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Greek Cypriots are seizing and stealing our rights more than 60 years and nobody cares except Turkey. Without Turkey we wouldn't stand against that much enemies as a minority. On the other hand, this map is way more ridiculous than every other claim..

In the end I prefer having a fair deal between both sides of Cyprus, Turkey and Greece.. World is discriminating us for a long time but sometimes Turkey does it too. N. Cyprus and S.Cyprus both are countries and you can not ignore it. Everybody thinks TRNC is not a real country but in fact EU and UN recognizes most of the institutions and leaders of it and it is a reality. You cannot classify Cyprus as a shitty island or a piece of rock.. Same happened between TRNC and Turkey.. delimitation line is not in the middle. It is in favor of Turkey and signed under pressure. When Turkey needs Turkish Cypriots, she uses them for bargaining chip but does not respect their identity, their leaders or rights. That feeling of superiority poisons everything and is a weakness of Turkish side.

Some of those maps are not much different from arrogance of Greeks. I hope a fair deal between those countries would be possible in the future but Greeks are blindly nationalistic, full of arrogance and have a fake self-confidence. This struggle will get more intense and I feel sorry for my own people. We are stuck in-between.

Look at this one.. Cyprus is a shitty rock in the middle of the sea?

Ther is one solution and making a part of Turkey. No TRNC anymore but Turkey self, i am afraid they don't want to talk. We are wasting our time...

Island can not claim EEZ, that is establisihd legally and did ad a link about the problem in bahama as example:-). TRNC will benefit from Turkish EEZ ofcourse but haci mikos not...
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You a Turkish Cypriot brother?
Absolutely, I am living on the land that my ancestors also lived. Proudly having long history in this soil as a Turkish Cypriot. We suffered much more than anyone else but I don't think anyone would understand us.

Ther is one solution and making a part of Turkey. No TRNC anymore but Turkey self, i am afraid they don't want to talk. We are wasting our time...

Island can not claim EEZ, that is establisihd legally and did ad a link about the problem in bahama as example:-). TRNC will benefit from Turkish EEZ ofcourse but haci mikos not...

Unfortunately you are not aware of any agreements, international law etc... You cannot annex this land in any scenario. Don't you think the leaders have thought this before? There are certain international agreements and cost of this dumb action will be at least as high as Crimea. And only legitimacy Turkey has in this island and Eastern Med. is the Turkish Cypriots' rights in the island and the agreements (who would not accept to become your province in any case too..). Annex it then you would not have any right to talk in the table. Turkish Cypriot president is a recognized representative of the island.

Besides we did not knuckle down to Brits or Greeks for years, we would not to RTE's Turkey either. Grow up and stop dreaming. If you don't respect people and belittle them.. then they won't love you back. That's the main problem between us. A weakness in our brotherhood. We see Turkey as a big brother, a brother nation, protector.. But you think our land/country/soil is yours/conquered, and owning it. Greek Cypriots are stealing our rights for decades but we will not give up or surrender. Same goes for every other party who are willing to do same.
Absolutely, I am living on the land that my ancestors also lived. Proudly having long history in this soil as a Turkish Cypriot. We suffered much more than anyone else but I don't think anyone would understand us.
Unfortunately you are not aware of any agreements, international law etc... You cannot annex this land in any scenario. Don't you think the leaders have thought this before? There are certain international agreements and cost of this dumb action will be at least as high as Crimea. And only legitimacy Turkey has in this island and Eastern Med. is the Turkish Cypriots' rights in the island and the agreements (who would not accept to become your province in any case too..). Annex it then you would not have any right to talk in the table. Turkish Cypriot president is a recognized representative of the island.
Besides we did not knuckle down to Brits or Greeks for years, we would not to RTE's Turkey either. Grow up and stop dreaming. If you don't respect people and belittle them.. then they won't love you back. That's the main problem between us. A weakness in our brotherhood. We see Turkey as a big brother, a brother nation, protector.. But you think our land/country/soil is yours/conquered, and owning it. Greek Cypriots are stealing our rights for decades but we will not give up or surrender. Same goes for every other party who are willing to do same.
I agree with you that annexing turkish cyprus would be stupid move and would serve as justification for harsher sanctions on turkey as for the EEZ signed between TRNC and Turkey maybe favors more Turkey bur its ridiculous to say this after everything Turkey has done for you i mean at the end of they day when TRNC is recognized finally still Turkey would be your biggest and most reliable brotherly country
I don’t like like when you said RTE’s Turkey that’s too much negative prejudice towards Turkey and reminds me of other countries with anti-turkish mentality
When akinci backstabbed Turkey when he condemned Peace Spring operation no one said we don’t like Akinci’s TRNC
Absolutely, I am living on the land that my ancestors also lived. Proudly having long history in this soil as a Turkish Cypriot. We suffered much more than anyone else but I don't think anyone would understand us.

Unfortunately you are not aware of any agreements, international law etc... You cannot annex this land in any scenario. Don't you think the leaders have thought this before? There are certain international agreements and cost of this dumb action will be at least as high as Crimea. And only legitimacy Turkey has in this island and Eastern Med. is the Turkish Cypriots' rights in the island and the agreements (who would not accept to become your province in any case too..). Annex it then you would not have any right to talk in the table. Turkish Cypriot president is a recognized representative of the island.

Besides we did not knuckle down to Brits or Greeks for years, we would not to RTE's Turkey either. Grow up and stop dreaming. If you don't respect people and belittle them.. then they won't love you back. That's the main problem between us. A weakness in our brotherhood. We see Turkey as a big brother, a brother nation, protector.. But you think our land/country/soil is yours/conquered, and owning it. Greek Cypriots are stealing our rights for decades but we will not give up or surrender. Same goes for every other party who are willing to do same.

This is not RTE's Turkey but Turkey, when RTE is dead you will need Turkey to survive. You are living with the help of Turkey. Ther is nothing wrong to ad to Turkey thats mine opinion. Your land is our and our is yours, we are not stealing your rights. So our weakness is our brotherhood? Explain yourself little more please.
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You cannot classify Cyprus as a shitty island or a piece of rock.. Same happened between TRNC and Turkey.. delimitation line is not in the middle. It is in favor of Turkey and signed under pressure.

Look at this one.. Cyprus is a shitty rock in the middle of the sea?

The problem here is that Turkey cannot officially project an externally satisfactory legal argument differentiating Cyprus from the Greek islands, as far as maritime rights are concerned. It is impossible de jure to contend that the Greek islands do not have EEZ rights (because they are islands), but Cyprus - an island - has. Therefore, TRNC inevitably has to get the short stick out of this one.

The current diplomatic strategy to alleviate and offset said contradiction is Turkey's enthusiastic support for TRNCs shared rights in Cyprus maritime resources, irregardless of the EEZ question at hand. This is politically easy to do too, since said resources lie geographically in a place where Turkey itself cannot sustain a legal claim argument (SE of Cyprus itself).
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The problem here is that Turkey cannot officially project an externally satisfactory legal argument differentiating Cyprus from the Greek islands, as far as maritime rights are concerned. It is impossible de jure to contend that the Greek islands do not have EEZ rights (because they are islands), but Cyprus - an island - has. Therefore, TRNC inevitably has to get the short stick out of this one.

The current diplomatic strategy to alleviate and offset said contradiction is Turkey's enthusiastic support for TRNCs shared rights in Cyprus maritime resources, irregardless of the EEZ question at hand. This is politically easy to do too, since said resources lie geographically in a place where Turkey itself cannot sustain a legal claim argument (SE of Cyprus itself).

You don't have satisfactory legal argument:-). You will get nothing mark my words...

You don't have satisfactory legal argument:-). You will get nothing mark my words...


Thank you for the insight. I was talking about Turkey's stance towards TRNC though as regards to maritime rights, not about Greek or Cypriot claims. It is impossible for Turkey to say Cyprus - including TRNC - has EEZ rights, while (for example) Crete doesn't.

So Turkey is simply not saying it.
Thank you for the insight. I was talking about Turkey's stance towards TRNC though as regards to maritime rights, not about Greek or Cypriot claims. It is impossible for Turkey to say Cyprus - including TRNC - has EEZ rights, while (for example) Crete doesn't.

So Turkey is simply not saying it.

They should do the same with TRNC to... They have to understand ther is no other choise...:-)
If islands have right for EEZ the artificial islands have too i don’t think greece wants this to happen currently there’s no need for this because turkish navy(and TRNC) plus libyan-turkish deal are giving advantage/leverage but if somehow turkey looses this advantage then they will start copying china’s policy because that would be the last trick in Turkey’s hand before war option
If islands have right for EEZ the artificial islands have too

From a legal standpoint (as regards to UNCLOS), no. Part VIII is pretty self-explanatory.

Article 121 - Regime of islands
1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water,which is above water at high tide.
2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory.
3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

Of course, this is one of the main reasons for Turkey never signing UNCLOS in the first place. China is in a different situation right now (they simply don't accept the derived decisions regarding maritime rights). See South China Sea Arbitration for reference.
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From a legal standpoint (as regards to UNCLOS), no. Part VIII is pretty self-explanatory.

Article 121Regime of islands

1.An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water,which is above water at high tide.
2.Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory.
3.Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

Of course, this is one of the main reasons for Turkey never singing UNCLOS in the first place.
Of course this international document favors greece but there is another international document/view that favors Turkey
Question who has more right the first or the second document???
If course this international document favors greece but there is another international document/view that favors Turkey
Question who has more right the first or the second document???

Legally? You would need arbitration for that. Which is not saying much anyway, since you would have to enter the arbitration process while pre-affirming to respect the result. A pretty tricky proposition in itself (see the China-Philippines case linked above as an example).

In reality? This is simply a matter of conflicting interest. Each country (being a rational geopolitical actor) has to observe and maintain what is deemed as its national interest. Real Politik tells us that the best compromise is the one that leaves every side angry and disappointed.

At this point in time, said compromise is sadly considered to be political suicide for the ruling elite in both countries.
Legally? You would need arbitration for that.
In reality? This is simply a matter of conflicting interest. Each country (being a rational geopolitical actor) has to observe and maintain what is deemed as its national interest. Real Politik tells us that the best compromise is the one that leaves every side angry and disappointing.

At this point in time, said compromise is considered as political suicide in both countries.
There aren’t greek or turkish politicians that have courage to do a win win deal that’s the real truth
We all know that Greece won’t be attacked by Turkey nor vice versa so this warmongering used to influence both masses is stupid thing both France and Germany killed each other in terms of numbers much more than the total casualty number of greek-turkish wars yet they have pretty good relations for more than 40 years
Unlike greece(yes i know about troubled relations with macedonia and albania but we must be real they are not a real threat to greece especially since albanians have territorial disputes with serbs and macedonians) turkey indeed faces existential threat from pkk kurds us has backstabbed us with their support for separarism plus the 2016 coup they even were blocking ordinary sales JDAM until recently(now turkey has several own guidance kits)
Why i am telling this is because when i see warmongering from a greek reporter how turkey is building defense industry to go to war with greece i feel sad for him totally misguided person turkey wants to be big power(has necessary historical advantages for being a future regional big power) that’s true but first and foremost wants to save its territorial existence
I don’t understand why greece plans to rent two aircraft carriers from us(if we know rhat one carrier can host 100 aircrafts but greece only has 250 aircraft if they put 200 aircraft on the two carriers then they risk to loose them if the carrier is sunk for me personally this is very stupid decision)
You are renting heron UAV for pretty expensive price and yesterday i have read news here morroco has bought 3 heron uavs
This is once again short sighted decision
Same thing with mq-9 you will pay very expensively but when they arrive turkey will already have akinci UCAV with domestic air to air missiles which puts mq-9 at the mercy of whether high ranking turkish officials depending on poltical climate want to down it or not...
Best decision for both sides would be to announce that aegan sea and east med gas reserves are joint turkish-greek assets deploy turkish and greek oil/gas companies together with international partners extract the gas/oil and enjoy the benefits together
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There aren’t greek or turkish politicians that have courage to do a win win deal that’s the real truth

Agreed. Heads would probably start exploding left or right in both sides of the Aegean before even an attempt at sober bilateral discussion and analysis started.

I don’t understand why greece plans to rent two aircraft carriers from us(if we know rhat one carrier can host 100 aircrafts but greece only has 250 aircraft if they put 200 aircraft on the two carriers then they risk to loose them if the carrier is sunk for me personally this is very stupid decision)

To be frank, this is really the first time I'm hearing this. If I could wager a guess, I'd say that whoever wrote/said that must not be really bright..
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