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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

Absolutely and as a result u will loose a lot of islands :D

The absolute majority of the turkish population would support a war against u, DONT LET UR LEADERS FOOL YOU! And cyprus got buttfucked, its just a matter of time till Northern cyprus will become fully independent or integrated into the turkish republic.

Bruh, i will tell u it over and over again, the small irrelevant nations are IRRELEVANT, and EUROPE itself without the UK is IRRELEVANT. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT, NO ONES TAKES U SERIOUS. **** YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID AND UR ISLANDS ARE GONE YOU ANNOYING LITTLE BRAT.

Malaka you are shit, go hide behind other nations thats the only thing u can do and as soon as u do something stupid it will be athens and selanik and not just the small irrelevant islands.

The turkish public opinion as a whole ofc would support a defensive war against Greece, i don't think that would work the other way around though, as it seems now.
Does Turkey have anything to do with the southwestern part of Crete's EEZ other than imperialistic intentions? Even in this case i don't say that it's the big majority of turkish public opinion that would totally disagree with that, although it is clear that a respectable minority of big importance would be against it and another minority would remain neutral verging on the borders of the yes or no decision according to circumstances.
Either way though the no part and the neutral part would also pay for the price of these imperialistic ambitions and that's the scary thing.

And to reach to a general conclusion, that's the most dramatic part of all, when the part of a country which disagrees openly or at least doesn't agree to the imperialistic ambitions of a small elite(which will not risk their own lives at all) is dragged to pay with its own blood their choices their wars.
Turkey is a big land power, i think you should acknowledge that and see through the lines, i address to smart people, you want rights that don't belong to you according to international law as we already made clear under the non signment and ratification of UNCLOS of 1982, which Greece has signed, for what?
What else than imperialistic ambitions that like it or not pass through violation of our rights according again to international law?
And you think that Greece having suffered from 400 years of ottoman slavery will accept to live this again?
I think for your own good, that you should not confuse Greece being weak, because we simply count cost and benefit of a possible war, or because we prepare better for the upcoming event you are starting steadily.
You see Greece in WW2 (in which Turkey didn't take part at all), tried to avoid war with Italy even at the cost of a war ship of hers being sunk by italian naval forces. That was seen as weakness by many. :-)
But in the end when war was inevitable and our territory and national pride was at stake and were at last better prepared(militarily, diplomatically, etc), war happened and Greece resisted successfully, not only repulsing the invader, but also counterattacking in Albania against the regional italian big power of the era gaining territory.
Only to be defeated when combined forces of Germany, Italy and Bulgaria opened multiple fronts, fronts which now we have succesfully closed, thus we will surely fight a 1 threat defensive war if you try to start it ofc.

We didn't signed UNCLOS the USA and your East Med. partner Israel didn't signed it aswell it's a useless piece of paper. There is no invasion plan of our side you paranoid Greeks are the ones who always triggered a conflict be it in 1919, 1974 or 1996.
If you think you can lock Turkey on it's shores with some agreements with South Cyprus and Egypt you are delusional. If you think you can declare 12nm and cut off our free passage to the Mediterranean you are delusional. Since the 90s Turkish Goverment is talking about joint gas exploration but you puppets rather invite dozen of western companies involve many different countries only for the purpose to throw dirt on Turkey.

Your economy is a blackhole, your population went from 11,5 million in 2005 to 10,4 million in 2020 nearly lost 10% in 15 years, your military has not any budget left to purchase new toys that's why you let build American bases in Greece and if Turkey wants you have soon a bigger refugee crisis than now...

The ship that was sunken was the same ship that delivered humanitarian aid to Greece, during WW2 Turkey was not only threatend from a possible Axis invasion but also Soviet invasion. That's also why Turkey had a neutral position.
Italy was anything but a power, when the Germans arrived in Greece we all know how it ended.
Stop this childish and useless discussion. No one believe that Greece can beat Turkey in an utter war. And no one is interested in a war. Both sides should solve EEZ and Cyprus issue peacefully. A compromise will hurt both sides. But a none compromise will hurt you much more. And at the end, the winners will be the others, outside the ring.
Stop this childish and useless discussion. No one believe that Greece can beat Turkey in an utter war. And no one is interested in a war. Both sides should solve EEZ and Cyprus issue peacefully. A compromise will hurt both sides. But a none compromise will hurt you much more. And at the end, the winners will be the others, outside the ring.

Cyprus issue was solved 1974.
Cyprus issue was solved 1974.

Yes, in your point of view.

Disagreed. It isn't solved yet but it will be solved when the world recognize Turkish Cyprus as a sovereign nation and state then it will be solved.
Of course Turkey's recognition is important but not enough. And I believe that soon other states will recognize it as sovereign country. Then we can assume it the problem is solved.

If UN recognize Turkish Cyprus, you have no rights on Greek Cyprus EEZ.
Cyprus issue was solved 1974.
Disagreed. It isn't solved yet but it will be solved when the world recognize Turkish Cyprus as a sovereign nation and state then it will be solved.
Of course Turkey's recognition is important but not enough. And I believe that soon other states will recognize it as sovereign country. Then we can assume it the problem is solved.
Yes, in your point of view.

If UN recognize Turkish Cyprus, you have no rights on Greek Cyprus EEZ.
Recognizing Turkish Cyprus is a different thing and so-called EEZ of Greek Cyrus is a different thing.
In this case it depends on Turkey if Turkey wants to share it's rights with and island. As being an island you can't have more rights then an actual landscape. UN laws are very clear about it. If you wanna see more evidence please search on US-Mexican disputes..
The turkish public opinion as a whole ofc would support a defensive war against Greece, i don't think that would work the other way around though, as it seems now.
Does Turkey have anything to do with the southwestern part of Crete's EEZ other than imperialistic intentions? Even in this case i don't say that it's the big majority of turkish public opinion that would totally disagree with that, although it is clear that a respectable minority of big importance would be against it and another minority would remain neutral verging on the borders of the yes or no decision according to circumstances.
Either way though the no part and the neutral part would also pay for the price of these imperialistic ambitions and that's the scary thing.

And to reach to a general conclusion, that's the most dramatic part of all, when the part of a country which disagrees openly or at least doesn't agree to the imperialistic ambitions of a small elite(which will not risk their own lives at all) is dragged to pay with its own blood their choices their wars.

Thats the issue here, thats what ur leaders tell u. No Turk sees it that way- take it from us, everyone is aware that u pathetic greedy dogs tried to confine Turkey in the Mediterranean and with the Libya deal that is gone, we have our EEZ whether u like it or not, continue to bark around its not going to change.
We didn't signed UNCLOS the USA and your East Med. partner Israel didn't signed it aswell it's a useless piece of paper. There is no invasion plan of our side you paranoid Greeks are the ones who always triggered a conflict be it in 1919, 1974 or 1996.
If you think you can lock Turkey on it's shores with some agreements with South Cyprus and Egypt you are delusional. If you think you can declare 12nm and cut off our free passage to the Mediterranean you are delusional. Since the 90s Turkish Goverment is talking about joint gas exploration but you puppets rather invite dozen of western companies involve many different countries only for the purpose to throw dirt on Turkey.

Your economy is a blackhole, your population went from 11,5 million in 2005 to 10,4 million in 2020 nearly lost 10% in 15 years, your military has not any budget left to purchase new toys that's why you let build American bases in Greece and if Turkey wants you have soon a bigger refugee crisis than now...

The ship that was sunken was the same ship that delivered humanitarian aid to Greece, during WW2 Turkey was not only threatend from a possible Axis invasion but also Soviet invasion. That's also why Turkey had a neutral position.
Italy was anything but a power, when the Germans arrived in Greece we all know how it ended.

Italy was a worthy power of its era during WW2( ofc not Germany, Great Britain or USSR), although with bad leadership and most important with low morale and low approval about Mussolini's imperialistic ambitions among the italian public opinion, even at its military core, which at least should be enthusiastic about it, economically, technologically and militarily, it was way more advanced than Greece.
We mentioned what happened when there was a combined attack on multiple fronts, i don't deny that.

Our economy is steadily recovering and we are starting to find some solutions in the military equipments in the short term, either by the kiowas from the american army, or by upgrading the existing F16's to the viper edition, by the future procurement of UAVs.
Diplomatically we have closed all possible fronts from our neighboring countries so as to have only 1 possible front, can you say the same about your neighbors?
The EEZ will be declared along with the 12 nm as a general rule and as a token gesture, there can be a provision for some sort of international corridor, if you resort to war actions for that, we will defend successfully and the invader will pay the cost for that.
Turkey is a land power and we don't blame you for that, that's your country's geomorphology, that's geography Greece on the other hand is a naval power with lots of dispersed islands, whose interests allign with those of the big naval powers(USA, Great Britain, etc) to answer the previous arguments of USA bases, we give bases and we get favors in return, just as you gave important bases in the past and you got favors, what's wrong with that?
The only thing which you will do will be flying to brussels and washington and cry about us. Soon we will start our drilling activities in the Turkish continental shelf, lets see what u will do about it "strongman" :D

Thats the issue here, thats what ur leaders tell u. No Turk sees it that way- take it from us, everyone is aware that u pathetic greedy dogs tried to confine Turkey in the Mediterranean and with the Libya deal that is gone, we have our EEZ whether u like it or not, continue to bark around its not going to change.

I don't expect here in a defence forum to find the average turkish opinion, i would be naive if i thought of that.
It is a fact that there has been done work on that in the past from other turkish governments to prepare the turkish public opinion against Greece. But to go to war because of a pipeline in Crete or because of sea access, when no turkish land is being threatened will surely find a good portion, that doesn't support this. And although this portion will not be able to speak clearly from the very start of a turkish invasion, in a case of a failure, or high cost in economic blow or in human casualties it will grow in power.

The so called turkish-libyan agreement is not legal according to international law, furthermore it hasn't been ratified by the libyan parliament, it has been rejected as you already know.
I don't expect here in a defence forum to find the average turkish opinion, i would be naive if i thought of that.
It is a fact that there has been done work on that in the past from other turkish governments to prepare the turkish public opinion against Greece. But to go to war because of a pipeline in Crete or because of sea access, when no turkish land is being threatened will surely find a good portion, that doesn't support this. And although this portion will not be able to speak clearly from the very start of a turkish invasion, in a case of a failure, or high cost in economic blow or in human casualties it will grow in power.

The so called turkish-libyan agreement is not legal according to international law, furthermore it hasn't been ratified by the libyan parliament, it has been rejected as you already know.

We give a fu.ck about you, the only brainwashing is here from ur media and ur leaders which are telling u fairy tales, all politcal parties agree that Turkey needs to protect its rights in the east med, some different then others. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT and if u do anything stupid you will be ANNIHILATED, thats the way it is and the Libya deal hit you extremely hard, no matter how hard your trying to make it look like its non existent, it isnt and it is in place :D You think that the bullshit you did in Cyprus is forgotten, megali idea or how you tried to confine Turkey in the east med before the libya deal ? We dont like you, we never did and we never will. We will see in the coming months how much balls you have when Turkey starts the drilling activities.

As I said before the world is changing to the disfavor of the west. Turkey has both power and time on its side.
Our economy is steadily recovering and we are starting to find some solutions in the military equipments in the short term, either by the kiowas from the american army, or by upgrading the existing F16's to the viper edition, by the future procurement of UAVs.
Diplomatically we have closed all possible fronts from our neighboring countries so as to have only 1 possible front, can you say the same about your neighbors?
The EEZ will be declared along with the 12 nm as a general rule and as a token gesture, there can be a provision for some sort of international corridor, if you resort to war actions for that, we will defend successfully and the invader will pay the cost for that.
Turkey is a land power and we don't blame you for that, that's your country's geomorphology, that's geography Greece on the other hand is a naval power with lots of dispersed islands, whose interests allign with those of the big naval powers(USA, Great Britain, etc) to answer the previous arguments of USA bases, we give bases and we get favors in return, just as you gave important bases in the past and you got favors, what's wrong with that?

Recovering... what? Greece is in a debt trap unable to ever pay back ~200% of your GDP.

Your Navy is rusting away without any clear replacement program, some guys dream about Arleigh Burkes (lol) other Greek sources say the Americans want 1,1 billion for each MMSC and the French 2,5 billion for two FTI frigates (but the Greeks are not happy with it's base configuration)... looks not good.

"Turkey is a land power and we don't blame you for that, that's your country's geomorphology, that's geography Greece on the other hand is a naval power"
What a arrogrant bullsh!t is that?
You know that the Ottoman Navy was once the strongest in Europe? Not even mentioned the last incident in 1996 were the "naval power" was humiliated in the Aegean by the "land power"

Turkey now is heavily investing in the Navy our shipyards design and manufacture their own ships soon fully equiped with domestic weapons... your Navy is ordering boats from Iceland buddy and you describe yourself "naval power" :)
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We give a fu.ck about you, the only brainwashing is here from ur media and ur leaders which are telling u fairy tales, all politcal parties agree that Turkey needs to protect its rights in the east med, some different then others. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT and if u do anything stupid you will be ANNIHILATED, thats the way it is and the Libya deal hit you extremely hard, no matter how hard your trying to make it look like its non existent, it isnt and it is in place :D You think that the bullshit you did in Cyprus is forgotten, megali idea or how you tried to confine Turkey in the east med before the libya deal ? We dont like you, we never did and we never will. We will see in the coming months how much balls you have when Turkey starts the drilling activities.

As I said before the world is changing to the disfavor of the west. Turkey has both power and time on its side.

The illegal deal with Sarraj will collapse, since it's not been ratified by the libyan parliament, on top of that Sarraj seems to be having a major trouble against Haftar.
Greece isn't anxious of that, the turkish elite for her interests whom you cheer up happily is and that's the reason Erdogan sends military help, so as to reverse this negative situation. Don't worry of Greece, we can defend succesfully our legal rights and repulse whoever tries anything stupid.
I think that the argument that the west has lost power, seems a wishful thinking that could lead you straight into a trap, but i'm no turkish after all, you have the right to hurt your own interests.

Recovering... what? Greece is in a debt trap unable to ever pay back ~200% of your GDP.

Your Navy is rusting away without any clear replacement program, some guys dream about Arleigh Burkes (lol) other Greek sources say the Americans want 1,1 billion for each MMSC and the French 2,5 billion for two FTI frigates (but the Greeks are not happy with it's base configuration)... looks not good.

"Turkey is a land power and we don't blame you for that, that's your country's geomorphology, that's geography Greece on the other hand is a naval power"
What a arrogrant bullsh!t is that?
You know that the Ottoman Navy was once the strongest in Europe? Not even mentioned the last incident in 1996 were the "naval power" was humiliated in the Aegean by the "land power"

Turkey now is heavily investing in the Navy our shipyards design and manufacture their own ships soon fully equiped with domestic weapons... your Navy is ordering boats from Iceland buddy and you describe yourself "naval power" :)

We re speaking of Turkey about the land power argument as a result of the treaty of Lausanne, not the ottoman empire, the fact that you speak of the ottoman empire confirms exactly my point, that Turkey is having imperialistic ambitions of a new ottoman empire by provoking her neighboring countries(Cyprus, Syria, Armenia, kurds, etc)

As i said before, in a way i like the fact you underestimate Greece, ofc the navy isn't rusting away, mind my words, (as i was telling here everyone from the very start, that Turkey isnt going to get both S400's and F35's and many were joking that opinion) Greece will get the Arleigh Burkes, they along with the 214 submarines will be a good combination in securing our national interests at sea.

At the end, time will judge who's right dude by you, either you will mind your peaceful thriving as a civilized people, or you will try to return back to your aggressive imperialistic dreams and count turkish bodybags being sent back to your country.

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