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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

Joke aside, I believe it's a nice way to pay for military expenditure.
After all... The US back in the WW2 paid "most" of their huge military leap by "civilian bonds"...
And past Empires/Califats did also used such thing to raise an army very fast...

If TR open a crowdfunding campaign to pay for the next TF-2000 or other military expenditure...I'm pretty sure it will be easily funded...

Wouldn’t be the first time
I talk about a “broke” nation who bagging for money at the folk. What are you talking about? And what do you mean with past? Last week? Month? Year?...when was the last time Turkey do same?

As far as I know the last time was right before the First World War. The govt crowdfunded to warships from the British. The British ended up requistioning them and not returning the payment.
Wouldn’t be the first time

As far as I know the last time was right before the First World War. The govt crowdfunded to warships from the British. The British ended up requistioning them and not returning the payment.

Turkey government/military collected money from people to buy or support army was in the 90’s maybe later again.
4 battleships and unknown submarine are guarding the Barbaros seismic vessel.


"Aynı jeolojik yapı bizim 'Afrodit' sahası dediğimiz bölgede mevcuttur. Doğu Akdeniz İskenderun Körfezi'nde ve Kıbrıs'ın Karpaz bölgesi ile Adana'nın Tuzla arasında kalan bölgede doğal gaz varlıkları, sismik araştırmaları neticesinde bilimsel çalışmalarla tespit edilmiştir. Aynı şekilde şu anda sondajını yapmış olduğumuz Alanya açıkları ile Antalya'nın açıklarında büyük doğal gaz rezervlerini tespit etmiş durumdayız. Doğu Akdeniz'deki doğal gaz kaynaklarını bulmamız ve işletmemiz gerekiyor. Çok şükür bunu son dönemde yapıyoruz. Milli petrol ve enerji politikası çok şükür uygulanmaya başlandı."

Doğu Akdeniz'de 12 ülkenin savaş gemisinin hazır bekletildiğine işaret eden Yaşar, şöyle devam etti:


Ther is great gas reserve between coast of Alanya and Adana. So is our Navy ready?
Akar to Apostolakis: "Congratulations on your apointment. I'm waiting for you in Turkey"

By Manolis Kostidis / Published on: 29-01-2019, 12:48


Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has sent a letter to his Greek counterpart of Evangelos Apostolakis, congratulating him on his election as Minister of Defence.

According to information, in his letter Akar says he is in favor of military cooperation and good neighborly relations.

At the same time, the Turkish Minister extends an invitation to Evangelos Apostolakis and expresses his wish to host him in Turkey.

This move by the Turkish Minister is considered an act of good will, in view of the visit of Alexis Tsipras to Istanbul. It’s also a step of diffusion a few hours before the anniversary of the events at Kardak/IBNA

Source: https://balkaneu.com/akar-to-aposto...n-your-election-im-waiting-for-you-in-turkey/
The Barbaros research vessel began research in the 9th area claimed by Southern Cyprus. According to Navtex issued by Turkey will research in this field for 4 months.


http://www.kibrispostasi.com/c58-GUNEY_ ... !-29012019

What are we doing at parcel number 9? I don't know what's going on I am not well so I don't follow the latest developments but how do we measure EEZ? I thought it is the sea from your coast parallel to your land so how did we manage to go to no 9? That's on the Greek side.

What happens if the greek side declares the northern Cyprus coast as one of their own to search for oil? We all know they don't have the power to search on our side but what I am saying is what is the argument we need to base our search on good arguments, we don't want this to bite us in the *** in the future
What are we doing at parcel number 9? I don't know what's going on I am not well so I don't follow the latest developments but how do we measure EEZ I thought it is the sea from your coast parallel to your land so how did we manage to go to no 9? That's on the Greek side.

What happens if the greek side declares the northern Cyprus coast as one of their own to search for oil? We all know they don't have the power to search on our side but what I am saying is what is the argument we need to base our search on good arguments, we don't want this to bite us in the *** in the future

EEZ is a pretty big discussion, but to cut the story short, Neither Turkey nor Greece has proclaimed an EEZ. Each country holds a maximalist view on what their own EEZ would look like, but without a mutual agreement, arbitration or compromise, both views are somewhat irrelevant.

What Turkey is trying to do with drilling and survey missions in the region is to produce a de facto advantage for the time said negotiations or arbitration is going to happen. You see, if you do find something in the area, then you can say later that it is yours, or should be yours.

The case of parcel 9 though is different. If Turkey finds something on it they will use this de facto result as support to TRNC for splitting or sharing all the resources with Cyprus, irregardless of where they do lie. This would also block - in arbitration or simply via the power of force projection - the contracted work that is already done on the other parcels inside the Cyprus EEZ. Like Turkey succeeded in doing last year with block 3 and the Italian drilling ship.

In other words, Turkey is not "searching" for themselves in parcel 9 (it would be impossible to legally project their own EEZ there, by any method of calculating it).
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What are we doing at parcel number 9? I don't know what's going on I am not well so I don't follow the latest developments but how do we measure EEZ? I thought it is the sea from your coast parallel to your land so how did we manage to go to no 9? That's on the Greek side.

What happens if the greek side declares the northern Cyprus coast as one of their own to search for oil? We all know they don't have the power to search on our side but what I am saying is what is the argument we need to base our search on good arguments, we don't want this to bite us in the *** in the future

Turkey is not at parcel 9. Northern cyprus wants to use the island's resources jointly. But southern Cyprus claims that all the island's resources belong to it. North Cyprus gave license to the TPAO company to do research. The Barbaros research vessel is doing research for Northern Cyprus. This is a message to southern cyprus. ''If you do not have a partnership, we will draw our own limit.''
Ok so Turkish side gave permission for Turkey to search on the southern side so what if the greek side give rights to a company to search on the Turkish side. Lets say Trump says we will protect our oil companies to search on the Turkish side because the greek side gave us permission to search on the northern side like the Turkish cypriot side gave permission to Turkey to search on the southern side I know its far fetched but for some reason I am a bit confused and baffled

I mean even if we finds oil in parcel 9 the Greek Cypriots signed an EEZ agrement with Egypt so the Greek Cypriot and Egypt EEZ is protected by law I think(???) same goes to Greek Cypriots and Israel border and labaneese... the only side the Greek Cypriots didn't make an agreement was the Turkish side, so only parcel 4, 5 and 6 should be in question for us.

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