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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What a difference of a fight, Turkey is with you animals Russians, Syrians, and Iranians how you have criminally conducted your war for years by targeting and carpet air bombing of on entire Syrian cities and towns. Causing millions of refugees to run. Turkey army has put you people to shame and how modern war is fought by well trained armies like turkey

a planned genocide by the wicked ppl.. they want syria to have democraphy change.. they are also giving shia lebanese two passport one of syria.. its a wicked plan..

pink tiger
This guy is Syrias No. 2? o_O
How? shooting down the plane?
There is a way of closing the Airspace but then Russia would close his too which would disturb Transcontinetal flights of THY towards Asia.

Yep... Since the death of other "candidate" he is right now the Second most known/supported figure after ASSad...
No wonder they are only capable against women and Children.

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