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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Allegedly YPG made a deal with the SAA.

Cutting off a potential regime advance is easier than that... Turkey should get SAMs in occupied lands ASAP and do airstrikes on SAA convoys and strategic targets with F-16s/F-4s/UAVs. Without air support or the ability to defend against aerial attack SAA attack would crumble.

Turkey is more or less in an agreement with Russia on everything in Syria. I dont think there will be any action between Turkey and SAA.
Allegedly YPG made a deal with the SAA.

Turkey is more or less in an agreement with Russia on everything in Syria. I dont think there will be any action between Turkey and SAA.
I hope there isn't a super high chance but I would rather be safe than sorry. If I was Turkish general coordinating this I would use A LOT Hawk batteries in Suruc to defend against aerial attack when operation against Ain Al-Arab is in full swing. I wouldn't even take the chance that SYAAF or RUAF would do anything which is high unlikely especially for RUAF.
Creating a safe zone no matter how deep will only provide benefit pkk/ypg for their their ultimate target establishing a state on Syrian soil. Since it would mean that Turkey content with presence of the terrorist organisation 32 km away from border and agree on partition of Syria which, in the last instance, is what pkk wants.

Our target should be changing the whole yellow region to another color. This can be achieved only by a cooperation between Syrian&Turkish governments.

Sure, the government strategists know much more about this and hopefully they have future plans on. if not still a part of the great ME project.

Only if pkk is expelled from turkish border 32km in depth and 480 km in length i think the best deal should be pkk out in northern syria joint patrols between TAF SAA and russians+iranians only then turkey can trust and make peace with assad this is the only option if you want to avoid war any other option would lead to some kind of conflict(short or long term)
For sure
All refugees must return to Syria.
Turkey demands and concerns are legitimate and acceptable for all.

Very good but the thing is that Assad (and his puppet masters) will always use the YPG against Turkey unless it cleans it’s own border and secures a buffer zone there. The same way YPG attacks Afrin and Al Bab through Government held territory or how they attacked the Turkish border towns with mortars like they did in the last days.
I think that is possible agreement
Kurdish propaganda. Fact is that Kurds messed this up. They could have negotiated with assad but they prefered an alliance with US that bombed not only ISIS but also Assad and even Russians. Now any serious talk with Assad will happen only if US abandons Syria completely
What means a no-fly zone? Covering the air with radar. What would happen, if turkish jets enter the zone?
Not surprised, the PKk terrorist scums have long history and always been the loyal henchman of the Assad terror dictatorship.

Exactly. I was expecting that to happen just like it happened in Operation Euphrates Shield. All the parties in Syria including the ISIS is in bed with Assad. I am following this war since the Arab spring and ISIS was the biggest savior of that dictator not Russia or Iran.
Not surprised, the PKk terrorist scums have long history and always been the loyal henchman of the Assad terror dictatorship.
Yeah, well Sisi supports them stupidly. It would have been better for Arab states to assist them in taking back SDF territory, securing it and making it safe and resettling Syrian refugees from Lebanon, Jordan, etc.
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