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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I agree but I think we'll have a ceasefire Tmrw .
Ceasefires are pretty much useless if Erdogan’s objective is to capture Idlib. They’re losing the city so it’s pretty clear that drone strikes don’t work without ground troops. The opposition army are being outnumbered by the endless supplies of Lebanese, Iraqi and Iranian cannon fodders that keeps coming in like cockroaches. Same with the unlimited supplies of Russian toys.

So, Turkey needs to deploy ground troops, expand its drone operation in the Lebanon/Iraq borders and impose a naval blockadge in order to suffocate and prevent Assad from getting support.
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Ceasefires are pretty much useless if Erdogan’s objective is to capture Idlib. They’re losing the city so it’s pretty clear that drone strikes don’t work without ground troops. The opposition army are being outnumbered by the endless supplies of Lebanese, Iraqi and Iranian cannon fodders that keeps coming in like cockroaches. Same with the unlimited supplies of Russian toys.

So, Turkey needs to deploy ground troops, expand its drone operation in the Lebanon/Iraq borders and impose a naval blockadge in order to suffocate and prevent Assad and his allies from getting support.
So effectively you're asking for all out war?
I think its the opposite.rebels are not losing towns. Its the assadist who are getting defeated and the russians are panicking
Yes you're right ceasefire is not required
So effectively you're asking for all out war?
I think its the opposite.rebels are not losing towns. Its the assadist who are getting defeated and the russians are panicking
Yes you're right ceasefire is not required
If TR doesn't move in... Idlib will fall... Since the other side will enjoy endless supplies in Equipmenets and fighters... Added to it...if Time is on their side (ie Ceasefires over and over) then one day, Idlib will fall and then it's the northern part...

If an all out war is needed AGAINST ASSad to guarantee the stability of your country... then that's what countries do...
Maybe tomorrows meeting is a trap. What if somehow a loose missile hits Erdogans plane?

Than Europe, Russia, Iran, Syria and the domestic opposition will win.
Is it true that there are Israeli airstrikes currently too? They seem to have taken advantage this last week. Is it some limited co-ordination going on with Turkey?

Nothing to do with TR, they didn't need TR in the past, will not in the future... They are only using "opportunities" to answer a strategical need.
If TR doesn't move in... Idlib will fall... Since the other side will enjoy endless supplies in Equipmenets and fighters... Added to it...if Time is on their side (ie Ceasefires over and over) then one day, Idlib will fall and then it's the northern part...

If an all out war is needed AGAINST ASSad to guarantee the stability of your country... then that's what countries do...
I meant all out war with russia in syria and beyond if needs be

Maybe tomorrows meeting is a trap. What if somehow a loose missile hits Erdogans plane?

Than Europe, Russia, Iran, Syria and the domestic opposition will win.

I was thinking that aswell. Erdogan must have some idiots advising him to take that risk. What if akar and mit chief in that plane?

Putin did assasinate another president with a plane crash if my memory serve me correctly. I can't remember which country but its in east europe
I meant all out war with russia in syria and beyond if needs be
A full out war With Russia, will not happen, at least not in Syria.
That area is a grey zone, where "Incident" happen and will be put into "proxy" faults...
Maybe here and there escalation will happen... But that's it.

TR in Syria doesn't fear a war with RU... That's, IMO, not why TR is reluctant in that op... But more like keeping unnecessary escalation and therefore its consequences to spill on an International level. Like what we saw during the RU jet downing, few years ago.

TR have significant economical and strategic interest with RU... and the thought of putting it to an halt/End, is what TR is trying to save... by having this weird Political stance... that's some translate it as "fear".
I think that recent Russian shipments will most likely be sams. Not the shit they usually flog to thick dictators but real advanced systems which may really put turkish drones and aircraft out of action over Syria. But that being said I'm sure that they had their own s400 covering their bases over latakia as well as naval versions in the area. So who knows? If the Turks are still flying unmolestered this time next week then it could be that the Russian tech is not as advanced as was made out or that the Turks have really made a quantum leap in electronic warfare. Or perhaps they are just not prepared to directly shoot down a Turkish jet. Whatever the truth is, we have little way of knowing.
Its a frickin bad idea for erdogan to go and visit putin. Putin should be coming to him. Erdogan needs to have some respect for himself and should begin to have some faith in his capabilities that he could defeat these russian if push comes to shove.
What ''visit'' are you talking about?
Putin ordered him to come and accept his decision.
Watch tomorrow and see what kind of ''deal'' they ''make''.
I meant all out war with russia in syria and beyond if needs be

I was thinking that aswell. Erdogan must have some idiots advising him to take that risk. What if akar and mit chief in that plane?

Putin did assassinate another president with a plane crash if my memory serve me correctly. I can't remember which country but its in east europe

Lmao. this is to high profile meeting for such childish acts

I think that recent Russian shipments will most likely be sams. Not the shit they usually flog to thick dictators but real advanced systems which may really put turkish drones and aircraft out of action over Syria. But that being said I'm sure that they had their own s400 covering their bases over latakia as well as naval versions in the area. So who knows? If the Turks are still flying unmolestered this time next week then it could be that the Russian tech is not as advanced as was made out or that the Turks have really made a quantum leap in electronic warfare. Or perhaps they are just not prepared to directly shoot down a Turkish jet. Whatever the truth is, we have little way of knowing.

Regardless the Airspace over Idlib will be closed by Turkey they have deployed anti-aircraft systems such as Hisar
Regardless the Airspace over Idlib will be closed by Turkey they have deployed anti-aircraft systems such as Hisar

Doesn't apply to RU. And since 90% of Airstrikes is RU... that potential, no fly zone is de facto useless...
Doesn't apply to RU. And since 90% of Airstrikes is RU... that potential, no fly zone is de facto useless...

Ofcourse it applies. They would be notified on before hand that the airspace is closed in a particular square miles so they won't venture in that zone. Thru the communication line they would be notified so there is technically no harm done to them
I meant all out war with russia in syria and beyond if needs be

I was thinking that aswell. Erdogan must have some idiots advising him to take that risk. What if akar and mit chief in that plane?

Putin did assassinate another president with a plane crash if my memory serve me correctly. I can't remember which country but its in east europe

Wasn’t it the Polish president & half the country’s parliament killed after he visited Moscow. Some of them even accused Putin directly.


Nothing to do with TR, they didn't need TR in the past, will not in the future... They are only using "opportunities" to answer a strategical need.

Yes its probably more accurate they are just taking advantage of the current situation, but they seemed to have upped the frequency since last week. As a distant observer, I do wonder why Trump isn’t more swayed to more actively support the Turkey operation if it helped to curtail Iran a bit in the region.

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