will be closed by Turkey they have deployed anti-aircraft systems such as Hisar
Hisar A will be deployed, Hisar O is not ready just yet. But in warfare there is a lot of misinformation so they could start trialing Hisar O in Syria.
You are being unrealistic. If Russia had such an upper-hand they would have streamrolled Idlib. Turkey stood it's ground and stands firm. If the airspace is closed they will be notified to not fly over it simple as that. Nothing big deal this will also de-escalate the situation and ethblishes a firm cease-fire that can last for years
RU involvement is limited, they have more of a supportive role. The "Difficulties" come from the Incompetent SAA...
But As we saw since this Regime/RU/IR op, RU/IR involvement was way higher than previously and we saw it on the ground... where Idlib would have fallen if TR didn't intervene.

TR stood up, bc she had no other choice... she was cornered to act or feel the consequences of the fall of Idlib. That would impact her at the NAtional and International level. Decades of work will be wasted...

Ceasefire doesn't last... Actually NEVER lasted more than few days/weeks with RU/IR...
You have to Understand, that RU, is like that Jinn in the bottle... That will answer your wishes as long as ppl "Knows" about him and "want" to have him.
So as long as the ASSad Regime, see the fall of Idlib as the ONLY way to claim victory on their ONLY enemy,(ie Rebels), then they will push for it as long as they can, and RU will follow/make it happen.

I understand that, but the US/Nato don’t even seem to be give even covert support to Turkey right now, if it was given US could get two birds with one stone, curtail Russia a bit and push Iran back out of Syria too.
Yes, but the US "agenda"/"strategy" in Syria also have differences, like the Questions of YPG and East Syria... Then you have the "previous issues" btw TR and the US/EU... and so on... Everyone try to win points here and there...
By just giving your full support like that ,it could be translated as a "weakness"... so before potentially giving it (ie support), they will try to get as much "influence/concessions" as possible from TR.
I do believe the US/NATO will at the End, support TR with what she needs... buit the Q is... at what cost... and will TR accept it or not...
RU involvement is limited, they have more of a supportive role. The "Difficulties" come from the Incompetent SAA...
But As we saw since this Regime/RU/IR op, RU/IR involvement was way higher than previously and we saw it on the ground... where Idlib would have fallen if TR didn't intervene.

TR stood up, bc she had no other choice... she was cornered to act or feel the consequences of the fall of Idlib. That would impact her at the NAtional and International level. Decades of work will be wasted...

Ceasefire doesn't last... Actually NEVER lasted more than few days/weeks with RU/IR...
You have to Understand, that RU, is like that Jinn in the bottle... That will answer your wishes as long as ppl "Knows" about him and "want" to have him.
So as long as the ASSad Regime, see the fall of Idlib as the ONLY way to claim victory on their ONLY enemy,(ie Rebels), then they will push for it as long as they can, and RU will follow/make it happen.

Yes, but the US "agenda"/"strategy" in Syria also have differences, like the Questions of YPG and East Syria... Then you have the "previous issues" btw TR and the US/EU... and so on... Everyone try to win points here and there...
By just giving your full support like that ,it could be translated as a "weakness"... so before potentially giving it (ie support), they will try to get as much "influence/concessions" as possible from TR.
I do believe the US/NATO will at the End, support TR with what she needs... buit the Q is... at what cost... and will TR accept it or not...

The sides involved here are not stupid both Turkey and Russia. If the Russians forced Turkey into a corner which is trying to escalate it will only force the world on WW3 and the world as whole will lose.

Alot of people on different sides may think this is a good idea but in truth it's a horrible idea and even for these who live far from the epicenter becuase this will definitely reach them.

It will engulf the entire middle east first and than spread to the world. The black sea is very important trading hub coupled with a nuclear winter it cripples the entire world economy and now you have countries that didn't want to enter but must enter the war and choice sides followed by a nuclear out-break while other nuclear countries such as Pakistan will have to enter because if they sit on the fence their people will kill each other locally due to food-shortage basically robbing each other and that comes with the nuclear winter because crops will fail worldwide which will kill potentially 60-70% of the human population not because of the nuclear impact but because of the nuclear winter that follows no production means starvation.

We are 7.8 Billion people worldwide today and that would mean it would be devastating on an epic scale.

All of sudden countries who had no interest in the war would have to enter the war places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia etc etc because the catastrophe will reach them and hit them also hard. Giant Panda China will be forced to enter and it will fight and try to cease territories and resources. They have 1.4 billion ppl that is alot of mouths to feed and with the crops failing it would be impossible to do that and to avoid civil war They would have 2 choices a savage civil war for food within china or attack to cease more territories I think you will definitely see them going on the offense.

Israel will start attacking random opponents with Atomic bomb because its close to the epicenter and cause panic in Israel. Pakistan will also pound neighbouring countries and fight alongside Turkey because it would have no other choice and for them it would be either die of starvation or die on the sword and I think everyone will go with the sword in such situation It would be an apocalyptic event so why not atleast die going for the fences.

The aftermath of such an event will kill 70-80% of the current world population and post that humanity will slowly start allover again. So many people will die that some nations could cease to exist altogether.

Once you realize the true cost you would descalate the matter which is why they are doing just that
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The Soviets and US had the ability to wipe out the entire planet many times over and they fought several proxy wars against each other but use of Nukes or even a direct conflict against each other did not occur.
Now Turkey and Russia going to war over a Bitch like Assad, that will not happen. Certain states want it to happen, hence their inaction over Assad, but the Turks and Russian will not let it happen, they both have nothing to gain and a lot to lose from it.
So, Turkey needs to deploy ground troops, expand its drone operation in the Lebanon/Iraq borders and impose a naval blockadge in order to suffocate and prevent Assad from getting support.
u r asking too much out of turkey
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

What about Suheil al-Hassan?
Still alive?
If these photos are legitimate then hassan’s “companion“ has suffered only hand injury no info about suheil personally

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