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Turkish Oil & Gas Exploration Update & Discussion

I hope it's not election gas.

LOL. I know what you mean. Its like in Bosnia, whene ever elections are coming close, there new road paved for 150 time, reparing the main street granit blocks and so on, and so on. And it doesnt metter which party is at the top in that region, municuipality, all of them use that lame *** scheme.
LOL. I know what you mean. Its like in Bosnia, whene ever elections are coming close, there new road paved for 150 time, reparing the main street granit blocks and so on, and so on. And it doesnt metter which party is at the top in that region, municuipality, all of them use that lame *** scheme.

hahaha same here
How clean the boots are. It is very clear that they never set foot on the real battlefield.

Our forces are very dirty :D it is not exercise. Its real battlefield.

Uluslararası antlaşmalar ve BM Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi’ne göre Doğu Akdeniz’deki Türk kıta sahanlığı yaklaşık olarak 238.814 km2’dir. Türkiye bu alanda kıta sahanlığı ve münhasır ekonomik bölgesini derhal ilan ve deklare etmelidir. Tamamı: https://21yyte.org/tr/merkezler/bolgesel-arastirma-merkezleri/balkanlar-ve-kibris-arastirmalari-merkezi/dogu-akdeniz-de-turk-kita-sahanligi-ve-munhasir-ekonomik-bolgesi-derhal-ilan-edilmelidir …

Translated from Turkish by Microsoft
According to the international treaties and the UN Maritime Law Convention, the Turkish Continental shelf in the eastern Mediterranean is approximately 238,814 km2. Turkey should immediately announce and declare the Continental shelf and exclusive economic zone in this area. All: https://21yyte.org/tr/merkezler/bol...asir-ekonomik-bolgesi-derhal-ilan-edilmelidir




How clean the boots are. It is very clear that they never set foot on the real battlefield.

Our forces are very dirty :D it is not exercise. Its real battlefield.

View attachment 523059

I believe if a war comes out between we and them it wont be ground battle.It will be naval battle.We can increase SOM range to 500 km with little modifications i believe.And gezgin and atmaca And korkut projects are very important also çafrad and a air defence frigate is what we need.
(I know our new Woodland camo is ugly, but look at Egypts Naval Special Forces.)
BTW Egyptian military are very weak . Till now they didn't accomplish the operation against ISIS in Sinaa (the operation started 2 years ago ). There is a documentary about Egyptian military and how their military exercises are just for entertainment :D.
I think it's important to point out that a war of atrocities is very costly and having several fronts would weaken our overall capability. So we need to absolute dominate any front we open. Having the means to keep your enemy hesitant to join in the fray is another capability we need. first strike, absolute domination, deterrent is what we'll need.

Look at how China grabbed and built and island in southern chinese sea and will lay claim to everything there. I think it's just as important for Turkey to do something similar like that within out EEZ. If there is a rock out there potruding above the sea. expand it, build a light tower, and a something like a naval outpost.

Like the philippine Navy who're using a rusted ship as a base in the spratleys. I don't know if Duterte has built a proper base and such there, but they need to or else China is going to push the borders.

The same goes for our "neighbors", they'll push and fortify islands close to Turkey and anything else to violate or challenge our EEZ.

RTE has prestige projects, but we need to guard out EEZ just as well. Look at how easy Russia annexed Crim. In this time an age "political" solution is a BS word once you lose something. You need absolute weaponry and power to protect what is yours.

if Ukraine had been stronger economically and didn't have the problems, looking into the future and constructing a nuclear power plant close to russian border area in crim would have been something strategic wise. in worse case you can intentionally cause a meltdown.

Ukraine got crim because they were stuck with tjernobyl, now Russia recaptured crim, and Ukraine is stuck with tjernobyl.

I believe the above strategy is one reason, maybe the hidden reason, for why Armenia has a nuclear power plant that is very old close to Turkey.

Just my opinion :)
As @Saithan said, it would make more sense to build one proper naval base in Northern Cyprus to protect our interest easier.
As @Saithan said, it would make more sense to build one proper naval base in Northern Cyprus to protect our interest easier.
Why would you...When you have Naval bases less than 100Km in Turkey (if you are building one, next to UK bases) otherwise it's less than 20km...?
It's a waste of money.
As @Saithan said, it would make more sense to build one proper naval base in Northern Cyprus to protect our interest easier.

We already have a naval port in Mersin.Also Cyprus is so close.

Why would you...When you have Naval bases less than 100Km in Turkey (if you are building one, next to UK bases) otherwise it's less than 20km...?
It's a waste of money.

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