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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

How much Oil and Gas can be found on Turkish territory ?
How much Oil and Gas can be found on Turkish territory ?

This should be enough to intoduce you to the wider subject re turkey and its energy potential and a wider role as a vital energy coridore. I mean, it takes a bit of reading, but hey if you really want to be informed go for it

Turkey’s Oil Potential: Onshore and Offshore


Turkey tests watters off coast of cyprus


What is Turkey shale gas poteantial


Turkey’s True Potential Set to Be Unleashed




Turkey’s Potential Role in the Emerging South-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Corridor

Turkey slams Israeli, Egyptian ambassadors over support for unilateral Cyprus gas exploration

The Turkish Foreign Ministry slammed late Monday the Israeli and Egyptian ambassadors accredited to the Greek administration of southern Cyprus late Monday for supporting the Greek side's unilateral hydrocarbon exploration in the eastern Mediterranean at a recent conference, urging the diplomats "not to exceed their authorities."

The ambassadors of both countries threatened Turkey last week with "military intervention," with Israeli ambassador Aammy Ravel saying "I hope Israel will not have to carry out a military intervention against Turkey" over Turkey's reaction against south Cyprus' unilateral gas exploration activities.

Egyptian ambassador Mai Taha Muhammad also threatened to use military force against Turkey "if needed."

U.S. ambassador Cathleen Doherty also voiced support for both of the diplomats, claiming that Turkey's attitude over the matter was "unacceptable."

Calling the ambassadors' remarks, which supported the unilateral drilling being conducted by the Greek Cypriots in the Mediterranean, "unwarranted", the ministry said it was "unacceptable" that the Greek Cypriot side continued to act as it was "the sole owner of the Island" all the while "a just and lasting settlement" remains to be achieved.

"With these activities, the Greek Cypriot side disregards the inalienable rights on natural resources of the Turkish Cypriots, who are the island's co-owners," he added.

Aksoy said this attitude is far removed from any spirit of compromise and demonstrates that the Greek Cypriot administration has failed to grasp the win-win potential for economic cooperation that could result from a settlement that both the Turkish Cypriot side and Turkey have been making the "utmost" effort to achieve.

"The authorities of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Turkey have, from the very beginning, been issuing the necessary warnings with regard to these irresponsible steps taken by the Greek Cypriot administration and voicing their justified concerns and indignation," Aksoy said.

He said Turkey is determined to protect the rights and interests of Turkish Cypriots and to continue supporting them.

Aksoy added that Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, at a joint press conference last week during his visit to the TRNC with Turkish Cypriot President Mustafa Akıncı, once again openly stressed Turkey's determination to protect the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when a Greek Cypriot coup was followed by violence against the island's Turks, and Ankara's intervention as a guarantor power. It has seen an on-and-off peace process in recent years, including the latest initiative in Switzerland under the auspices of guarantor countries Turkey, Greece and the U.K., collapsing in 2017.

Turkey blames Greek Cypriot intransigence for the failure of the talks, also faulting the EU for admitting the Greek Cypriot administration into the union in 2004 although Greek Cypriot voters had recently rejected a peace deal.

Source: https://www.dailysabah.com/diplomac...support-for-unilateral-cyprus-gas-exploration
The ambassadors of both countries threatened Turkey last week with "military intervention," with Israeli ambassador Aammy Ravel saying "I hope Israel will not have to carry out a military intervention against Turkey" over Turkey's reaction against south Cyprus' unilateral gas exploration activities.

Egyptian ambassador Mai Taha Muhammad also threatened to use military force against Turkey "if needed."
I know you can't take these statements seriously, the ability of both countries to wage war on Turkey, especially Egypt is questionable. However, I do hope Turkey has contingencies in place to take preventative actions if an impending attack seems imminent.
It's exactly possibilities like this which make our strategic involvements in Sudan and Somalia and in Syria important.
I doubt Israel would ever attack Turkey even if they do seem emboldened these days with Trump at the helm in Washington. They are generally smart people and know even with US backing Turkey can hurt them real bad. El Sisi is different. His regime relies on US and Israeli support so is much more easily influenced.
I know you can't take these statements seriously, the ability of both countries to wage war on Turkey, especially Egypt is questionable. However, I do hope Turkey has contingencies in place to take preventative actions if an impending attack seems imminent.
It's exactly possibilities like this which make our strategic involvements in Sudan and Somalia and in Syria important.
I doubt Israel would ever attack Turkey even if they do seem emboldened these days with Trump at the helm in Washington. They are generally smart people and know even with US backing Turkey can hurt them real bad. El Sisi is different. His regime relies on US and Israeli support so is much more easily influenced.

With a Big "IF"... A war right now Btw TR and EGY wouldn't be easy for both. Neither of them could land an important army neither fire at each other from where they are...
Therefore, inbtw lands will be necessary... Like Cyprus per exemple or Syria...
Add to that the extremely high price tag that goes with it when you take into account both economical situation...
And you have a conclusion...
No War is coming... it's all talks for those who are in need of "Sensational" news....
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With a Big "IF"... A war right now Btw TR and EGY wouldn't be easy for both. Neither of them could lend an important army neither fire at each other from where they are...
Therefore, inbtw lands will be necessary... Like Cyprus per exemple or Syria...
Add to that the extremely high price tag that goes with it when you take into account both economical situation...
And you have a conclusion...
No War is coming... it's all talks for those who are in need of "Sensational" news....
I know a war is extremely unlikely, but you can never rule anything out especially in the Middle East. A stronger presence in Sudan, Libya, Somalia, is good for the relations between those countries, it also give Turkey a strategic reach which Egyptian planners will need to consider and hopefully dissuade them from being reckless and keep such talk as nothing more than "sensational" news.
I know a war is extremely unlikely, but you can never rule anything out especially in the Middle East. A stronger presence in Sudan, Libya, Somalia, is good for the relations between those countries, it also give Turkey a strategic reach which Egyptian planners will need to consider and hopefully dissuade them from being reckless and keep such talk as nothing more than "sensational" news.

Tbh, even if one of the side did "Fire" at a ship or engage fire at X asset... They will mostly not engage in war...
Not because they don't like to fight or fear it...But Because they can't...
TR and EGY army don't have the logistic, neither the geography that goes with such far away conflict...

That was the case for every "previous" conflict/war among those two... They always need a condition... it's to "Share" a border...
Both lack large scale ships to "invade" and Both lack "Missiles" to hit each other from far away...

So, what is left is Proxy war... and if such event happen... EGY will have the upper hand with the Syrian conflict...
Meaning whatever the situation with EGY or any anti-TR entities... Those Syrians in North Syria ( that many around here, treat them like garbage) will be the First line of Defence to TR security...

If the Top heads in TR gov are really good at what they do...Then They will not let go of Idlib/North Syria... and if they do... Then Incompetence is their moto...
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Tbh, even if one of the side did "Fire" at a ship or engage fire at X asset... They will mostly not engage in war...
Not because they don't like to fight or fear it...But Because they can't...
TR and EGY army don't have the logistic, neither the geography that goes with such far away conflict...

That was the case for every "previous" conflict/war among those two... They always need a condition... it's to "Share" a border...
Both lack large scale ships to "invade" and Both lack "Missiles" to hit each other from far away...

So, what is left is Proxy war... and if such event happen... EGY will have the upper hand with the Syrian conflict...
Meaning whatever the situation with EGY or any anti-TR entities... Those Syrians in North Syria ( that many around here, treat them like garbage) will be the First line of Defence to TR security...

If the Top heads in TR gov are really good at what they do...Then They will not let go of Idlib/North Syria... and if they do... Then Incompetence is their moto...

Actually Turkey has Cyprus, technically no different then an aircraft carrier at sea, they will be fighting on our terms in our waters if they do not "fear us" otherwise they are welcome to try and stop Turkish explorations which they haven't done and cant do.

Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and Israel would not cosy up if they could oust Turkey from the region alone.
Actually Turkey has Cyprus, technically no different then an aircraft carrier at sea, they will be fighting on our terms in our waters if they do not "fear us" otherwise they are welcome to try and stop Turkish explorations which they haven't done and cant do.

Cyprus, Greece, Egypt and Israel would not cosy up if they could oust Turkey from the region alone.

As I said, If both parties show their muscles in the Cyprus area, nothing will change. Both can't afford a war.
So either
- TR break under International/regional pressure and find a deal
- She will continue and EGY and co will pressure for X assets...
- Both will pressure in the same block, like what we saw with China and Japan around Those islands and continue the status quo...

And even if a Mistake happen and one or the other fire first... They will still be no war. But depends on who fire first... then such guy will have to concede something to appease the tension... a bit like what we saw with the downed RU jet by TR...
And even if a Mistake happen and one or the other fire first... They will still be no war. But depends on who fire first... then such guy will have to concede something to appease the tension... a bit like what we saw with the downed RU jet by TR...

Egypt is a piss poor country. If they act above their weights they will be smashed. they are barely above ethiopia boy. Watch urself.
Egypt is a piss poor country. If they act above their weights they will be smashed. they are barely above ethiopia boy. Watch urself.

You post is out of "Objectivity" please let's stay in the "Tactical" observation/opinion.
But if you need an answer to your pov... Then , you are wrong. Their current military capabilities are in some area superior to TR and others behind. But overall, on paper they are only a bit behind TR.

Everything will play out in Soldiers capabilities...

In the End, Both countries can't win if they engage first/invade the other... No side is significantly stronger to have the upper hand.
yeah on that case ive got some pretty bad news for u. If u will act we will destroy u. Watch urself
yeah on that case ive got some pretty bad news for u. If u will act we will destroy u. Watch urself
You personality will destroy you first...
And keep your cheap personal attacks to yourself... I'm not here to jump on the "sentiment" wagon... with you...

I was just having an exchange with few members about the "prospect" of a war btw TR and EGY...
Thought that the waters south of Cyprus fall under the Southern Cyprus (Greek) administration

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