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Turkish, Pakistani, Afghan leaders agree to joint military exercise


Dec 27, 2009
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Turkish, Pakistani, Afghan leaders agree to joint military exercise - Monsters and Critics

Istanbul - The presidents of Turkey, Pakistan and Afghanistan agreed Friday at a trilateral summit in Istanbul that their countries' armed forces would conduct a joint military exercise in April 2011.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul hosted his counterparts, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, in the fifth such summit to be held since Turkey launched a three-way initiative among the countries in 2007.

Speaking to the press after the summit, Gul emphasised the importance of fighting terrorism.

'In order to do this, it is necessary for our intelligence organisations to work together in the best way possible,' he said.

Gul did not provide any details about the nature of the military exercise the leaders agreed to.

The three presidents had attended a summit in Istanbul on Thursday of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), a 10-member group that also includes Iran and Central Asian republics.

The summit, which showed Turkey's interest in expanding its influence in the Middle East and Central Asia, addressed trade and economic development in the region.
Pakistan has to rebuild Afghan army and should start collaboration programmes with them.
Pakistan must do joint military exercise with Afghan Taliban rather than anti pakistan ANA

whoever the leaders we have to build the relations with the afghan army under the taliban or northern alliance,
make ties with the political and economical organizations and people.
Just noticed there is a thread on this in the Pakistani section. Could the mods merge or lock this one please.
Yeah didn't put much thought into that one did ya ?

I have no problems with afghan people but my blood boils when they abuse the hospitality of my punjabi brothers, These people have destroyed our beautiful country and they curse our country everyday, infact they hate everyone including arabs and iranians
This is what Turkey is trying to fix since we hold strong relations with both sides. I hope people understand who will be in charge when all this ends because the 130,000 ANA currently there are not all going to jump over to the Taliban. Most will continue fighting the Taliban long after the U.S. leaves. Remember the current goal is set to have close to 250,000 ANA before the U.S. pulls out.
This is what Turkey is trying to fix since we hold strong relations with both sides. I hope people understand who will be in charge when all this ends because the 130,000 ANA currently there are not all going to jump over to the Taliban. Most will continue fighting the Taliban long after the U.S. leaves. Remember the current goal is set to have close to 250,000 ANA before the U.S. pulls out.

You can try but its not going to change their mentality, they have some sort of superiority complex over pakistan, They think of themselves as warrior race and they have initiated internet propaganda that pakistanis are actually hindus who were forced to convert by afghans forgetting they themselves were converted by turks and were the slaves of turks for 6 centuries while most of pakistanis were converted to islam by sufi saints
You can try but its not going to change their mentality, they have some sort of superiority complex over pakistan, They think of themselves as warrior race and they have initiated internet propaganda that pakistanis are actually hindus who were forced to convert by afghans forgetting they themselves were converted by turks and were the slaves of turks for 6 centuries while most of pakistanis were converted to islam by sufi saints

Hopefully this will be solved with more time and interaction between the two peoples. Once they see Pakistani army helping out this will bring better relations i think. Also it would benefit Pakistan since it would cut India out of the region even more.
Now that is a positive news here. Turkey's role has to be encouraged in the Afghanistan operations and particularly so when it comes to counter-terrorism as well as instructing the local forces on how to handle weapons and manage to eliminate groups of terrorists. I take it that Turkish forces have significant experience in striking the PKK rebels in their own territory and hence that valuable experience can be put to good use.

Pakistani security agencies must also focus on helping Afghanistan owing to their own significant experience in handling militants effectively. And Mr. Aryan, I think that the more number of countries that involve in Afghanistan and help it stand up, the better it would be. Currently when it comes to Afghanistan, I think you must forget your personal rivalry with your neighbouring Indians whether it is in terms of ideology or religion or any other background and focus solely on helping the Afghan government.

I have heard some quite remarkable cooperation between United Nations deputed peace keeping forces in Africa where your soldiers and the Indian troops have fought rebel factions shoulder-to-shoulder. That could possibly be duplicated here as well since the situation here also involves a third country just like Congo missions.

It is rather unfortunate that Europe has still not fully recovered from the recession and that we do not have a huge economy like United States or Germany. Otherwise even our government would have been willing to help Afghanistan to whatever possible extent we could.
He is right actually, if we see the ground realities, Afghan Taliban are the future Insh'ALLAH, The Afghan Army, I respect them BUT they are of no use actually, as long as the Americans are inn, Karzai is there, Pakistan should NOW decide to plan for the future rather helping the already damned Americans in Afghanistan.
And you are recommending training with an organization that is deemed as terrorists in the eyes of entire world community except a couple of countries? How difficult is it for you to understand that while the Taliban are not being as destructive to you as shown, they are a nuisance to everyone around you including the weak Central Asian governments. Elements of fundamentalist militancy has already started taking roots in Uzbekistan, and Russians would certainly not like their territory to be run over by these extremist barbarians.

This association with such an agency is what has brought your otherwise perfectly fine country to this state.
I guess the situation won't be solved until and unless pushtuns are not allowed to play their role in the govt and the ANA....cuz they are 45% of the poppulation...rite now if u look even at the pics of ANA..u can tell most of their troops are of tajik or uzbek origin....pushtuns should be given a chance otherwise all the efforts of Pak and Turkey to stabilize them will fail !!!
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