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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

man stop worshipping your arabism.. that "hypocrite" hosts 4-5 million syrians in his country.. yet your ppl cant do it despite they have more wealth more land and are arabs speaking the same language and being from the same race.. what should we say to ppl like you? we host your race your ppl and you spit on our faces.. thats how you are? meanwhile that is what you show us the turks, pakistanis and the whole world.. and on the backround some of your ppl are celebrating your actings like shayateen would do..

Arabs need to wait, their infighting, sectarian wars against each other, and vile dictators have made them totally defenseless against the coming Israeli onslaught. It is such a catastrophe which will make Nazi Germany look like peanuts. Hazoor Pak SAWS already foretold the destruction of Arabs. Similarly, Iran also will be struck the same beast.

It is a pity the leadership of these countries cannot come together to unite against the bigger threat. Instead now sometimes they are killing each other, in Syria now they are united to kill Turks. When Kashmir issue is started, they line up behind Hindu extremists who are raping and torturing Kashmiris daily. They have no qualms with backstabbing countries like Pakistan any chance they get.

Look at these pitiful people.

One is criticizing Turks for drinking or having boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, while they are preaching Jihad against fellow Muslim countries for Kuffar powers, mercilessly slaughtering innocents in Syria, Yemen, and Libya, and for what?
Yes you are right turkey is secular so can you open the brain of Arab and Pakistani Islamist clowns to this reality and tell them that turkey is not the country that they imagine in their fantasies.
Why the heck do you make this bizarre assumption that true Pakistanis want Turkey to be some Islamist state? Quite ridiculous really.
Can you please link the Hadith I would like to read it, and are you saying Iranians will go down before the Arabs?
It says in one narration that the Persians will perish before Arabs and that few of them will remain in Sham
إن أول الناس فناء أو هلاكا ،فارس ، ثم العرب الا بقايا ها هنا​
The hadith is reported by نعيم بن حماد and narrated by ابوهريرة and it is very weak .
But there are other Hadith that mentions the perishing of the Arabs and that most of the remaining few will be in Sham
  1. the First Correct Hadith N 2494 in the Musnad (the destruction of the Arabs after attacking the Mahdi)
    يبايَعُ لِرَجلٍ بينَ الرُّكنِ والمقامِ، ولن يَستَحلَّ البيتَ إلَّا أَهْلُهُ ، فإذا استحلُّوهُ ، فلا تسأَلْ عن هلَكَةِ العرَبِ ثمَّ تأتي الحبَشةُ فيُخرِّبونَهُ خرابًا لا يُعمَرُ بعدَهُ أبدًا، وَهُمُ الَّذينَ يستخرِجونَ كنزَهُ
    الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : الوادعي | المصدر : الصحيح المسند​
  2. the Second Correct Hadith N 2945 in Sahih Muslim (the remaining Arabs in Quds)
ليفرن الناس من الدجال في الجبال، قالت أم شريك: يا رسول الله ! فأين العرب يومئذ ؟ قال: هم قليل و جلهم ببيت المقدس

  1. the Third Correct Hadith in Sahih muslim (the total destruction of the Arabs will never come from a foreign enemy)
سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي ثَلَاثاً, فَأَعْطَانِي ثِنْتَيْنِ وَمَنَعَنِي وَاحِدَةً, سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالسَّنَةِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالْغَرَقِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يَجْعَلَ بَأْسَهُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ فَمَنَعَنِيهَا​
there are other Hadiths that describe the end of the Arabs and even more Hadiths about Sham being the final castle of Islam and remaining a war zone until the Mahdi take over and after and Quds being the Capital of the last Khilafa ...
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Russia has no power to stop the Turkish Armed Forces in Syria
more than 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,IFVs,AFVs entered Idlib in the last 10 days and still continue

with huge Turkish military strike , Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups will be crushed like insect in Idlib
and National Syrian Army will support Turkish Army with thousands of soldiers , hundreds of anti tank missiles and MANPADS

also Turkish Army+National Syrian Army will kick S.Arabia and the Uae backed HTS out of Idlib

Turkiye hopes that the issue will be solved during the Turkish delegation’s upcoming visit to Moscow
the Foreign Ministry, the Defense Ministry and intelligence services will hold talks in Moscow.

Russia can stop buying tomato from Turkiye and can stop sending tourists to Turkiye ..... nothing else
also Turkish Army+National Syrian Army will kick S.Arabia and the Uae backed HTS out of Idlib
please, one more time I recapitulate the fact that HTS and TIP ARE NOT SA or UAE backed. the failure to explain the existence of these groups especially after the ultimate defeat of Daesh can not justify ur claim !!
it's OK if u guys consider them as terrorists but come on be fair, these terrorists are not the reason for which 800.000 Syrians are fleeing Idlib, Erdogan must not surrender to the Russian and US pressure and temptations (by removing the sanctions and maybe F35s .. )
Why the heck do you make this bizarre assumption that true Pakistanis want Turkey to be some Islamist state? Quite ridiculous really.

That is because he is misreading my ID as Pan-Islamist rather that what it really is, Pan-Islamic.

I am neither Muslim Brotherhood, nor Jamat e Islami, or any other group, actually I am a firm supporter of Imran Khan and PTI.

I also believe in unity of Sunnis, Shias, and even Salafis, we Muslims should not have differences among each other.

It says in one narration that the Persians will perish before Arabs and that few of them will remain in Sham
إن أول الناس فناء أو هلاكا ،فارس ، ثم العرب الا بقايا ها هنا​
The hadith is reported by نعيم بن حماد and narrated by ابوهريرة and it is very weak .
But there are other Hadith that mentions the perishing of the Arabs and that most of the remaining few will be in Sham
  1. the First Correct Hadith N 2494 in the Musnad (the destruction of the Arabs after attacking the Mahdi)
    يبايَعُ لِرَجلٍ بينَ الرُّكنِ والمقامِ، ولن يَستَحلَّ البيتَ إلَّا أَهْلُهُ ، فإذا استحلُّوهُ ، فلا تسأَلْ عن هلَكَةِ العرَبِ ثمَّ تأتي الحبَشةُ فيُخرِّبونَهُ خرابًا لا يُعمَرُ بعدَهُ أبدًا، وَهُمُ الَّذينَ يستخرِجونَ كنزَهُ
    الراوي : أبو هريرة | المحدث : الوادعي | المصدر : الصحيح المسند​
  2. the Second Correct Hadith N 2945 in Sahih Muslim (the remaining Arabs in Quds)
ليفرن الناس من الدجال في الجبال، قالت أم شريك: يا رسول الله ! فأين العرب يومئذ ؟ قال: هم قليل و جلهم ببيت المقدس

  1. the Third Correct Hadith in Sahih muslim (the total destruction of the Arabs will never come from a foreign enemy)
سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي ثَلَاثاً, فَأَعْطَانِي ثِنْتَيْنِ وَمَنَعَنِي وَاحِدَةً, سَأَلْتُ رَبِّي أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالسَّنَةِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يُهْلِكَ أُمَّتِي بِالْغَرَقِ فَأَعْطَانِيهَا, وَسَأَلْتُهُ أَنْ لَا يَجْعَلَ بَأْسَهُمْ بَيْنَهُمْ فَمَنَعَنِيهَا​
there are other Hadiths that describe the end of the Arabs and even more Hadiths about Sham being the final castle of Islam and remaining a war zone until the Mahdi take over and after and Quds being the Capital of the last Khilafa ...

Glad to find someone knowledgeable about deen here. Pleasure to see you here. Looking forward to your future posts.

Can you please link the Hadith I would like to read it, and are you saying Iranians will go down before the Arabs?

Yes, it will be a bloody future for our region. May He SWT help us in it.

We also can't forget the reconquest of Constantinople/Istanbul under Al Mahdi at the time of the defeat of Al Masih Ad Dajjal (per Sahih Hadith.)
please, one more time I recapitulate the fact that HTS and TIP ARE NOT SA or UAE backed.

Turkish Intelligence very well knows that HTS in Syria and HAFTAR in Libya are S.Arabia and The Uae backed

S.Arabia and The Uae ordered HTS to attack Assad and Russia
and Russia,Iran,Assad are trying to kill 4 million sunni muslim Syrians or to force them to move from Idlib to Turkiye under the mask of fighting HTS and other terrorist groups

France , Egypt , S.Arabia , the Uae , Israel use Russia in Syria and Libya against Turkiye

They have plan to force Turkish Army to leave Idlib, Afrin and Syria to create Pkk/Ypg terror state
and after Syria , the next target will be Turkiye therefore we will block this dirty plan in Syria
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That is because he is misreading my ID as Pan-Islamist rather that what it really is, Pan-Islamic.

I am neither Muslim Brotherhood, nor Jamat e Islami, or any other group, actually I am a firm supporter of Imran Khan and PTI.

I also believe in unity of Sunnis, Shias, and even Salafis, we Muslims should not have differences among each other.

Glad to find someone knowledgeable about deen here. Pleasure to see you here. Looking forward to your future posts.

Yes, it will be a bloody future for our region. May He SWT help us in it.

We also can't forget the reconquest of Constantinople/Istanbul under Al Mahdi at the time of the defeat of Al Masih Ad Dajjal (per Sahih Hadith.)

@islamrules2020 @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Very true, we are seeing the 1st signs in front of our eyes. My only sad feeling in all of this, is we Muslims will suffer a lot and our numbers will deplete significantly towards the end of the conflict, according to Hadith, if a father has 100 sons 99 will perish.

I always questions and never found an answer even from researching Wali's and all what will happen to the Romans -- would we be the only one's left to take the brunt what the world will throw at it. It pains my heart at times.
Turkey has more right to be in Syria than Russia, US, Iran, Hezbollah, Germany, France, Iraqis, and the rest of dozens of nationalities there.

According to who? So Turkey has more right to send it's military into Iraq as well? Like it did a year or so ago? If Turkey really had any claim, as bogus and hollow as you sound. Then Turkey ought to be going after America, Britain, Israel and France who support PKK & YPG. That is of course if Turkey genuinely is only concerned about it's own borders, in context of PKK-YPG. But that isn't the case, is it? The whole premise of Turkey sending it's military into Iraq, Syria and Libya is because it has no legitimate claim whatsoever. Rather Turkey is like, "fellow NATO members are having a party invading Iraq, Libya and Syria, so should Turkey!"

Your whole argument about Turkey is baseless, hollow and utterly devoid of any rational explanation. In all honesty, you're hopping around from Turkey is Secular, to Turkey has every right to be in Syria, to Imran Hosein is an enemy of Islam. Honestly, you're more of a hot head than one with any intellect.

The real terrorist is the Assad regime which is mercilessly bombing Sunni Syrians and using chemical weapons on children. There is no forgiving the sins of this regime, it must go.

Your very argument is devoid of any logic whatsoever. A couple of years ago, Syrian military had all but lost most of it's territory to Zionist-American/Zionist-British/Zionist-French/Zionist-Wahhabi/Zionist-Israeli funded and armed terrorists. During the short reign of ISIS, HTS and the rest of the lunatic, psychotic, jahil Wahhabi-Salafis from Britain, Europe, America and North Africa, more innocent people where slaughtered, than at any other time since this conflict started. Syria, for it's own sanity and very existence at stake, would murder and bomb it's own people? Really? If that were the case, then why in hell would Syrian military, which was on the brink of collapse, manage to retake majority of it's territory back? Wouldn't Syrian military be short on man power? Despite help from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syrian Army itself should be unable to replenish it's troops with new recruits. Given the fact that none of the Sunni Syrian youngsters would be interested in joining the Syrian Army, particularly if Assad had murdered their families. Yet, today, Syrian Army has an abundance of new recruits, is constantly replenishing it's force levels, by training new troops. And it would be unable to consolidate territory retaken from terrorists, if the locals hated Assad so much. Yet, the reality is, that between the two evils that the Syrian people encountered (and Assad is no saint), the Syrian people overwhelmingly chose Assad. The reason is because the witnessed the ”Haiwaaniyyat" of these b@$t@rds who call themselves freedom fighters, Muslims and the saviors of Islam, and their true colors and acts of evil, during the terrorist organization's reign.

Imran Hosein is an enemy of Islam and Muslims, he has made his allegiance clear. Anyone who follows him is similarly so.

Prove your statement, it will most certainly be amusing, if not entertaining!!

You are coming into this thread to insult and attack our Turkish brothers, therefore i felt it apt to answer your misguided points against a fellow Muslim nation.

A fellow Muslim Nation!!!! Are you kidding me right now? Doesn't Turkey proclaim itself to be a secular state? Has it not been a secular state since the TYT took over under Kemal and established the modern state of Turkey? Or is it a fellow "Muslim Nation" when it is suitable for the argument? Is Turkey a NATO member who allegiances lie with protecting fellow NATO member states? Or is Turkey an antagonist, that defies it's fellow NATO member states by purchasing Russian S-400 SAM Systems? Is Turkey neutral or friendly toward Russia, or is not particularly friendly toward Russia when it shoots down a Russian fighter-jet, or assassinate the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, on Turkish soil?

Flip a coin, will ya?! And decide once and for all what Turkey really is. Because from this vantage point, Turkish record so far puts it hopping around all over the geo-political map, like a headless chicken!

I only say what I see. You need not concern what I say about those other posters.

Buddy, this is a forum. So people like you come online and say what you want. It is an entirely different proposition, if you were to be face to face with someone. Be mindful of what you say to others, even online, because it reflects on who you really are. And do not think for a moment that anyone is intimidated here, online generally or otherwise. This ain't high school, and I particularly do not tolerate bullies.

Ofcourse Iranians too will defend their regime's war crimes in Syria.

Whatever crimes anyone commits, provide undisputed proof of your claim. Otherwise you're just whistling in the wind.

And to prove it our Russian member @vostok gave you a positive rating for God knows what.

Respect is earned, not given. I respect fellow humans, engage them on the basis of humanity, so long as it is reciprocated.

USER=1453]@waz[/USER] @Dubious @Horus I don't believe such a post attacking fellow posters or a whole ethnic group, nationality like Turks deserves a positive rating. Please look into it.

Wow!! You've got some serious issues dude. Really!!! You do!!!
Hijab ban was a temporary thing and a thing of the past for a decade already so get over it.
The other things dont make it anti islam, just not religious, Turkey is secular after all.

Hijab ban came at the 1980s. Ataturk never banned it he only discouraged it.

By the time he died you still had Turkish women covered.

Iran and Afghanistan are the countries that banned it even Ataturk said they are fools for banning it.
@islamrules2020 @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Very true, we are seeing the 1st signs in front of our eyes. My only sad feeling in all of this, is we Muslims will suffer a lot and our numbers will deplete significantly towards the end of the conflict, according to Hadith, if a father has 100 sons 99 will perish.

I always questions and never found an answer even from researching Wali's and all what will happen to the Romans -- would we be the only one's left to take the brunt what the world will throw at it. It pains my heart at times.

Khurasaan is key here, brother. Somehow or another, this region (Afghanistan/Pakistan) will be spared destruction or survive to reconquer Alam e Islam. Allah knows best.
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