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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Bin Zayed reinforced the same message to Pompeo. He told the US secretary of state: “You are leaving Syria to be under Iranian and Turkish influence and that will bring everyone back. They will act against your acts and our interests.”

Checkout the words and actions of our "Arab Muslim brothers"

I think an operation will start soon by the way. I'm hoping we will see upgraded tanks in action.

Typical Arabs they sure do love backstabbing their own kind.

Look how they look out for the interests of the West rather their own Arab brothers and sisters.

Somebody needs to put a leash on the rabid dogs of the UAE.

If people want to boycott Saudi Arabia then they should start with the UAE.

You still have people travelling to Dubai.

Bin Zayed reinforced the same message to Pompeo. He told the US secretary of state: “You are leaving Syria to be under Iranian and Turkish influence and that will bring everyone back. They will act against your acts and our interests.”

Checkout the words and actions of our "Arab Muslim brothers"

I think an operation will start soon by the way. I'm hoping we will see upgraded tanks in action.

Watch out you will be labeled as nationalist (with a bad touch) like I was labeled today..

By the way Nothing wrong in protecting your country.. Or should we just let them destroy our country?

Ppl should open their eyes our country is surrounded like ww1 from enemies and traps and they are looking for opportunities to destroy us..

Specially the devilish UAE is one of the biggest most aggressive anti turkish nation in me...
Watch out you will be labeled as nationalist (with a bad touch) like I was labeled today..

By the way Nothing wrong in protecting your country.. Or should we just let them destroy our country?

Ppl should open their eyes our country is surrounded like ww1 from enemies and traps and they are looking for opportunities to destroy us..

Specially the devilish UAE is one of the biggest most aggressive anti turkish nation in me...

UAE has able to piss off so many Muslim countries even Somalia hates them as they support separatism in Somalia just to hit Turkish and Qatari interests.

Anti Turkism is rising there they even called our Hero Fahrettin Pasha the Desert Tiger a thief and a murderer.

While the UAE were riding camels the Ottomans were defending the holy cities against the British and their Arab collarborators.
PKK/YPG terrorists are holding a full blown military parade on our border:
It's sickening how we are just standing here with our d*cks in our hands. If Iranian Militias did this anywhere near the Israeli border they would get blown to bits. Any idiot who claims that our leadership really cares about defeating these terrorists is nothing but a fool. During the 90s a man climbed up a pole to remove a Turkish flag.. He got shot dead before he could reach the flag. Flash forward to 2019 and we are letting PKK have a military parade with vehicles and all right across the border in Qamishli. Meanwhile in Turkey, Turkish military parades have been banned.

Enough is enough. This is going too far. :angry:
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PKK/YPG terrorists are holding a full blown military parade on our border:
It's sickening how we are just standing here with our d*cks in our hands. If Iranian Militias did this anywhere near the Israeli border they would get blown to bits. Any idiot who claims that our leadership really cares about defeating these terrorists is nothing but a fool. During the 90s a man climbed up a pole to remove a Turkish flag.. He got shot dead before he could reach the flag. Flash forward to 2019 and we are letting PKK have a military parade with vehicles and all right across the border in Qamishli. Meanwhile in Turkey, Turkish military parades have been banned.

Enough is enough. This is going too far. :angry:
What i just see in this picture are dead bodies walking around.
What i just see in the picture are dead bodies walking around.

All I see is terrorists who have been living for far too long.

In all seriousness this inaction isn't good. We should have hit these bastards long ago. The more we wait, the more they grow. We should wipe them out in their infancy before they become a second KRG who's backed by all our enemies. They are already trying to legitimize themselves and we aren't doing anywhere near enough to stop them.
I hate it too

But massacring a parade with civilians is stupid and unethical TSK should have the moral high ground ( it's like bombing a funeral it's immoral ) let them have their day when it's Turks who will write their future

Also did anyone forget the US is protecting them ,, there is nothing can be done unless the US is removed from equation
Unless Turkey actually believes it can engage US troops??

Best solution is pressure
The TSK should randomly and on daily basis bomb positions , streets , infrastructure where no US or civilians is present ( challenging but still an option )

Let the YPJ lose trust with US protection and deem it useless , MIT agents constant assassinations and IED fireworks all around the clock would help ( the US can't cover every inch lol )
Who cares they are dirty k*rds the more we cull them the less chance of them taking Turkish land

Be honest in the long term we will lose land to these bastards due to demography there is already 14 million of these bastards in Turkey.

Lets add in the refugees too.

It is getting worse

That's just racist

If all 14 million Kurds are as you say Turkey would already be divided and destroyed

The ONLY reason Turkey is winning is because majority of Kurds actually against the division / not supportive of it and are loyal to Turkey

There is NO ARMY that can contain 14 million people just so you know

Racism and division would ruin anyone's life please my friend dont do the hate thing there will be no winners
It’s very immoral to bomb a bunch of rats on a parade but it is morally acceptable when PKK roaches detonate car bombs in downtown Ankara or Istanbul. Yeah, right.

ps For how many months we are waiting for a new operation in Syria but all that is left is to bump chests on the street in front of your party members and voters. On last years elections the troops were ready to soon enter Kandil and now everyone forgot about it a year later.

But let’s wait for after the elections. Everything else will be better after them.
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