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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

They don't even control their capital fully so we got a problem there too...
Ohh, now i see why we cant make an international issue out of this, too bad, if only we had a goverment that understood a thing or two about diplomacy.

Well some NATO solidarity videos on twitter must do it i guess, god bless Erdogan, dünya lideri.

Lets wait and see. May be they are but not good enough for me. Mine is a true criticism but yours are normally appear as propaganda. I hope you learn and adjust. Erdogan ain't no Divine he can mistake we should take him to account but let your kemalist bias cloud your judgement. You yourself voted for AKP in 2007 election. Dont lose hope
I lost my patience with Erdogan and AKP and the fact that people like you still support him drives me crazy.
Everybody gets ruled by the leader they deserve i guess.
Ohh, now i see why we cant make an international issue out of this, too bad, if only we had a goverment that understood a thing or two about diplomacy.

Well some NATO solidarity videos on twitter must do it i guess, god bless Erdogan, dünya lideri.

I lost my patience with Erdogan and AKP and the fact that people like you still support him drives me crazy.
Everybody gets ruled by the leader they deserve i guess.
World is bigger than five !1!!1!!1! Oh no that five is stronger than the rest combined.:rofl:
World is bigger than five !1!!1!!1! Oh no that five is stronger than the rest combined.:rofl:
What a genius idea to screw the relations with all five of them, only a true diplomatic mastermind can archieve such a difficult task.

What a genius idea to screw the relations with all five of them, only a true diplomatic mastermind can archieve such a difficult task.

There is still time. Dont rule him out. I have full confidence in him. I can see that we might not able to avoid war with Russia
If you want to completely ruin the country then go ahead, keep supporting him. If the past years didnt convince you then nothing will.
I think erdogan is thinking like you because he doesnt want war with russia and risking the country. But we are ready and always been. Russia always been an enemy. The only thing i can fault erdogan is not building nukes but thats IF he hasnt in secret
I think erdogan is thinking like you because he doesnt want war with russia and risking the country. But we are ready and always been. Russia always been an enemy. The only thing i can fault erdogan is not building nukes but thats IF he hasnt in secret
I have a personal question, is your age on your profile correct?
Thats what you get for going to bed with Russia. I see it coming, the next big KANDIRILDIK.

And our soldiers are paying with their lives for it. One day the current leaders will get the punishment they deserve.
He didnt go in bed with russia. He knows russia is an enemy why else do you think he's trying to build the canal? To go in bed with the US?
One day the current leaders will get the punishment they deserve.

He didnt go in bed with russia. He knows russia is an enemy why else do you think he's trying to the canal? To go in bed with the US?
To make his cronies rich, the canal is useless, everybody knows that.
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