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it is obvious, but Turkey always afraid that US or somebody else might put fake leader in Egypt to make them fight and loose blood, which they did with Irag against Iran.. i think their main reason is to hurt Turkish economy, because any bad news make lira more expensive and thats the only challenge AKP face right now.
Actually, if Egypt want to fight, they can stop letting Turkish ships to pass from red sea. Thats the main risk Turkey face and its trying to get Sudan and Somali for that reason so that never happens.
I am even sure Turkey would love to make relations with EGypt now, its just the Erdogan ego that he said words and cannot take it back.. same with Assad.. once they change, to anybody, Turkey will be the first to jump in as it doesnt work any of these countries to go against each other...

Actually, i was suprised today to see EGypt army in CHinese training with RUssia, Venezuela, Iran.. Egypt is changing sides or what is the reason? as you speak Arabic, You might know more about it..

EGY was never a one sided country since NAsser. It's like any other country in the Region, They evolve according to mutual benefits. EGY is trying to have cordial relations with everyone and for that, they are limiting their international exposure to external conflicts.
EGY is trying to reshape her regional position and for that, you need every major powers on board.

As for If the US could push Sissi to engage TR...I don't think so... They have too much to lose and US support is less "interesting" or at least "less serious" than what it was... So betting all your future on a 4 year Presidency with Trump is one heck of a gamble...That many prefer to let pass...

As for a future TR-EGY relation... I will say it's possible, even under Erdogan/Sissi presidency...They just need to find a higher "enemy" than their political beef... And the US/ISR could be one of them...
EGY was never a one sided country since NAsser. It's like any other country in the Region, They evolve according to mutual benefits. EGY is trying to have cordial relations with everyone and for that, they are limiting their international exposure to external conflicts.
EGY is trying to reshape her regional position and for that, you need every major powers on board.

As for If the US could push Sissi to engage TR...I don't think so... They have too much to lose and US support is less "interesting" or at least "less serious" than what it was... So betting all your future on a 4 year Presidency with Trump is one heck of a gamble...That many prefer to let pass...

As for a future TR-EGY relation... I will say it's possible, even under Erdogan/Sissi presidency...They just need to find a higher "enemy" than their political beef... And the US/ISR could be one of them...

Sissies Egypt won't find a higher enemy to be friendly with Turkey.
As long as KSA Israel axis sees us a thorn in the eye this won't change..

Egypt shows a dangerous behavior in their foreign affairs.. Aggressiv and always in the benefit of others..

All the fancy new stuff wich is provided for them could have two purposes

First egypt helps KSA and Isreal to fight in a potential war against iran.. The two Mistral ships would be good useful and their newly purchased Missiles from France too

Or it seems to be a balance against turkey

We are building our landing ship they got one too also they got missiles that can reach our coast if they are fired from jets

But it's funny to see them so much cooperating with Israel and threatening us together with their best new friends
Sissie won't have USA or Israel as new enemies its almost impossible and wishful thinking . The influence of them is too much to think about it. It's like to say turkey will leave NATO and make a deal with China .
Sissies Egypt won't find a higher enemy to be friendly with Turkey.
As long as KSA Israel axis sees us a thorn in the eye this won't change..

Egypt shows a dangerous behavior in their foreign affairs.. Aggressiv and always in the benefit of others..

All the fancy new stuff wich is provided for them could have two purposes

First egypt helps KSA and Isreal to fight in a potential war against iran.. The two Mistral ships would be good useful and their newly purchased Missiles from France too

Or it seems to be a balance against turkey

We are building our landing ship they got one too also they got missiles that can reach our coast if they are fired from jets

But it's funny to see them so much cooperating with Israel and threatening us together with their best new friends
Sissie won't have USA or Israel as new enemies its almost impossible and wishful thinking . The influence of them is too much to think about it. It's like to say turkey will leave NATO and make a deal with China .

EGY has no beef with Iran... That's why we don't portray them in this "Anti-Iranian axis".
As for being friend with israel or not... Let say...Everyone in the Region "Enjoyed" Israel at some point... YOu can't criticize their relation, when almost everyone entertained some with ISR...

US-ISR agenda in the long term,is fundamentally different than many in the Region, including TR-EGY-KSA-IR etc... Therefore, they will mostly alienate those around them... and that will push to the formation of a different kind of Alliances... That...ofc...if no War happen in the meantime...
Never underestimate your enemy!

Obviosly (IF) it happens, mainly its gonna be a combined naval & Air war! far from homeland and enemy land as well! I dont realy know much about Egyption air refueling capability! However, I guess it wont be wrong to argue that we have both qualitative and quantitavie advandage over them in regard to naval assets, air refueling, AEW&C and cruise missiles.
Never underestimate your enemy!

Obviosly (IF) it happens, mainly its gonna be a combined naval & Air war! far from homeland and enemy land as well! I dont realy know much about Egyption air refueling capability! However, I guess it wont be wrong to argue that we have both qualitative and quantitavie advandage over them in regard to naval assets, air refueling, AEW&C and cruise missiles.

Yes, TR have the advantages in numbers and some assets. But What is important to know is that both got access to the same Tech.
As for Naval Assets, as said previously, it will not be a "Ship vs ship", since both parties could destroy each other navies by Air if their respective Navy found themselves in "difficult position".
Air refueling is not needed, since both Countries are close enough for Fighter combat radius + Missile range.
Both countries can't safely land in each other territory, neither sustain a land offensive.
Both have/will get potent AA sys and in enough number to block Air movement near their strategic zones...

In the End, TR slight advantages in Tech is not advanced enough/ in enough number to fulfill a full scale war, neither to say also EGY.

Therefore War, is sanely not thinkable...for now.
Yes, TR have the advantages in numbers and some assets. But What is important to know is that both got access to the same Tech.
As for Naval Assets, as said previously, it will not be a "Ship vs ship", since both parties could destroy each other navies by Air if their respective Navy found themselves in "difficult position".
Air refueling is not needed, since both Countries are close enough for Fighter combat radius + Missile range.
Both countries can't safely land in each other territory, neither sustain a land offensive.
Both have/will get potent AA sys and in enough number to block Air movement near their strategic zones...

In the End, TR slight advantages in Tech is not advanced enough/ in enough number to fulfill a full scale war, neither to say also EGY.

Therefore War, is sanely not thinkable...for now.

Your crazy if you think Egypt can land in Cyprus lol with 30/40k Turkish personel, well trained divisions stationed there and enough air and sea assets to blow Egyptians back to to Cairo. This war wouldn’t even be fought close to Turkey lol.

Greece’s and Cyprus will be the first sueing for peace once Turkish troops go on the move, Egypt will sink into worse economic conditions lol there “tech” as you say is donated and handouts while Turkey produces its own.

Egypt had 20k losses compared to 1k almost during the 6 day war against tiny Israel, Turkey would turn the med into a blood bath for them.

Egypt should free its cities in Sinai before SISI barks at Turkey.

Israel doesn’t even have the numbers or bravery to match the Turks.
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Your crazy if you think Egypt can land in Cyprus lol with 30/40k Turkish personel, well trained divisions stationed there and enough air and sea assets to blow Egyptians back to to Cairo. This war wouldn’t even be fought close to Turkey lol.

Greece’s and Cyprus will be the first sueing for peace once Turkish troops go on the move, Egypt will sink into worse economic conditions lol there “tech” as you say is donated and handouts while Turkey produces its own.

Egypt had 20k losses compared to 1k almost during the 6 day war against tiny Israel, Turkey would turn the med into a blood bath for them.

Egypt should free its cities in Sinai before SISI barks at Turkey.

Israel doesn’t even have the numbers or bravery to match the Turks.

I never said EGY could land in Cyprus...Quite the opposite, I specifically said, No one could sustain a "landing invasion".

"Both countries can't safely land in each other territory, neither sustain a land offensive."

And we didn't incorporate "Allies" only a TR-EGY matter. and I'm pretty sure that if war happen, it will be an TR-EGY matter, Where allies will only "secretly" help, but no direct support.
Yes, TR have the advantages in numbers and some assets. But What is important to know is that both got access to the same Tech.
As for Naval Assets, as said previously, it will not be a "Ship vs ship", since both parties could destroy each other navies by Air if their respective Navy found themselves in "difficult position".
Air refueling is not needed, since both Countries are close enough for Fighter combat radius + Missile range.
Both countries can't safely land in each other territory, neither sustain a land offensive.
Both have/will get potent AA sys and in enough number to block Air movement near their strategic zones...

In the End, TR slight advantages in Tech is not advanced enough/ in enough number to fulfill a full scale war, neither to say also EGY.

Therefore War, is sanely not thinkable...for now.

İn fact from what I read, I cant see any thing diffrent than What I have already wrote!However, what we defere might be The role of Air refueling which is not just for Fighter combat radius but its direct impact on the availablity i.e the time a fighter spents in the combat zone! and second issue is I would not say huge but still we have a substanial advantages in Tech. Sory but For me having indigenous systems from nationally developed GENESİS system to Aselsans ESM/ECM to SOM to ATMACA and so on is not just a slight advantage.but Yes peace indeed!!! Finaly, it dosent matter what our neighbours buy, time is always on our side ( a country with a maturing national defence industry! With every passing day we are reaping the rewards!)
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İn fact from what I read, I cant see any thing diffrent than What I have already wrote!However, what we defere might be The role of Air refueling which is not just for Fighter combat radius but its direct impact on the availablity i.e the time a fighter spents in the combat zone! and second issue is I would not say huge but still we have a substanial advantages in Tech. Sory but For me having indigenous system from nationally developed GENESİS system to Aselsans ESM/ECM to SOM to ATMACA and so on is not just a slight advantage.but Yes peace indeed!!! Finaly, it dosent mater what our neighbours buy, time is always on our side ( a country with a maturing national defence industry! With every passing day we are reaping the rewards!)

Ofc indigenous and self sustained Defence Industry is a must and Interesting In the long run.
But, EGY has equivalent foreign possibility, that are in some case better than TR tech.

But being self made in some sys, doesn't make you ultimately prone to success. It's mostly relevant when it's long wars or when the Enemy "reserves" are empty. Therefore in a case of a War, EGY will need to end it fast, While TR with his defense Industry can expand it, till enemy reserves drop... That's ofc if no External Allies secretly ship equipments.

A TR-EGY will be tricky if it start right now... Both will find themselves in Equilibrium in this conflict...
That's why I stated, that if TR follow her Innovation/Indigenisation as it is right now... and That EGY stay as an importer rather than a manufacturer... Then TR will get herself btw her hands, advanced Sys that are blocked for "normal nations" aka Long range Ballistic Missiles, Long range AA, Radar, Jammers, Fighters, and so on... But Such conflict should happen in around 2025-2035, rather than now... since it will be horrible for both parties...
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Ofc indigenous and self sustained Defence Industry is a must and Interesting In the long run.
But, EGY has equivalent foreign possibility, that are in some case better than TR tech.

But being self made in some sys, doesn't make you ultimately prone to success. It's mostly relevant when it's long wars or when the Enemy "reserves" are empty. Therefore in a case of a War, EGY will need to end it fast, While TR with his defense Industry can expand it, till enemy reserves drop... That's ofc if no External Allies secretly ship equipments.

A TR-EGY will be tricky if it start right now... Both will find themselves in Equilibrium in this conflict...
That's why I stated, that if TR follow her Innovation/Indigenisation as it is right now... and That EGY stay as an importer rather than a manufacturer... Then TR will get herself btw her hands, advanced Sys that are blocked for "normal nations" aka Long range Ballistic Missiles, Long range AA, Radar, Jammers, Fighters, and so on... But Such conflict should happen in around 2025-2035, rather than now... since it will be horrible for both parties...

Winning victory doesn’t always mean to invade enemy land.The military operations have politic, diplomatic and military purposes and As long as It achieves those purposes, It is a victory. Turkey promises to protect East Mediterranean rights to benefit national sea zones and hydrocarbon reserves, while Egypt under the cooperation with Cypriots are supporting Greek claims and threaten Turkish Republic with war. In this circumstances, Any provocation to be came from Egypt side will be given response with a huge naval/airtorce strikes to keep Egypt out of Turkish EEZ. A succesfull strike against such forces enable Turkey to get a pure victory since One side is made to be eaten his words.

Secondly, A national defence industry, especially a huge naval industry is a pure advantage over enemy assets. Lack of some functions of command control softwares, limited vertical launchers, EW/ES/EA defficiency of Egyptian frigates, BVR and some EW defficiency of majority of “hostile” airforce and many other things that is not known on international variant of tools against an industry which is able to design/develop naval warships from top to down. Suatainability of a conflict is directly related with power that is beimg got from national defence industry and domestic subsystems that limits are only known by own naval personal.

Besides, It is agreed to speed up naval industry projects in a few days ago. That means the budgets to be canalized for naval projects have been prioritized. What are those strategic projects that put TN more steps ahead of regional rivals?

Fast Assault Boat (60+kts)
Tf-2000 AAW frigate
National Submarine
Anti-Ship cruise missile(250km)
Supersonic Anti-Ship cruise missile(Ramjet propulsion)
Long range Land Attack Cruise missiles(800km and 1400km variants)
National light(Orka) and Heavy torpedos(Akya)
National vertical Launchers
Low/Medium/Long altitude SAM missiles
RAM equivalent missiles
Naval AESA radars
Lazer guns
Electromagnetic guns
National propulsion units
Co2 propulsion
Fuel cells

It is predicted that E.Mediterranean will be the main playzone of anti-Turkey JV. So Turkey takes neccessary precuations to provide aversiveness enough to protect national benefits at all conditions. If It is needed, That sea will be a zone which will be given a bloody lesson to all sides at all costs.
Winning victory doesn’t always mean to invade enemy land.The military operations have politic, diplomatic and military purposes and As long as It achieves those purposes, It is a victory. Turkey promises to protect East Mediterranean rights to benefit national sea zones and hydrocarbon reserves, while Egypt under the cooperation with Cypriots are supporting Greek claims and threaten Turkish Republic with war. In this circumstances, Any provocation to be came from Egypt side will be given response with a huge naval/airtorce strikes to keep Egypt out of Turkish EEZ. A succesfull strike against such forces enable Turkey to get a pure victory since One side is made to be eaten his words.

Secondly, A national defence industry, especially a huge naval industry is a pure advantage over enemy assets. Lack of some functions of command control softwares, limited vertical launchers, EW/ES/EA defficiency of Egyptian frigates, BVR and some EW defficiency of majority of “hostile” airforce and many other things that is not known on international variant of tools against an industry which is able to design/develop naval warships from top to down. Suatainability of a conflict is directly related with power that is beimg got from national defence industry and domestic subsystems that limits are only known by own naval personal.

Besides, It is agreed to speed up naval industry projects in a few days ago. That means the budgets to be canalized for naval projects have been prioritized. What are those strategic projects that put TN more steps ahead of regional rivals?

Fast Assault Boat (60+kts)
Tf-2000 AAW frigate
National Submarine
Anti-Ship cruise missile(250km)
Supersonic Anti-Ship cruise missile(Ramjet propulsion)
Long range Land Attack Cruise missiles(800km and 1400km variants)
National light(Orka) and Heavy torpedos(Akya)
National vertical Launchers
Low/Medium/Long altitude SAM missiles
RAM equivalent missiles
Naval AESA radars
Lazer guns
Electromagnetic guns
National propulsion units
Co2 propulsion
Fuel cells

It is predicted that E.Mediterranean will be the main playzone of anti-Turkey JV. So Turkey takes neccessary precuations to provide aversiveness enough to protect national benefits at all conditions. If It is needed, That sea will be a zone which will be given a bloody lesson to all sides at all costs.

Yes, I saw the announcement to speed up Naval projects, Quite Frankly, it was about time. The few incoming years gonna be interesting.

As for EGY, I still believe they will not act in Cyprus area... As long as TR stay out of EGY EEZ, it will be Cyprus/Greece affair, Tha couple just want to drag more support to show a united front, and that's it.
There is better chance to get US involved than EGY in that Med sea area tbh.

And last, for Indigenous sys, you're right, Like I said, if war happen in the coming Decade or more, TR will be Ready.
But, some members went with the Hypothesis that a war will happen "Now"/"very soon"... Therefore TR most naval indigenous projects are not made/matured yet. That will mean both parties will enjoy some sort of "similarities" in defence stocks/access.
And even on the Diplomatic arena TR (as of today) is less stronger with latest Foreign policies, whatever from ME/EU/US.

That's why, A war btw the two is "Unlikely" to happen. The worst that could happen is a CN/JAP scenario, where both push each other buttons, without really provoking the other side to start something serious.
As long as superpowers are not involved, TR ships will drill freely..;But if the US butt in or RU, then it's another problem.

If those two come in...they will scream to come as "peacemakers" while playing both sides and take some "natural Interest rate" in the meantime... And continue fueling TR-EGY rivalery to stay around...
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Egypt can not attact to NATO's War Ship... Unless Turkey enter the Egyptian border.
Yes, I saw the announcement to speed up Naval projects, Quite Frankly, it was about time. The few incoming years gonna be interesting.

As for EGY, I still believe they will not act in Cyprus area... As long as TR stay out of EGY EEZ, it will be Cyprus/Greece affair, Tha couple just want to drag more support to show a united front, and that's it.
There is better chance to get US involved than EGY in that Med sea area tbh.

And last, for Indigenous sys, you're right, Like I said, if war happen in the coming Decade or more, TR will be Ready.
But, some members went with the Hypothesis that a war will happen "Now"/"very soon"... Therefore TR most naval indigenous projects are not made/matured yet. That will mean both parties will enjoy some sort of "similarities" in defence stocks/access.
And even on the Diplomatic arena TR (as of today) is less stronger with latest Foreign policies, whatever from ME/EU/US.

That's why, A war btw the two is "Unlikely" to happen. The worst that could happen is a CN/JAP scenario, where both push each other buttons, without really provoking the other side to start something serious.

If It was about Egyptian public to take a desicion to mess with Turkey, I can certainly claim that It is unlikely but We are talking about a puppet controlled by foreigners and this guy is ready to bow his head against any power not to loose his seats and begging anybody who agrees to provide military hardware even if they are downgraded. It is done to be seen popular as a coup-plotter and %40 of his population just attend the elections. Such a desperate guy can easily sacrifice own public for the sake of getting international support.
If It was about Egyptian public to take a desicion to mess with Turkey, I can certainly claim that It is unlikely but We are talking about a puppet controlled by foreigners and this guy is ready to bow his head any power not to loose his seats and begging anybody who agrees to provide military hardware even if they are downgraded. It is done to be seen popular as a coup-plotter and %40 of his population just attend the elections. Such a desperate guy can easily sacrifice own public for the sake of getting international support.

Ofc everything could happen.

But I still believe, He wouldn't. Even if you go to war, you need some sort of support.
Words or even equipements of Foreign powers is not enough, you need at least a majority of Support from your own people... and tbh, I don't think the egyptian people would want it, neither would support it. They are ok, to some beef/Political words, but to the extent of a war, When your country/economy is just beginning to get their heads out of the water is very difficult to imagine.

There is too much to lose, for both sides and even more for EGY, When it's not even in his own EEZ.
All of this "words" are a part of the "One front" campaign.

Anyway, time will tell. Let's see in the coming months,if that TR drilling ship come back in one piece or not...
EGY has no beef with Iran... That's why we don't portray them in this "Anti-Iranian axis".
As for being friend with israel or not... Let say...Everyone in the Region "Enjoyed" Israel at some point... YOu can't criticize their relation, when almost everyone entertained some with ISR...

US-ISR agenda in the long term,is fundamentally different than many in the Region, including TR-EGY-KSA-IR etc... Therefore, they will mostly alienate those around them... and that will push to the formation of a different kind of Alliances... That...ofc...if no War happen in the meantime...

Lol no one talks about simple relation.. You may have feelings towards Egypt that nothing bad but normal..

They thread us together with Israel that's the point and funny thing..

Egypt is a tool and it may be used in a potential Arab NATO against Iran and than it does not matter if they had no big beef with Iran all fancy stuff are not free they have a purpose ...

You don't have someone who acts on the benefits of his own country

So my problem just lies on the unpredictable puppet sissi but I don't think he could be a match against turkish navy and airforce
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