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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

Turkey does have huge amounts of explored and estimated reserves. The problem has to do with expenses. Unfortunately because of Turkey's geography the reserves are generally very deep and expensive to dig out where as if you stumble upon a rock in Saudi Arabia oil bursts out. This is the real reason we don't have many options when it comes to energy.

Source : Studied geophysics engineering back in university and this was naturally the hot topic we kept on asking about.
What are the estimates?
Turkeys border stops where oil begins - I think Ataturk said it alluding to western powers redrawing bordrs after Empire's collaps and backtracking on Mosul deal.
What are the estimates?

Unfortunately it's been 10+ years and I can't remember specifics. But the gist of it was that it wasn't economically feasible to dig out the oil at this price point - and ever since then oil has been getting even cheaper. For example there were numerous wells that shell etc. had dug out to explore for oil and found it. But the depth was too large to excavate so they would cement the holes up and leave it till maybe in the future it was actually economically feasible to dig the oil out. These kinds of wells naturally stirred up lots of conspiracy theories about oppressive imperialists hiding the oil and so on.
There is no vision in turkey about gas. Turkey is ruled by ignorant people.. Egypt will be the gas hub country that will transport liquefied gas to europe . I am talking facts and you will see in coming years. Thanks ERDOGAN
There is no vision in turkey about gas. Turkey is ruled by ignorant people.. Egypt will be the gas hub country that will transport liquefied gas to europe . I am talking facts and you will see in coming years. Thanks ERDOGAN

Israel gas can only supply 2% of europe yearly needs.And egypt didnt find any gas reserve.

To become a "Gas Hub" you need more than that.Besides that egypt is not an producer.It will import from israel.
Israel gas can only supply 2% of europe yearly needs.And egypt didnt find any gas reserve.

To become a "Gas Hub" you need more than that.Besides that egypt is not an producer.It will import from israel.
Egypt will be a gas produces .. they found a big gas field in Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt will be a gas hub that contain gas from israel , libya and egypt and maybe cyprus
Egypt will be a gas produces .. they found a big gas field in Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt will be a gas hub that contain gas from israel , libya and egypt and maybe cyprus
Can you elaborate on this? I don't see the economic benefit of countries like Cyrpus and Libya sending LNG to Egypt to sell to Europe when they could do it themselves, unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

Also whenever there are plans on becoming an energy hub politics and economics get in the way and competing bids will try and undermine others.
Can you elaborate on this? I don't see the economic benefit of countries like Cyrpus and Libya sending LNG to Egypt to sell to Europe when they could do it themselves, unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

Also whenever there are plans on becoming an energy hub politics and economics get in the way and competing bids will try and undermine others.
This is an arabic post that analyse the gas map in middle east..https://arabicpost.net/politics/2018/05/19/مشروع-طموح-يغير-الخريطة-الاقتصادية-مص/
There is no vision in turkey about gas. Turkey is ruled by ignorant people.. Egypt will be the gas hub country that will transport liquefied gas to europe . I am talking facts and you will see in coming years. Thanks ERDOGAN

no if that will ever happen than its because of egypt.. they installed a real disturbing puppet (they can nly top it if they would have installed an saudi or israeli or european guy) just think about it.. a really nasty puppet and than all this military equipment all that meetings all this support.. they own egypt

really if that would be the case this could be some kind of reason.. but its actually more securing israel , money saudi imprerialism and so on

but our ppl lack vision and balls when it comes to oil and gas.. we should do anything to find gas and oil and dig it out by ourselfes..

edit: I fully trust on aselsans capabilities if our government would give them the order to make search equipment they could build it its just about some money!
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edit: I fully trust on aselsans capabilities if our government would give them the order to make search equipment they could build it its just about some money!

Search equipment? We already have our own domestic seismic reserch vessel.No need to invent wheel again.


Also we have our own drilling ship called Deep Sea Metro-2


So we can search oil & gas on our own.TPAO exist for times like this.We can search we can drill also we have our own patrol company.All money will be ours.


Egypt will be a gas produces .. they found a big gas field in Mediterranean Sea.
Egypt will be a gas hub that contain gas from israel , libya and egypt and maybe cyprus

It doesnt matter.Mediterranean gas reseves are too small compared to qatar,russia,iran.You cant be "Gas Hub" just selling mediterranean gas.
Well people how is it going? How many oil sources have we found so far? As you know the election day is approaching...
There is no vision in turkey about gas. Turkey is ruled by ignorant people.. Egypt will be the gas hub country that will transport liquefied gas to europe . I am talking facts and you will see in coming years. Thanks ERDOGAN

Well they have nothing but air, thats why they are teaming up with Israel, Greece and Cyprus against Turkey to claim the gasfields:-). Ther is not much gas in the mediterranean sea, the black sea is more promicing and we have find gas yet enough for our domestic market in the blacksea. Egypt have find gasfields what is only enough for ther own domestic market, nothing to export. Like Romania have find gasfields yet only for ther own domestic market. The only one who have find something so far is Ukrain but the Russian have claimed with annexiation.

The only what not being searched for gas is Turkish side, lets see and hope we will find something insallah.

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Guys even there is not enough gas in Mediterranean .. why turkey don't try to bring mediterranean market to her pocket instead of letting this mission to Egypt... Guys EU want to diversification of gas sources so they will reduce imports of russian gas ( for political issue) and try to import more gas from middle east (cyprus, israel, egypt,libya)
Guys even there is not enough gas in Mediterranean .. why turkey don't try to bring mediterranean market to her pocket instead of letting this mission to Egypt... Guys EU want to diversification of gas sources so they will reduce imports of russian gas ( for political issue) and try to import more gas from middle east (cyprus, israel, egypt,libya)

Because enforcing such a will is very hard when you have the US (which means Israel and Egypt) and EU (Cyprus) in the area. Turkey has grown strong militarily and politically but she's still not strong enough to bully her way through controlling the Mediterranean.

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