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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions


you see, this is trolling. This is personal insults. Thats why i said fairness is important.

Look, i´m well aware our nations dont agree on many levels and i even understand that its plain and simple because both sides dont listen and just insult each other or dont take other not serious. And i understand that it was a mistake of my government to not show any sympathy after that coup or send someone high level to go there to show friendship.Beside Italy also no other european nation did.

But i´m able to learn if i get explained. I guess you are in military?

I would be sad and angry as well if our allies fund groups that hurt us out of ignorance. I understand this.
I have so much to say to you Europeans I don't even know where to begin. Most of it wouldn't be appropriate for this forum.
It is the best approach to tackle the mosquitoes head on, hopefully Pakistan also in future takes similar measures in our Western front (uncontrolled - unclaimedTerritory / zone referred as Afghan areas)
lol @MarkusS - Its not us constantly making horror movies about Ottomans and Turks. Im sure you are pissing your pants when you hear it so Im sure your complex is still there. If we are weak then so be it. You dont go around saying this countries weak if they are really weak and constantly talk about them. You only talk about them if you are jelous and have past horror stories.


Italy was in our hands little man.

Markus is angry because 2 reasons.
We s... on the Romans with the Huns, and then we p..... on them with the Ottomans lol. Double penetration. I dont think I need to say any more.
Go tell your military facts somewhere else.

If you go and talk about other countries so much is 2 reasons.

1. You are jealous
2. You piss your pants because of their power.
ISIS is not the main target for Turkish incursion into Syria. It is Kurd who are primary target. But additionally Turkey is arming and empowering FSA terrorist. That is very dangerous move Turkey made. If this continues Turkey essentially pitted itself against interest of Russia, US and Iran, not to mention Syria. Looks like Erdogan turned his back right after Russia helping Erdogan to recover from coup.

Equating Daesh with FSA is assad regime's policy, it apparently legitimizes its genocide against the majority in Syria. If you support a genocidal maniac like assad you might as well support Hasina in BD because they have same ideology. They can commit any crime for the sake of suckularism, they believe for the sake of suckularism committing heinous crimes is justifiable. Just because assad opposes israel it doesn't give him the excuse to be a mass murderer.
Respect ? Earn it. Just try to respect my country, nation, people, soldiers and our national sensitivities instead of trolling over terrorist organizations shedding blood in my country that Turkey actively fights. I will not warn you about What you should do again in Turkey section ! You had got your warnings over trolling(1) and repeated violation (1) which is a really limited punishment expired in a short time. Next time will be more difficult for you If you care. Just a friendly advice !

You got him nailed alright, don't tolerate supporters of PKK and YPG terrorists since this is all about fighting terrorism. If they commit terrorism against a European state it is terrorism but if they commit terrorism against states like Turkey or Pakistan then they are freedom fighters, this simply cannot be. For too long this hypocrisy has been going on. Be it in the name of Islam, Hinduism, Zionism, Christianity, capitalism, Marxism or secularism, terrorism is terrorism. This must be told without any reservation whatsoever to all who try to justify their terrorism while accusing others of terrorism. Terrorism has many forms, it doesn't only mean blowing up places. Even burning the cross or political and social persecution to frighten, intimidate or annihilate a community or political party is terrorism. Since the so-called champions of human rights and democracy won't come up with a definition of terrorism for they have Machiavellian purpose, therefore, it's high time we came up with a definition of it.
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You got him nailed alright, don't tolerate supporters of PKK and YPG terrorists since this is all about fighting terrorism. If they commit terrorism against a European state it is terrorism but if they commit terrorism against states like Turkey or Pakistan then they are freedom fighters, this simply cannot be. For too long this hypocrisy has been going on. Be it in the name of Islam, Hinduism, Zionism, Christianity, capitalism, Marxism or secularism, terrorism is terrorism. This must be told without any reservation whatsoever to all who try to justify their terrorism while accusing others of terrorism. Terrorism has many forms, it doesn't only mean blowing up places. Even burning the cross or political and social persecution to frighten, intimidate or annihilate a community or political party is terrorism. Since the so-called champions of human rights and democracy won't come up with a definition of terrorism for they have Machiavellian purpose, therefore, it's high time we came up with a definition of it.
When I saw several messages I thought that we made sthing with Afrin but it was just MarkusS idiotics. :hitwall: :guns:
This is just a warning to peasants in Afrin , if they attempt anything during Al-BAB offensive then Turkey will attack them directly with no mercy .
lol @MarkusS - Its not us constantly making horror movies about Ottomans and Turks. Im sure you are pissing your pants when you hear it so Im sure your complex is still there. If we are weak then so be it. You dont go around saying this countries weak if they are really weak and constantly talk about them. You only talk about them if you are jelous and have past horror stories.


Italy was in our hands little man.

Markus is angry because 2 reasons.
We s... on the Romans with the Huns, and then we p..... on them with the Ottomans lol. Double penetration. I dont think I need to say any more.

If you go and talk about other countries so much is 2 reasons.

1. You are jealous
2. You piss your pants because of their power.

@cabatli_53 please this is racism, trolling, personal insults

I would liek to hear your opinion about this. I did not troll and just said some military facts. Whenever Sinan doesn´t like something he summons him. Its unfair and i would like if we could find a way to avoid this in future.

yes there is. Trolling means to say something out to anger someone.

What i said was a fact that is openly said from media here in italia and i voiced my opinion.

I find it disturbing that all that has to happen is Sinan summon you and you do as he orders you.

I would be happy if you could go a more reasonable way regarding this and also act more fair.


Yes, i informed others to take a look on this to prevent it from happeneing again. That Sinan summons you and you follow his orders. Stay fair with me.



you see, this is trolling. This is personal insults. Thats why i said fairness is important.

Look, i´m well aware our nations dont agree on many levels and i even understand that its plain and simple because both sides dont listen and just insult each other or dont take other not serious. And i understand that it was a mistake of my government to not show any sympathy after that coup or send someone high level to go there to show friendship.Beside Italy also no other european nation did.

But i´m able to learn if i get explained. I guess you are in military?

I would be sad and angry as well if our allies fund groups that hurt us out of ignorance. I understand this.

@cabatli_53 please this is racism, trolling, personal insults


This guy keeps derailing our sticky thread, with his off-topic posts. When banned, he whines to other mods..... can't you find a permanent solution for this guy ?

This guy keeps derailing our sticky thread, with his off-topic posts. When banned, he whines to other mods..... can't you find a permanent solution for this guy ?

italian, romanian and that quiet french guy have some sort of wierd european supremacy vibe going on, it's hilarious to watch :)

Oh wait, I forgot about that 'briish' guy.. who is a first rate bottom kisser.
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President Erdogan on his way back:

The next target of the Operation Euphrates Shield would be Daesh-held Al-Bab city, the president said adding the second target would be the Manbij city currently under control of PYD/PKK terrorists supported by the U.S.

The U.S. authority said the terror group had already evacuated the city, but Ankara and the local sources said PYD/PKK terrorists are still in Manbij.

If they leave the city, then we don't have any problem there,” Erdoğan said indicating that Turkey-backed FSA fighters could capture the city without a clash."


Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalin: "There is no consensus with the US on the matter of YPG. YPG's withdrawal must be confirmed by our sources."
President Erdogan on his way back:

The next target of the Operation Euphrates Shield would be Daesh-held Al-Bab city, the president said adding the second target would be the Manbij city currently under control of PYD/PKK terrorists supported by the U.S.

The U.S. authority said the terror group had already evacuated the city, but Ankara and the local sources said PYD/PKK terrorists are still in Manbij.

If they leave the city, then we don't have any problem there,” Erdoğan said indicating that Turkey-backed FSA fighters could capture the city without a clash."


Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalin: "There is no consensus with the US on the matter of YPG. YPG's withdrawal must be confirmed by our sources."

wow i liked it :cheesy: now all the way Manbij !

Relationship between PYD and DEASH, but it will be OVER soon. TAF at Syria for both of them :flame:

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