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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

To both guys above me

What makes the TSK different from those PKK rats ??

What makes it different from Assad forces or US forces ??

TSK doesn't flatten entire cities , TSK doesnt bomb parades where hundreds of civilians are present ,, TSK doesn't forward it's objectives regardless of the cost or human life

They take moral high ground and protect civilians ( preserve humanity )

Now if you think I'm an Idiot for thinking that is what's right thing to do

Then I'm a really big idiot and am proud of it

To all idiots who said bombing a Terrorist parade is immoral.

You hate that PKK kills Turkish civilians and children consider them rats for their indifference

Dont you think there are children and civilians in that parade if you are OK that TSK bombs them then why blame PKK for something you may do yourself??

Should I call you a rat too then??
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To both guys above me

What makes the TSK different from those PKK rats ??

What makes it different from Assad forces or US forces ??

TSK doesn't flatten entire cities , TSK doesnt bomb parades where hundreds of civilians are present ,, TSK doesn't forward it's objectives regardless of the cost or human life

They take moral high ground and protect civilians ( preserve humanity )

Now if you think I'm an Idiot for thinking that is what's right thing to do

Then I'm a really big idiot and am proud of it

Dude.. you do know that everyone attending that YPG parade was a supporter or member of YPG? What's your suggestion, to only target armed members of YPG and allow the unarmed supporters and members of YPG to enter Turkey and be part of our millions of refugees?

Just face it. Everyone there supports YPG.
Dude.. you do know that everyone attending that YPG parade was a supporter or member of YPG? What's your suggestion, to only target armed members of YPG and allow the unarmed supporters and members of YPG to enter Turkey and be part of our millions of refugees?

Just face it. Everyone there supports YPG.
Right so now we become barbarians and kill everyone yaaay

What if there is a pregnant women is the baby a terrorist for attending ( yea he should have left the womb before right lol)

What about other children who have no understanding of what's going on and are just enjoying the party who doesn't love guns and tanks huh ? As a kid I loved the parades and still do

What about the people there who are lied to and just believed the propaganda and are celebrating the defeat of ISIS and are not in any way desire a fight with Turkey ??

Are you a GOD To claim that everyone there is worth of dying just because they attended ?? Do you read their thoughts and mind??

And YES only kill those who are armed and fighting against you, going full barbarian mode and killing everyone who disagrees with you for ideologies, beliefs, or desires is veeeeeeery stupid and will only empower them more
Dude.. you do know that everyone attending that YPG parade was a supporter or member of YPG? What's your suggestion, to only target armed members of YPG and allow the unarmed supporters and members of YPG to enter Turkey and be part of our millions of refugees?

Just face it. Everyone there supports YPG.

Are you surprised that a Kurd will feel more connection to YPG than to Turkish military? It is expected and won't change
Right so now we become barbarians and kill everyone yaaay

What if there is a pregnant women is the baby a terrorist for attending ( yea he should have left the womb before right lol)

What about other children who have no understanding of what's going on and are just enjoying the party who doesn't love guns and tanks huh ? As a kid I loved the parades and still do

What about the people there who are lied to and just believed the propaganda and are celebrating the defeat of ISIS and are not in any way desire a fight with Turkey ??

Are you a GOD To claim that everyone there is worth of dying just because they attended ?? Do you read their thoughts and mind??

And YES only kill those who are armed and fighting against you, going full barbarian mode and killing everyone who disagrees with you for ideologies, beliefs, or desires is veeeeeeery stupid and will only empower them more

Cry me a river. Americans, Russians, Saudi Arabians, French, British, Israeli armies are allowed to target civilian populated areas...

But if Turkey targets a parade coordinated by terrorists we are barbarians. Shut the f*ck up.
Cry me a river. Americans, Russians, Saudi Arabians, French, British, Israeli armies are allowed to target civilian populated areas...

But if Turkey targets a parade coordinated by terrorists we are barbarians. Shut the f*ck up.
Why do you think I like Turkey ?
Why do I believe the turkish soldiers are actually martyrs and will go to heaven and not Hell ??

Because Turkey is different than those you mentioned , Because Turkey fights for justice for prosperity for the best and better of the humans who are loyal to it ( Turks, Kurds, arabs etc)

TSK doen't bomb them because it is a humane army a just army who abides by it's principles and dignity unlike Israel or US

But hey if you are gonna bomb them just because everyone else would do the same then dont cry about what Assad does or what PKK does to you
You want to kill civilians then dont hate others for doing the same to you

Which btw would be a great way to dishonor all the children/ teens / women / men who were civilians yet killed by pkk in their attacks ( their sacrifice would be for nothing )

But hey if everyone does it then why not me right??
^ okay we will just allow terrorists to take over. And we won't kill armed terrorists because they might be poor innocent people who were tricked(!)

Seriously, stop bringing up the moral card. We are talking about terrorists parading on our border. But of course as Arabs you love this shit. A precise strike on the parade could easily only hit terrorists... stop crying about this, it's none of your business.
^ okay we will just allow terrorists to take over. And we won't kill armed terrorists because they might be poor innocent people who were tricked(!)

Seriously, stop bringing up the moral card. We are talking about terrorists parading on our border. But of course as Arabs you love this shit. A precise strike on the parade could easily only hit terrorists... stop crying about this, it's none of your business.
Sure as you like

But I said civilians,,, kill as many terrorists as you want

You are clearly not reading what I'm saying I'm not crying to protect them over morality no on the contrary

What I'm saying is civilians should not be bombed

And yea It's my business to Express my opinion you dont have to agree or listen to it

^ okay we will just allow terrorists to take over. And we won't kill armed terrorists because they might be poor innocent people who were tricked(!)

Seriously, stop bringing up the moral card. We are talking about terrorists parading on our border. But of course as Arabs you love this shit. A precise strike on the parade could easily only hit terrorists... stop crying about this, it's none of your business.
It is appalling to see that you are so far from the realities of life. Most of those young people parading under YPG dont have any clue about what they are standing for; most of them usually dont have any idea of what Turkey really is. I am sure that you would be celebrating and waving PKK flags unknowingly just as they are if you happened to be born under such families. Indiscriminate bombing will solve nothing. I like my country; therefore, i understand that it is my country's responsibility to explain itself to the public. If my country cant even deal with KCK in terms of propaganda in public's mind; then we definitely deserve to be partitioned into smaller parts based on ethnicity, then we dont deserve to claim that our country is big and has a deeply rooted state tradition. For decades the military has been left alone in this struggle, which is unreasonable and idiotic at best; Turkey has enough resources to collapse KCK's management hierarchy, financial resources and weapon supply organizations. However we all know that ,for decades, our politicians have been mostly too afraid to approach the problem wholly and with determination; because they have been too afraid for their political careers, since various imperial countries hint them not to touch PKK.
Moral issues aside, if you bomb and massacre civilians in hopes of eliminating the PKK then you'd essentially be creating thousands upon thousands more. You can't win this by eliminating their "army". Yes, keep the pressure on, make sure a single attack costs them an arm and a leg, even more if possible but at the same time make sure your Kurdish population feels at home (as they should, this is THEIR country too, they are not "guests" here).

Bombing these people (again, morality aside - because it's despicable to even think of doing so) will help you eliminate, what - 2000 or maybe 3000 terrorists? Will that even be a dent on their numbers?

What about recruitment? What about the ammo you're going to give to other countries around the world who will undoubtedly use this to de-list the PKK as a terrorist organization. What about the door you just opened from which the US and her allies will storm through to "save the 14 million civilians Turkey is bombing"?

Be rational - but above that, be a human FFS!
I'm seriously starting to think that half of these forum members are secret PKK supporters..

Where was your outrage when Erdogan made peace with PKK?

I am simply saying that allowing terrorists to parade on your border is weak. I think you guys care too much about what other countries think.
The fact that you guys are having such a cry over my statements is hilarious.

Good bye for now, see you during the next big operation :rofl::azn:

Edit: it feels like I'm talking to a bunch of leftists on reddit^
there is and was critics about erdogans pkk gang bang fetish..

Peace deal was the worst thing to happen in Turkey.

Erdogan sure has screwed up their along with allowing feto to take top positions.

A true leader would apologise for the fck ups but dont expect Turkey's today's leaders regardless of party affilation to man up to this point due to their stubborness.
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