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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The US hates Erdogan. Remember the coup? If Erdogan fights Assad in Idlib he'll lose election. And that's what the Americans want.

Bro to be honest I wanted to believe that the coup was real. Like I genuinely tried to convince myself that it was real and all. But after talking to many AKP supporters on my last visit to Turkey and finding out that even they thought it was fake I am pretty confident that it could very well have been.

Like why would you start a coup but tell the soldiers that they are responding to a terrorist attack? Lol. Didn't John Kerry visit Turkey the day after it happened? Lmao.

Anti Americanism was on the rise in Turkey and I have no doubt that the Americans spotted this. So they made it look as if they had problems with Erdogan so he could gain votes. It's funny because it always peaks just before elections too.

Erdogan had a promise to America that he would divide Turkey and he can't leave until he is done. No point in being optimistic with this Georgian idiot in power. He doesn't give a shit about destroying YPG. At the end of the day we are talking about the same guy that made peace with PKK twice.

Someone from within our army needs to man up and restore law and order. Otherwise we will be in for a geopolitical nightmare in Syria.
Bro to be honest I wanted to believe that the coup was real. Like I genuinely tried to convince myself that it was real and all. But after talking to many AKP supporters on my last visit to Turkey and finding out that even they thought it was fake I am pretty confident that it could very well have been.

Like why would you start a coup but tell the soldiers that they are responding to a terrorist attack? Lol. Didn't John Kerry visit Turkey the day after it happened? Lmao.

Anti Americanism was on the rise in Turkey and I have no doubt that the Americans spotted this. So they made it look as if they had problems with Erdogan so he could gain votes. It's funny because it always peaks just before elections too.

Erdogan had a promise to America that he would divide Turkey and he can't leave until he is done. No point in being optimistic with this Georgian idiot in power. He doesn't give a shit about destroying YPG. At the end of the day we are talking about the same guy that made peace with PKK twice.

Someone from within our army needs to man up and restore law and order. Otherwise we will be in for a geopolitical nightmare in Syria.

Can Erdogan go to war in Syria without parliament approval. Here in the west that would require parliament approval.
Lets give every Turkish citizen a Kornet.

Only way to stop a bad guy with a Kornet is a good guy with a Kornet.

But not for war with Assad.

Assad has no chance against Turkish Kornets.
@minimi I created it with care. You can use it in your other posts.:lol:

@minimi We do not allow anybody to post the source of terrorist organizations to spread their propaganda in our sections. Next attempt will be welcomed with punishment. For your information.
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