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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

This has become a war between Russia and Turkey.

This is the most serious moment in modern Tr history, I hope people can realize this.
Russia kills more Muslims every single day, than Israel kills in a year.

Turkey tried to develop dialogue with Russia until today. For this reason, it damaged many other relationships. However, we came to this point with Russia's arrogance to this situation, without any any sensivity about TR's reservations or stipulation. Turkey and Russia can not afford a war with each other. Russia needs to step back in order to restore balance.

What are Turkey waiting for? Agreement between Russia or maybe with USA?
There is a risk that the Idlib operation will turn into a full-scale war. Therefore, the operation will not start until all preparations are completed.
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to be honest...erdogan has lost it long time ago...he was good till about 2010...everything after that is just disaster...you never make deals with russians...and he made deals with russians, serbs ( should i explain who serbs are and how much they hate muslims in general but especially turks), with ****..in Maduro...he lost all allies in arab countries and now he has them with Greece against Turkey in the Mediterranean ...really bad position for Turkey
There is this weird sensation now that the prospect of TR "Possibly" declaring war to ASSad...
As if... It will start some sort of countdown... Some may call it...The beginning of the End...
A sunni supporting the biggest killer of sunnis.

Get the fck out here indian filth.
Turkish Army and Rebel forces that are primarily ex ISIS have magical bullets that ONLY targets those who are NOT Sunnis? You can only fool sectarians that hide behind Turkey because they think this like anything else in the world is about Sunni vs Shia.
There is this weird sensation now that the prospect of TR "Possibly" declaring war to ASSad...
As if... It will start some sort of countdown... Some may call it...The beginning of the End...

The beginning of the End for whom? In your opinion of course? What are your feelings?
Do we have estimates about the number of Turkish troops and materials recently sent to Idlib ?
Yesterday, I was very angry and I still. I need to say couple of things.
1 - What happened yesterday , it was because of Erdogan foreign policy. We don't have any ally except Qatar ( a very weak country but wealthy). We are in Nato and Asaad have balls to attack us !!
2 - For the 100th time Russia isn't our ally and it won't be.
3 - We are in a weak situation, we can't attack Asaad because of Russia (It's very hard to me to accept this )
4 - We should respond and attack Asaad regime in two ways (directly and indirectly by FSA)
5 - Why we should respond ? We should respond because we have military in Somalia, Libya and Qatar, also if we act weak in Syria it will reflect in Libya
5 - We need air force as soon as possible (F - 35 . I don't know how we should get them) or anything that will prevent Russian air defense to detect us.

In Conclusion :
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