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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

What if the SAA deploys T-90 tanks and their S-300 air defense systems? What weapons can TR deploy to counter this?

I think this is a good opportunity for TR to negotiate with the Syrian government, because both parties see the SDG/YPG as a threat. Build a relationship on common goals.
Air cruise missile som(A B1 and B2) can destroy easily s300 tanks are useless we have seen how ATGM easily neutralizes them
Well i think there should be negotiations but only if pkk is totally withdrawn from 30km depth along the border if assad thinks that he can blackmail then sooner or later it would be the end for him right know after us had thrown pkk under the bus and if russia doesn’t offer good conditions then we will see revival of turkish-american-israel alliance sooner or later i expect russia to offer good conditions because everything what they had done since 2016 to get turkey closer to them would be destroyed after all akuyu nuclear plant big trading partner very good defense relations I don’t think russia will throw away all of this for a ruined state(syria/assad) also you should add the energy deals and joint foreign policy(russian and turkish) vs europe
There’s more but this points are enough i think russia knows that assad doesn’t have enough power to hold northern syria together with existing territories they have already secured their Mediterranean bases the next objective for russia should be getting big economic contracts but there’s no chance that west would lift sanctions while assad is in power so they can’t invest very much also the refugees in turkey will go either in Europe or in northern syria and what about idlib we all know that assad will get it where will be those refugees going (hint: not in turkey this i can quarantee) there’s no chance that Europe would get 10 milion refugees so even if putin wants to be pro assad he knows that europe won’t allow 10 milion refugees inside so I think there’s deal turkey would resettle in northern syria both idlib refugees as well as those from turkey any other option would mean sending milions of new refugees to Europe and these pathetic europeans would anything to stop this even if it means sucking Turkey’s and Russia’s balls hahahahah

Time to make peace b/w Syrian and Turkish governments.
Turkey can get what it wants from Syria without war.
Lets to end bloodshed in region and make friendship, especially between Syria and Turkey.

Turkey can destroy YPG without war
Time to make peace b/w Syrian and Turkish governments.
Turkey can get what it wants from Syria without war.
Lets to end bloodshed in region and make friendship, especially between Syria and Turkey.

Turkey can destroy YPG without war
Only if pkk is expelled from turkish border 32km in depth and 480 km in length i think the best deal should be pkk out in northern syria joint patrols between TAF SAA and russians+iranians only then turkey can trust and make peace with assad this is the only option if you want to avoid war any other option would lead to some kind of conflict(short or long term)
Time to make peace b/w Syrian and Turkish governments.
Turkey can get what it wants from Syria without war.
Lets to end bloodshed in region and make friendship, especially between Syria and Turkey.

Turkey can destroy YPG without war

Very good but the thing is that Assad (and his puppet masters) will always use the YPG against Turkey unless it cleans it’s own border and secures a buffer zone there. The same way YPG attacks Afrin and Al Bab through Government held territory or how they attacked the Turkish border towns with mortars like they did in the last days.
Time to make peace b/w Syrian and Turkish governments.
Turkey can get what it wants from Syria without war.
Lets to end bloodshed in region and make friendship, especially between Syria and Turkey.

Turkey can destroy YPG without war

A war is something that is held between two or more countries. Turkey is not waging a war against YPG but is conducting an anti-terror operation to create a safe zone. It has been enough that the Kurdish people are constantly being used by different countries for their own strategic reasons. So Iran cant ''help'' in this matter.
What if the SAA deploys T-90 tanks and their S-300 air defense systems? What weapons can TR deploy to counter this?

I think this is a good opportunity for TR to negotiate with the Syrian government, because both parties see the SDG/YPG as a threat. Build a relationship on common goals.

They can try it, like Israel we will destroy it. Having a SAM with out a Airforce you can not bring much, you can only use it to certain point, localising and surpressing is easy.
They are now saying SAA will be posted along the whole border with Turkey.

We made a agreement with Russia and Iran, it looks again a fake news to me. Syrian goverment made a offically statement that the door is closed forypg. Lets wait and see what kind stupid news they have spread.
US withdraws troops from Kobani. It seems Next target will be Kobani !
I think so as well.

Think there will be airborne operation with black hawks and c130
I think SNA will do day operations as they are experienced (probably survived since 2011) much more so than you think and TAF doesn't want to suffer casualties on the same scale the SNA is suffering. I think air support with F-16s and Bayraktars will be a game changer though.
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