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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Are you Turk or Indian?
I don’t know what to answer you if you know turkish internal situation you wouldn’t ask me these kind of questions
I will give you a reply hoping you wouldn’t be offended
Pkk kurds are so brainwashed for example they claim that hasankeyf is a 10000 old kurish city can you imagine this stupidity
Feto “turks” are turks only in name they worship gulen as if he is god there’s no limit for them what they can do if theier spiritual guru gives the order
On the other side i am proud turkish nationalist yet i know history and certainly won’t claim hasankeyf as 10K year old turkish city of course it is turkish city for more than 1K years I don’t have to falsify history when we have great rich one
Compared to feto “turks” i am only loyal to the turkish state that’s the big difference
I worship glorious turkish state which exists for more than 1 thousand years and will exist until the end of earth
Others brainless people worship mortal old man who will die in a few years

Both of these mentioned groups bring nothing but harm to Turkey actually they are crazy sect but since there are milions of them you probably find it difficult when i say they should be wiped out but don’t worry no one in Turkey will miss them
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Troll factory on full blast... Seems something is coming...
Let's Hope TR officials ramp up their "speeches"... letting that field empty to the factory have significant consequences on the ground.
Troll factory on full blast... Seems something is coming...
Let's Hope TR officials ramp up their "speeches"... letting that field empty to the factory have significant consequences on the ground.
Educate us a bit more will you? What do you mean?
I know some of you will quickly dismiss it but putin has two options either fight against turkish army which has superior presence versus russians or to allow this operation as long as assad isn’t destroyed
Educate us a bit more will you? What do you mean?
They (most of the time) run when something is coming... Op/Decision/meeting etc... That doesn't favor Russia( or any other entity) that much...
But When it comes to Syria... The Factory is under RU/IR.

Even During the RU/ASSad op they weren't active as of now... and it will mostly ramp up in the coming days... With Disinformation/fakes beyond sanity...

It could also mean nothing... but their "Presence" is most of the time a prelude to somthing.

View attachment 607246 I know some of you will quickly dismiss it but putin has two options either fight against turkish army which has superior presence versus russians or to allow this operation as long as assad isn’t destroyed
It will be interesting to see how RU react IF Turkey do indeed start an op in Idlib.
RU is in the same boots as Turkey... RU inactivity toward a TR op... will hold the same consequences of TR inactivity toward Idlib fall... RU will lose a part of what made her a "Reliable" Partner... And That is Her "Word/Support".
And such void will give the space to others...like Iran per exemple.

This conflict is a survival game for many, the "form" may differ but the End game is the same...
They (most of the time) run when something is coming... Op/Decision/meeting etc... That doesn't favor Russia( or any other entity) that much...
But When it comes to Syria... The Factory is under RU/IR.

Even During the RU/ASSad op they weren't active as of now... and it will mostly ramp up in the coming days... With Disinformation/fakes beyond sanity...

It could also mean nothing... but their "Presence" is most of the time a prelude to somthing.

It will be interesting to see how RU react IF Turkey do indeed start an op in Idlib.
RU is in the same boots as Turkey... RU inactivity toward a TR op... will hold the same consequences of TR inactivity toward Idlib fall... RU will lose a part of what made her a "Reliable" Partner... And That is Her "Word/Support".
And such void will give the space to others...like Iran per exemple.

This conflict is a survival game for many, the "form" may differ but the End game is the same...

There are already a rush of propaganda against Erdogan. Don't you see some of the traitorous comment from some who call themselves progressive Turks here?

As for the survival game, this is a great opportunity for the US and UK to weaken Russia by hiding behind Turkey
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A so called Turk, calling the founder of the nation an Albanian-Jew... wow man. That's literally propaganda which is made up by Greeks and is used by Islamists to make Atatürk look bad.

He was a Yörük Turk FYI. Erdoğan on the other hand admitted with his own mouth that he is Georgian.

You have nothing to do with Ataturk and his ideas. You are just using Ataturk for your own interests. You little chicken that 24/7 cries about Turkish intervention in Syria.

Turkey should be ruled by a Turk, not a person of any other race. Sorry, but it's true with any country.

What a brain dead figure this guy is lol... You think there is a real ''Turkic'' person in Turkey? You also talk like this about soldiers that are ethnically not Turkish but still die for our country?

Russia has no choice but to choose Turkey over Syria. Russia now also sees that Turkey-NATO relations are stabilizing again. This is mainly due to their idiotic and unreliable policy in Syria.
You have nothing to do with Ataturk and his ideas. You are just using Ataturk for your own interests. You little chicken that 24/7 cries about Turkish intervention in Syria.

What a brain dead figure this guy is lol... You think there is a real ''Turkic'' person in Turkey? You also talk like this about soldiers that are ethnically not Turkish but still die for our country?

Russia has no choice but to choose Turkey over Syria. Russia now also sees that Turkey-NATO relations are stabilizing again. This is mainly due to their idiotic and unreliable policy in Syria.

I cry about intervention in Syria?

I called for a blitzkrieg against YPG, HTS and Assad and here you are saying that I don't want intervention. You are a pathological liar.
Looks like Russia is taking a step back.

Turkey is dead serious and if hell breaks loose than nobody can stop them!
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