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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

And what is the turkish navy going to do in greek EEZ with the war ships? Bomb it and resort to violence?
Noone will recognise the turkish agreement along with its puppet regime in Tripoli, this agreement that doesn't even take into account Crete's EEZ which is a huge part of land, rather than an island is a complete joke according to international law with no other claim than Turkey trying to impose her will with force, even turks acknowledge this at this point.

Talking of huge part of land but ignoring the Anatolian plate. :tongue:
And what is the turkish navy going to do in greek EEZ with the war ships? Bomb it and resort to violence?
Noone will recognise the turkish agreement along with its puppet regime in Tripoli, this agreement that doesn't even take into account Crete's EEZ which is a huge part of land, rather than an island is a complete joke according to international law with no other claim than Turkey trying to impose her will with force, even turks acknowledge this at this point.

Woow, so you think you can impose your agreement with others and think we should accept that? Crazy shit is happening, don't think we are going to accept what you are imposing to us.

According to international law island can not claim 200 miles EEZ. Forget about that two island are neighbours. We will never let you make pipeline from our sea, we will fight for it! That means mavi vatan for us.

Taiping Island: An Island or a Rock under UNCLOS. ... Accordingly, Taiping Island cannot generate maritime entitlement to a 200 nautical miles, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), or a continental shelf under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).7 mei 2015
Woow, so you think you can impose your agreement with others and think we should accept that? Crazy shit is happening, don't think we are going to accept what you are imposing to us.

According to international law island can not claim 200 miles EEZ. Forget about that two island are neighbours. We will never let you make pipeline from our sea, we will fight for it! That means mavi vatan for us.

Taiping Island: An Island or a Rock under UNCLOS. ... Accordingly, Taiping Island cannot generate maritime entitlement to a 200 nautical miles, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), or a continental shelf under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).7 mei 2015
No, you're wrong, there is a Greek proverb about it: "Whoever owner of Meis, give them whole East Mediterranean. The area of 7 square kilometers may seem small but has a continental shelf of 140 thousand square kilometers.

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Of course the law is not only what i have qoute, it goes deep
No, you're wrong, there is a Greek proverb about it: "Whoever owner of Meis, give them whole East Mediterranean. The area of 7 square kilometers may seem small but has a continental shelf of 140 thousand square kilometers.

We should say to Europe and ther pupet state Cyprus this is the law what you have accepted and we say fak Cyprus we don't recognize your EEZ. Should give them only territorial sea, what they try to us and what we try to give them is stupid. They will never accept us and share it with us, the only justice will be obey and that is POWER. Nothing more will work on them.

A island who claims that he have right to EEZ, should be self sustainable to living. Cut the water and they are not anymore self sustainable. No EEZ for them only big hard slap on the faces.
Talking of huge part of land but ignoring the Anatolian plate. :tongue:

Not ignoring, it's you that ignore all those islands along with their rights to EEZ

Woow, so you think you can impose your agreement with others and think we should accept that? Crazy shit is happening, don't think we are going to accept what you are imposing to us.

According to international law island can not claim 200 miles EEZ. Forget about that two island are neighbours. We will never let you make pipeline from our sea, we will fight for it! That means mavi vatan for us.

Taiping Island: An Island or a Rock under UNCLOS. ... Accordingly, Taiping Island cannot generate maritime entitlement to a 200 nautical miles, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), or a continental shelf under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).7 mei 2015

Ok, if according to how you interpret the international law, islands don't have right to EEZ, sign and ratify the UNCLOS of 1982, it's that simple :-)
If you prefer to just start using gun boat "diplomacy", then we will have to defend our rights at all cost. And i'm pretty sure a good portion of the turkish public opinion will not approve of the high cost of turkish invaders bodybags being sent back to their homes just to serve an imperialistic cause of a small turkish wealthy elite that wants to get wealthier.

Of course the law is not only what i have qoute, it goes deep

We should say to Europe and ther pupet state Cyprus this is the law what you have accepted and we say fak Cyprus we don't recognize your EEZ. Should give them only territorial sea, what they try to us and what we try to give them is stupid. They will never accept us and share it with us, the only justice will be obey and that is POWER. Nothing more will work on them.

A island who claims that he have right to EEZ, should be self sustainable to living. Cut the water and they are not anymore self sustainable. No EEZ for them only big hard slap on the faces.

In the contemporary world and its economy we live in how do you define self sustainability? I say to you that there is no country self sustainable with all this great trading volume and interconnection between the worlds national economies.
You mentioned about the water as a criteria of self sustainability. Then the desert isn't self sustainable and Libya which is mostly a desert oriented country with problems in water sufficiency is out of the map, then according to your criteria Libya shouldn't have its own EEZ? I don't actually get it.
Ok, if according to how you interpret the international law, islands don't have right to EEZ, sign and ratify the UNCLOS of 1982, it's that simple :-)
If you prefer to just start using gun boat "diplomacy", then we will have to defend our rights at all cost. And i'm pretty sure a good portion of the turkish public opinion will not approve of the high cost of turkish invaders bodybags being sent back to their homes just to serve an imperialistic cause of a small turkish wealthy elite that wants to get wealthier.

UNCLOS wont be signed and Turkeys EEZ is now in place. If u go against it u will be annihilated. If u believe that the small irrelevant nations in the east med can change anything on it then i´ve got some bad news for u xD Turkey is the most powerful nation in the east med and Turkeys GDP is even bigger then Israel,Cyprus,Greece,Egypt,Jordan,Lebanon,Syria combined and u seriously thinking that u can enforce something against Turkey will cause u big problems both in the short term and most importantly in the long term, the world is changing and that to the disfavor of the west, I wouldnt put my bets on it that they can act the way u want them to act and with regards to hard power there are enough threads in this section which indicate where Turkeys hardpower is moving to the consequence of u greeks, then again no one takes greece serious anyways :D
UNCLOS wont be signed and Turkeys EEZ is now in place. If u go against it u will be annihilated. If u believe that the small irrelevant nations in the east med can change anything on it then i´ve got some bad news for u xD Turkey is the most powerful nation in the east med and Turkeys GDP is even bigger then Israel,Cyprus,Greece,Egypt,Jordan,Lebanon,Syria combined and u seriously thinking that u can enforce something against Turkey will cause u big problems both in the short term and most importantly in the long term, the world is changing and that to the disfavor of the west, I wouldnt put my bets on it that they can act the way u want them to act and with regards to hard power there are enough threads in this section which indicate where Turkeys hardpower is moving to the consequence of u greeks, then again no one takes greece serious anyways :D

UNCLOS won't be signed and all these lawish arguments of Turkey collapse after what you just admit.

Greece according to the international law will declare EEZ and territorial waters of 12 nm as a general rule(perhaps discussing of giving a few international corridors of smaller than 12 nm as i sense so that the big powers don't complain of restriction of maritime access in the Aegean).
Greece will cause huge disaster to Turkey if the latter resorts to violence, end of story. Turkey may be closer to some greek islands, but all greek islands and Thrace have tons of missiles and artillery to bring down turkish air force and to turn to dust turkish infrastructure.
You see Turkey's frontier with Greece is relatively unpopulated islands and Thrace, but Greece's frontiers with Turkey are Thrace as well and mostly turkish rich, crowded coastal cities with lots of expensive infrastructure, cities which represent the best portion of turkish economy and yet small AA defencive capability and a small(but is healing away slowly i admit) weakness in pilot quantity and quality.
Which means that for now, meaning the next 3-4 years in a short term invasion of yours, you will be devastated.
In the long run, i'm no naive the balance changes, but we will come up with good responses to your increasing imperialistic dreams, that a small turkish elite has persuaded you to get involved in and pay in thousands of bodybags being sent back to turkish homes.
UNCLOS won't be signed and all these lawish arguments of Turkey collapse after what you just admit.

Greece according to the international law will declare EEZ and territorial waters of 12 nm as a general rule(perhaps discussing of giving a few international corridors of smaller than 12 nm as i sense so that the big powers don't complain of restriction of maritime access in the Aegean).
Greece will cause huge disaster to Turkey if the latter resorts to violence, end of story. Turkey may be closer to some greek islands, but all greek islands and Thrace have tons of missiles and artillery to bring down turkish air force and to turn to dust turkish infrastructure.
You see Turkey's frontier with Greece is relatively unpopulated islands and Thrace, but Greece's frontiers with Turkey are Thrace as well and mostly turkish rich, crowded coastal cities with lots of expensive infrastructure, cities which represent the best portion of turkish economy and yet small AA defencive capability and a small(but is healing away slowly i admit) weakness in pilot quantity and quality.
Which means that for now, meaning the next 3-4 years in a short term invasion of yours, you will be devastated.
In the long run, i'm no naive the balance changes, but we will come up with good responses to your increasing imperialistic dreams, that a small turkish elite has persuaded you to get involved in and pay in thousands of bodybags being sent back to turkish homes.

12SM= war no need to project anything, you cant do shit and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn't be on a marathon in all these capitals to gain irrelevant political backing :D Tell these fairy tales ur fellow country men I and other turks dont take u serious, ur country is a futureless nation beyond all repair and this is the way it is. Your leaders brain from the economy crysis has stopped working which is why ur making such ridiculous claims thinking they will go trough, I dont care you are irrelevant.
If you think Turkey will accept the EEZ which is forced from your side, you are very naive. 12nm is Casus Belli.

And a conflict in the Aegean would destroy the last working thing in Greek economy... tourism.
12SM= war no need to project anything, you cant do shit and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn't be on a marathon in all these capitals to gain irrelevant political backing :D Tell these fairy tales ur fellow country men I and other turks dont take u serious, ur country is a futureless nation beyond all repair and this is the way it is. Your leaders brain from the economy crysis has stopped working which is why ur making such ridiculous claims thinking they will go trough, I dont care you are irrelevant.

Of course Greece is counting the possible cost and in the right time, we will declare 12 nm, even if that means Turkey is going to try her soon to be doomed offensive plans. We are steadily recovering from our economic crisis, but it seems it doesn't matter for you, so to make a long story short, actually i thank you for underestimating Greece so badly and if the imperialistic, war oriented part of the turkish public opinion does the same, then it's good for us, win win then.

But i have to say, that i feel sorry for the other important part of your public opinion which doesn't share your ambitions and wants to continue to live well and thrive under peaceful conditions, as it was the case for Turkey the last decades. You don't seem to be caring much for the cost in blood you will pay, but that doesn't seem to be the case for them too. In Cyprus there was no greek air or naval presence at all and you had total domination in tanks and armored divisions, yet the cost in blood was high, counting thousands of bodybags.

What does it make you think that any operation against one of the best AA defence network, with pretty strong and experienced air and naval forces with better 214 submarines than yours(at least for now) that will throw everything against your invasion plans(Greece has closed every other possible frontier against her-Albania with her european access road-North Macedonia with the agreement signed) will not result in tens of thousands or hundrends of thousands bodybags and millions of expensive infrastructure and rich crowded cities across the missiled greek relatively unpopulated islands being destroyed?

You say again and again that you will turn the islands into dust, yet the islands can respond turning into dust your rich coastal cities. So what's the cost for your imperialistic dreams? An island of 500-1000 inhabitants against a city of 100.000 for example? A small island port of small economic importance for a rich city turkish port where billions of trading is being carried?
Of course Greece is counting the possible cost and in the right time, we will declare 12 nm, even if that means Turkey is going to try her soon to be doomed offensive plans. We are steadily recovering from our economic crisis, but it seems it doesn't matter for you, so to make a long story short, actually i thank you for underestimating Greece so badly and if the imperialistic, war oriented part of the turkish public opinion does the same, then it's good for us, win win then.

But i have to say, that i feel sorry for the other important part of your public opinion which doesn't share your ambitions and wants to continue to live well and thrive under peaceful conditions, as it was the case for Turkey the last decades. You don't seem to be caring much for the cost in blood you will pay, but that doesn't seem to be the case for them too. In Cyprus there was no greek air or naval presence at all and you had total domination in tanks and armored divisions, yet the cost in blood was high, counting thousands of bodybags.

What does it make you think that any operation against one of the best AA defence network, with pretty strong and experienced air and naval forces with better 214 submarines than yours(at least for now) that will throw everything against your invasion plans(Greece has closed every other possible frontier against her-Albania with her european access road-North Macedonia with the agreement signed) will not result in tens of thousands or hundrends of thousands bodybags and millions of expensive infrastructure and rich crowded cities across the missiled greek relatively unpopulated islands being destroyed?

You say again and again that you will turn the islands into dust, yet the islands can respond turning into dust your rich coastal cities. So what's the cost for your imperialistic dreams? An island of 500-1000 inhabitants against a city of 100.000 for example? A small island port of small economic importance for a rich city turkish port where billions of trading is being carried?

So you want to hit Turkish cities, then we will hit Greece cities and destroying your infrastructure end of story:-). So desperate when you can not attack army then cities.
If you think Turkey will accept the EEZ which is forced from your side, you are very naive. 12nm is Casus Belli.

And a conflict in the Aegean would destroy the last working thing in Greek economy... tourism.

Turkey is a big land power, i think you should acknowledge that and see through the lines, i address to smart people, you want rights that don't belong to you according to international law as we already made clear under the non signment and ratification of UNCLOS of 1982, which Greece has signed, for what?
What else than imperialistic ambitions that like it or not pass through violation of our rights according again to international law?
And you think that Greece having suffered from 400 years of ottoman slavery will accept to live this again?
I think for your own good, that you should not confuse Greece being weak, because we simply count cost and benefit of a possible war, or because we prepare better for the upcoming event you are starting steadily.
You see Greece in WW2 (in which Turkey didn't take part at all), tried to avoid war with Italy even at the cost of a war ship of hers being sunk by italian naval forces. That was seen as weakness by many. :-)
But in the end when war was inevitable and our territory and national pride was at stake and were at last better prepared(militarily, diplomatically, etc), war happened and Greece resisted successfully, not only repulsing the invader, but also counterattacking in Albania against the regional italian big power of the era gaining territory.
Only to be defeated when combined forces of Germany, Italy and Bulgaria opened multiple fronts, fronts which now we have succesfully closed, thus we will surely fight a 1 threat defensive war if you try to start it ofc.
Of course Greece is counting the possible cost and in the right time, we will declare 12 nm, even if that means Turkey is going to try her soon to be doomed offensive plans. We are steadily recovering from our economic crisis, but it seems it doesn't matter for you, so to make a long story short, actually i thank you for underestimating Greece so badly and if the imperialistic, war oriented part of the turkish public opinion does the same, then it's good for us, win win then.

Absolutely and as a result u will loose a lot of islands :D

But i have to say, that i feel sorry for the other important part of your public opinion which doesn't share your ambitions and wants to continue to live well and thrive under peaceful conditions, as it was the case for Turkey the last decades. You don't seem to be caring much for the cost in blood you will pay, but that doesn't seem to be the case for them too. In Cyprus there was no greek air or naval presence at all and you had total domination in tanks and armored divisions, yet the cost in blood was high, counting thousands of bodybags.

The absolute majority of the turkish population would support a war against u, DONT LET UR LEADERS FOOL YOU! And cyprus got buttfucked, its just a matter of time till Northern cyprus will become fully independent or integrated into the turkish republic.

What does it make you think that any operation against one of the best AA defence network, with pretty strong and experienced air and naval forces with better 214 submarines than yours(at least for now) that will throw everything against your invasion plans(Greece has closed every other possible frontier against her-Albania with her european access road-North Macedonia with the agreement signed) will not result in tens of thousands or hundrends of thousands bodybags and millions of expensive infrastructure and rich crowded cities across the missiled greek relatively unpopulated islands being destroyed?
Bruh, i will tell u it over and over again, the small irrelevant nations are IRRELEVANT, and EUROPE itself without the UK is IRRELEVANT. YOU ARE IRRELEVANT, NO ONES TAKES U SERIOUS. **** YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID AND UR ISLANDS ARE GONE YOU ANNOYING LITTLE BRAT.

You say again and again that you will turn the islands into dust, yet the islands can respond turning into dust your rich coastal cities. So what's the cost for your imperialistic dreams? An island of 500-1000 inhabitants against a city of 100.000 for example? A small island port of small economic importance for a rich city turkish port where billions of trading is being carried?

Malaka you are shit, go hide behind other nations thats the only thing u can do and as soon as u do something stupid it will be athens and selanik and not just the small irrelevant islands.
So you want to hit Turkish cities, then we will hit Greece cities and destroying your infrastructure end of story:-). So desperate when you can not attack army then cities.

We are discussing for a possible response to an act of aggression of yours. The thing is pretty simple, we try to set the pipeline working, what are you going to do, bomb the pipeline, which is an infrastructure? We will respond back hitting more expensive infrastucture of yours. You see a richer country with a bigger GDP concentrated in the coastal cities has a lot to lose, that worked against us in the past, when Greece was richer and Turkey a lot poorer, now it works the other way.
You then escalate and try to bomb military targets, or an island small port or military airport so as to set boots then on it? We will bomb bridges, and airports, radar stations, ports of strategic importance worth of billions of dollars, all those big projects of yours so as to stop your trade and cripple easy access of reinforcements to our islands, we are obliged to do that to stop the acts of aggression you try to implement.

You bomb inhabited islands of ours killing a few civilians of ours?
We are forced to respond hitting civilian targets, which in your case are more populated than ours counting thousands, you make your offensive choice, we are forced to defend and respond, you see?

We are not stupid to make counterattack operations against turkish army deep in turkish territory(except perhaps in Thrace, that would be the only viable option under specific circumstances), whatever turkish invasion force comes, will get crushed, even if it means it will be done at a slower pace. Take for example the small island if you want at a first initial success, if you don't establish air and naval superiority, that will work in our favor and the forces there will either be a bargaining chip for us, or they shall be bombed to death and the island recaptured by forces sent from bigger islands or mainland Greece.
We are discussing for a possible response to an act of aggression of yours. The thing is pretty simple, we try to set the pipeline working, what are you going to do, bomb the pipeline, which is an infrastructure? We will respond back hitting more expensive infrastucture of yours. You see a richer country with a bigger GDP concentrated in the coastal cities has a lot to lose, that worked against us in the past, when Greece was richer and Turkey a lot poorer, now it works the other way.
You then escalate and try to bomb military targets, or an island small port or military airport so as to set boots then on it? We will bomb bridges, and airports, radar stations, ports of strategic importance worth of billions of dollars, all those big projects of yours so as to stop your trade and cripple easy access of reinforcements to our islands, we are obliged to do that to stop the acts of aggression you try to implement.

You bomb inhabited islands of ours killing a few civilians of ours?
We are forced to respond hitting civilian targets, which in your case are more populated than ours counting thousands, you make your offensive choice, we are forced to defend and respond, you see?

We are not stupid to make counterattack operations against turkish army deep in turkish territory(except perhaps in Thrace, that would be the only viable option under specific circumstances), whatever turkish invasion force comes, will get crushed, even if it means it will be done at a slower pace. Take for example the small island if you want at a first initial success, if you don't establish air and naval superiority, that will work in our favor and the forces there will either be a bargaining chip for us, or they shall be bombed to death and the island recaptured by forces sent from bigger islands or mainland Greece.

Look to the map, you can hurt us thats for sure possible scenarios, chestbump for you. We can move away with our strategic assets further to the east of Turkey. You can not much, we can occupy your island and operate from ther.

How far can you go in side Turkey:-)? Look to the map, you lack on Navy, Army and Airforce. You can not defence your pipeline should defence first homeland. You are no match in the end so teaming up with other countries is your hope.


Al of your airbases are in our range.

If a war start we will crush you and you will hurt us will be the outcome. Not that i want a war but this is the most likely end.

We can block the agean sea...

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