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Turkish nuclear scientist commits suicide, reports say

I was being chased by Mossad once.

But then I realized I was just high, and woke up the next morning feeling fine.

CD, did you or did you not have ice-cream before you went to bed? This question is of utmost importance to the issue at hand!
And, was it chocolate flavored ice-cream?!
CD, did you or did you not have ice-cream before you went to bed? This question is of utmost importance to the issue at hand!
And, was it chocolate flavored ice-cream?!

Yes. :D

Also, Munich was an amazing film.

But watching that film while high can lead to one becoming obsessively paranoid about the supposedly God-like abilities of Mossad.
Yes. :D

Also, Munich was an amazing film.

But watching that film while high can lead to one becoming obsessively paranoid about the supposedly God-like abilities of Mossad.

Now you know better C-D. Vanilla ice-cream is the answer to the paranoia! Everyone knows that Mossad agents never target Vanilla ice-cream lovers. :P
I wonder who or what has committed mass murder of your brain cells, or you were born like that?
Mossad sneaks in his bedroom and ice-picks his skull every night. All joking aside, however....wouldn't suprise me that much (less likely than an Iranian scientist though)

why don't we do the same on them? I ownder.

Because it takes b@lls and skill.

I was being chased by Mossad once.

But then I realized I was just high, and woke up the next morning feeling fine.
You too? Whenever I get real high Mossad hides in my closet....sometimes even has "sleeper" agents under my bed (they hand off with the Chinese sometimes)

I've done some more research and it appears that German intelligence is one of the most hostile towards Turkey, which most people still don't know. They are even more active than CIA, and Mossad, imagine. World famous Turkish expert Aytunc Altindal has done a lot of research on this, as well as on secret societies and how they operate and what their goals are. Like Tavistock for example. He was an advisor of Gorbatchov in 1989 and has given many conferences and lectures about secret societies and intelligence services etc. throughout the world.
That sucks. May he rest in peace.

Yes whenever nuclear scientists or workers die in such circumstances it is quite suspicious. But then again who would want to kill him?

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