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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Btw Manbij and East Euphrate...only One bridge is btw them... So for TSK it isn't a problem...
The problem is from ASSad... As they did for Afrin... They will mostly open the corridor to let YPG/PKK related groups pass from their territories to Manbij... as they did before btw Manbij-Afrin.

Well the response to that is easy

Just like in Afrin bomb few Assad positions and bomb any convoys you find
Seeing the convoys on fire back in olive branch days was really heartwarming

The news speculated up to 10,000 ( or so from many news outlets throughout ) in total were transferred by the corridor in olive branch yet the reality on the ground back then strongly doubted it
Well the response to that is easy

Just like in Afrin bomb few Assad positions and bomb any convoys you find
Seeing the convoys on fire back in olive branch days was really heartwarming

The news speculated up to 10,000 ( or so from many news outlets throughout ) in total were transferred by the corridor in olive branch yet the reality on the ground back then strongly doubted it

The difference btw Afrin and Manbij, is that during Afrin op...The only reinforcement was coming from ONE checkpoint. That we all remember, with RU being the one letting them pass and the artillery shells from TSK raining near it.
The Problem with Manbij, is that it's an open space... it's not controlled, they can send reinforcement/supply etc... all along the southern border...

Not saying the End result would be the same as Afrin... But the length of the op "could" take longer than intended and causalities wise...
The difference btw Afrin and Manbij, is that during Afrin op...The only reinforcement was coming from ONE checkpoint. That we all remember, with RU being the one letting them pass and the artillery shells from TSK raining near it.
The Problem with Manbij, is that it's an open space... it's not controlled, they can send reinforcement/supply etc... all along the southern border...

Not saying the End result would be the same as Afrin... But the length of the op "could" take longer than intended and causalities wise...
The possible logistic routes would be known. The logistics needs for such a city larger than Afrin would be bigger and also bigger efforts would be put in it. The UAV, UCAV, capability for Stand Off air bombardments, and also guided artillery rounds like TRG 300 could be very effective for striking inbound logistics convoys. Our artillery guys proved their professionalism in the strike against the 30-40 vehicle large terrorist convoy which was going to Afrin which is requiring very high coordination and also calculation. There were remains from TR 122 rocket artillery shells near the convoy.

Their only hope is preparation from before and again complicated tunnel network inside the city. That possible operation would be a real tests for the professional qualities of our soldiers when it comes to urban warfare. It would be easy to just flatten the town as some did before but I am sure that will not be the case here.
Btw Manbij and East Euphrate...only One bridge is btw them... So for TSK it isn't a problem...
The problem is from ASSad... As they did for Afrin... They will mostly open the corridor to let YPG/PKK related groups pass from their territories to Manbij... as they did before btw Manbij-Afrin.

The more pkk member pass the battlefield, the more will die. The human sources of Kurds are not endless. Maybe they will fight a final battle against Turkey, but it will not be in Manbij.
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The more pkk member pass the battlefield, the more will die. He human source of Kurds are not endless. Maybe they will fight a final battle against Turkey, but it will not be in Manbij.
Ofc Manbij is just a castle among many others. But compared to Afrin, The flow for reinforcement is wider/bigger , with the southern border, Therefore making the potential op last longer.

The End result is the same, Manbij will fall.
But the point that we were making previously was "Could they finish the op, before the Election" Therefore will they bet on Opening a new front bf elections or after, taking into account the time that will be needed to end it, not if they will succeed or not.
Cerablus, Syria.


Look at this retard, his mum on fire would be heartwarming as well.

Fucking cunts

Hey look dont get my family involved I take credit for what I say so if you wanna insult and humiliate then focus on me

Dont take the fun out of ignoring you from me ( in case all you have to say is Insults )
And even tho in real world I would fight who speaks bad mouth on my mama 8-) online it's just words with God knows who is writing them so its neither worthy nor smart so yea I am not getting triggered nor should you
Joint operation may be held in Idlib: Erdoğan
Hande Fırat - SOCHI/ANKARA

Turkey, Russia and Iran may conduct joint military operations against radical jihadist groups in Idlib province if needed, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said, vowing that they will continue to work for the full implementation of an Ankara-Moscow protocol that brought about a partial ceasefire between the Syrian regime and the terror groups in the enclave.

“Joint operations can be held at any time in line with the developments. There is no obstacle in front of these. Current measures are for the comfort, happiness and prosperity of the people in Idlib. What is essential for us is the security of the people of Idlib,” Erdoğan told journalists travelling with him on his return from Sochi where he attended a summit with the Russian and Iranian presidents, Vladimir Putin and Hasan Rouhani, on Feb. 14.

Idlib was among top issues the three leaders discussed. They agreed to take concrete steps against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and other radical groups in Idlib, which did not fully comply with the ceasefire protocol.

Erdoğan did not specify the concrete steps that will be taken, but reiterated a trilateral agreement for joint operations in the enclave. The region is home to tens of thousands of jihadist fighters which control around 90 percent of the province.

He stressed that all three countries were willing to continue the implementation of the protocol, with Turkish and Russian military officials in intense works to this end. Efforts are exerted to stop these groups from terrorizing the Idlib province, Erdoğan said. “Our MİT [National Intelligence Organization] is working intensely. They are trying to prevent [terrorist actions]. Our observation posts in Idlib will also fulfill a critical duty.”

Security zone should be under Turkey’s control

Erdoğan also answered questions on Turkey’s demand to set up a security zone along the Syrian border upon a proposal by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The security zone should be under Turkey’s control so that its borders can be secure against the presence of the YPG, Erdoğan said, vowing that Ankara will never allow efforts to turn this security zone into a protection shield for the YPG.

“We are very determined on this. This should be well-known. This is also required for the safety of Syrian Kurds,” Erdoğan said, expressing his disappointment over the continued reference to guarantee the well-being of Kurds by international actors.

“Who has been protecting the rights of the Kurds until now? The YPG/PYD? Where have they been? How long will they exist?” Erdoğan said, recalling that it was him who asked the Syrian government to issue identity cards for Syrian Kurds in the past.

Although Russians are not against Turkey’s plans to set up a security zone through an existing agreement between Ankara and Damascus, dubbed the Adana Protocol, they are trying to limit the depth of this corridor, Erdoğan said.

“Our relevant institutions are now working on this protocol. We will exert efforts to use it as a tool in our fight against terror. We have taken all our measures and we are ready for anything,” he stressed.

Erdoğan slams US over Manbij

On a question over a U.S. plan to deploy an observation force made by coalition countries into this zone, Erdoğan said Turkey does not approve such a plan. “The east of Euphrates should be cleared of terror organizations,” he said.

Erdoğan also complained about the pace of the implementation of a road map for the withdrawal of the YPG from Manbij city of Syria. “It’s also very important. There is a delay. They have said 90 days [for the withdrawal] but it has been nearly a year. They still say they will implement it,” he stressed.

No step back from S-400s

Erdoğan also answered questions on Turkey’s deal with Russia for the purchase of the $2.5 billion S-400 anti-ballistic missile systems despite the opposition of its NATO ally, the U.S.

“We have made the S-400 deal with Russia. Therefore, a step back is out of question. This is over,” Erdoğan stressed. “We are working for the deployment of S-400s in July as promised.”

But Turkey remains open to buy the U.S.-made Patriot system, but on condition that it serves Turkey’s interest. “Joint production, providing a loan and early delivery are criteria that we attach importance to. Although they are positive for early delivery, they can’t promise providing credit and joint production,” he said.

The Turkish president’s statements follow a series of technical talks between Ankara and Washington over the latter’s sale of the $3.5 billion Patriot air defense systems. The U.S. has long been urging Turkey to cancel the S-400 deal with Russia as its deployment could endanger the flight safety of F-35 aircrafts.

Turkey says it will use the S-400s as stand-alone air defense systems and will develop its own software so that it does not have a negative impact on the NATO military equipment in Turkey.
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