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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The EU is a disgrace. They will never hold Greece accountable. Their xenophobic populations will never admit any wrongdoing against Muslims. This is their identity - it’s what their pig eating union is built on. I hope coronavirus fcks em hard.

Well said bro. I have nothing to add more.
When someone invades your home it's natural to defend yourself....This is an invasion and it should be treated that way. Don't shed crocodile tears for your cannon fodder ment to undermine Greece.
Why shouldn’t we undermine Greece!? Their beggar existence has been to undermine us. Get out of here.
Look at this european and orthodox christian barbarism at its best.
That retard Kyriakos will go running to Emmanuel and together they’ll declare that France and the rest of EU stands together with Greece - the founders of the universe, against radicals who threaten European values. Bang. Done. License to shoot...
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- ASSad regime Officially and Openly said : "WE will fight TR in Idlib"... A First since the beginning.
- TR-RU March 5 meeting... "Hi Putin, what is the deal?"

How to waste time...
The SAA is reportedly inside Saraqeb.

So Syrian forces have retaken Saraqib.

You ever saw a guy who keeps getting knocked down in a fight and keeps getting up. This is the best news that they don't know when to retreat and quit, until they will have no capability to fight. Turks haven't even moved an inch yet.

When someone invades your home it's natural to defend yourself....This is an invasion and it should be treated that way. Don't shed crocodile tears for your cannon fodder ment to undermine Greece.

Said a Romanian that has invaded the uk and forced the UK to leave EU because 'it's defending itself.' We won't cry when you are not allowed back in the country either.
The greeks believe in a genocidal prophecy said by one their pedo priests I forgot the name to be honest.

Where the Greeks or the United Christian Orthodox armies will unite and takeover Istanbul and Anatolia then they will convert 1/3 of the population then genocide the rest.

Greek soldiers chanting we will plant the cross in Istanbul is nothing surprising to be honest. A lot of them believe this genocidal prophecy.

Thats why no quarter should be given to these greeks.
Why shouldn’t we undermine Greece!? Your beggar existence has been to undermine us. Get out of here.

That retard Kyriakos will go running to Emmanuel and together they’ll declare that France and the rest of EU stands together with Greece - the founders of the universe, against radicals who threaten European values. Bang. Done. License to shoot...

All those people represent a safety and a health threat not only to Greece but to the whole EU. There aren't border guards and borders for nothing. Any sane country would defend its border against any invasion and everyone expect their government to do so.

Turkey sold them false hopes by telling them the border to Europe is open,when it's clearly not,Erdogan is the one to blame.
Look at this european and orthodox christian barbarism at its best.
The same guy that migrated to UK from romania dares to talk about immigrants/refugees
Next level hypocrisy

All those people represent a safety and a health threat not only to Greece but to the whole EU. There aren't border guards and borders for nothing. Any sane country would defend its border against any invasion and everyone expect their government to do so.

Turkey sold them false hopes by telling them the border to Europe is open,when it's clearly not,Erdogan is the one to blame.
If you say it’s “invasion” then i guess Turkey should arm them maybe then we can talk about proper invasion
All those people represent a safety and a health threat not only to Greece but to the whole EU. There aren't border guards and borders for nothing. Any sane country would defend its border against any invasion and everyone expect their government to do so.

Turkey sold them false hopes by telling them the border to Europe is open,when it's clearly not,Erdogan is the one to blame.

In the end you screwed Turkey and Erdogan took the bait you failed your end of the deal by giving money to stem the tide of refugees and illegal immigrants.

I can say majority of this crisis is your fault. Trust me if the refugees were white you guys would be getting them in by now.

We all know its racism that is at heart of this refugee crisis in Europe. A lot of ministers even from the EU parliament like that old polish dude forgot his name called them garbage.

By the way the Turks took care of refugees much better than all european countries combined.
The same guy that migrated to UK from romania dares to talk about immigrants/refugees
Next level hypocrisy

If you say it’s “invasion” then i guess Turkey should arm them maybe then we can talk about proper invasion

If only those "refugees" had the same will to fight in their country as they're fighting on the Greek border to get into Europe,maybe they wouldn't flee their countries in the first place... :enjoy:
How dumb are you? I went there legally on a working contract not storming the border chanting Allah u akbar....get lost with your analogy you low iq retard

You europeans are so scared shitless that in the past you compared refugees to the Great Ottoman/Mongol/Arab Armies of the past.

You guys have no honour chicken shit.
All those people represent a safety and a health threat not only to Greece but to the whole EU. There aren't border guards and borders for nothing. Any sane country would defend its border against any invasion and everyone expect their government to do so.

Turkey sold them false hopes by telling them the border to Europe is open,when it's clearly not,Erdogan is the one to blame.
And what falsities did the EU sell tayyip when they insisted (along with Obama) we open our borders to those innocents fleeing Assad’s ruthlessness? The dirty hands of the EU are in Syria - particularly France. How many ISIS dogs flew out of the EU? The EU owes Turkey big.
If only those "refugees" had the same will to fight in their country as they're fighting on the Greek border to get into Europe,maybe they wouldn't flee their countries in the first place... :enjoy:
Look I understand that Europe has legitimate fears but it’s also fair if you admit that Turkey won’t keep refugees inside forever
You had chance in 2012 when erdogan gave no fly zone proposal over north syria
You had chance when erdogan gave safe zone proposal in September 2019 at UN speech
You still have chance to work this crisis in win win way but i guess you will have to forget about using kurdish terrorists against Turkey

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