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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I still insist on that tayyip will order to army to move back in Turkey.
Erdogan is smart, plus he must know what's really going on, he knows this war won't end with victory to either side, he knows what the prophet SAW said, so he is waiting, if I were the president of Turkey, I would be waiting ...Another nationalist turkish president will be very easy to see through, he would close the southern doors completely, make up with the Jews, ... , but that won't help turkey at all, Turkish people should rally behind turkish leadership and be patient, once the evil house of Saud loses the grip over Hijaz .salvation will come inshallah.
I have no confidence in this government to come out of this situation with anything but complete humiliation. So they wont even manage to achieve these terms.

Heard the same story when Turkey launched operation Euphrates shield. The government accomplished a lot of things and especially wiping out ypg terrorist from our borders and blockade a possible kurdish state.

You guys still dont understand how important the presence of the Turkish Army is in Syria.

Also Russia's strategy is very stupid as they start breaking the good relations with a important powerhouse as Turkey. For who? A fking dictator that cant even wipe his *** by his own.

I believe that on long term Turkey will come out victorious from this.
Heard the same story when Turkey launched operation Euphrates shield. The government accomplished a lot of things and especially wiping out ypg terrorist from our borders and blockade a possible kurdish state.

You guys still dont understand how important the presence of the Turkish Army is in Syria.

Also Russia's strategy is very stupid as they start breaking the good relations with a important powerhouse as Turkey. For who? A fking dictator that cant even wipe his *** by his own.

I believe that on long term Turkey will come out victorious from this.
I guess you dont know about the renowned Manbij Operation? Erdogan refuses to antagonize Russia. That's the problem.
Either Turkey sold Idlib or Russia is humilating the Turkish Goverment really good on the table.

Keep barking "time until end of month" if they don't react now why should they next week? They don't take those bluffs serious anymore.
I’m waiting till the end of this month, but I’m still confident that Turkey planned and agreed with Russia to all of this a long time ago.
I’m waiting till the end of this month, but I’m still confident that Turkey planned and agreed with Russia to all of this a long time ago.

I'm hoping to see an operation to capture the entire north. But honestly I doubt we will see it happen.
I’m waiting till the end of this month, but I’m still confident that Turkey planned and agreed with Russia to all of this a long time ago.
Which gov can make such move... It's beyond "sanity"...
If they did... it's like they purposely Want Turkey to fall...
I mean... even a kid will understand such implication at the national level... But even on the international level...
I mean... Turkey will lose everything they worked for in the last decades...
Which gov can make such move... It's beyond "sanity"...
If they did... it's like they purposely Want Turkey to fall...
I mean... even a kid will understand such implication at the national level... But even on the international level...
I mean... Turkey will lose everything they worked for in the last decades...
You underestimate the stupidity/recklessness of Erdogan goverment, they did a similar ''mistake'' with pkk a couple years back which turned SE Turkey into a warzone.
You underestimate the stupidity/recklessness of Erdogan goverment, they did a similar ''mistake'' with pkk a couple years back which turned SE Turkey into a warzone.
Let's assume the best... it's all I can say now...
Let's see how the next act unfold...
Erdogan is smart, plus he must know what's really going on, he knows this war won't end with victory to either side, he knows what the prophet SAW said, so he is waiting, if I were the president of Turkey, I would be waiting ...Another nationalist turkish president will be very easy to see through, he would close the southern doors completely, make up with the Jews, ... , but that won't help turkey at all, Turkish people should rally behind turkish leadership and be patient, once the evil house of Saud loses the grip over Hijaz .salvation will come inshallah.

I partly disagree. I believe in being patient but a president gotta do what a president gotta do! And we cannot wait for some miracle to happen. Miracle will only happen when you decide to act. If saladin waited for mahdi to liberate Jerusalem he'll be still waiting. From a religious point of view erdogan shouldn't fear he should follow the commands of the prophet (saw) and that is to act.
However you may have a point as we dont know whats really going on because the recent behaviour of Erdogan somewhat out of his character considering he is the biggest hater of the syrian regime from the start and the regime aggression should be a perfect excuse to deplete assads power. We just have to painfully have to wait and see

I guess you dont know about the renowned Manbij Operation? Erdogan refuses to antagonize Russia. That's the problem.

Brother i feel the same way as you after this recent crises in idlib. But i give the government the benefit of doubt considering they did 3 previous expeditions. Government is not acting alone the military is also there deciding with the govt and planning their move. Erdogan is not a coward and thats for sure but circumstances that we dont know is preventing or delaying or even hindering their descision to unleash force
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