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Turkish Naval Programs

there would be a missile integration on TF2000 for AAW purposes, i guess in previous pages there were posts regards to this( i am on mobile couldnt search of it),and if i am not mistaken there were other partners mentioned like Sweden, and France-Italy ,but i guess SSM made choise on LM .

Still i dont know how reliable the source is? Lets wait until holiday ends and whether SSM will make an announcement about this matter.

Also still there are years ahead,why didnt they go for a indigeneous system .and looked for a partner. Hope there are good ToT offers from LM along other products to make this choise worthful.
14th New Type Patrol Boat(YTKB) TCG KARPAZ is in...

14. Karakol Botu Orduya Katıldı - Savunma - Gündem Haber, Sıcak Haber, Son dakika haberleri, Anket,

Milgem project is another dead projects of AKP. Similar to Anka A.
Sorry guys, i didnt know how to create new treat but i wish someone can do it to discuss there..
Turkey pushed Israel and other European companies to stop looking for gas in Cyprus . Just yesterday, Russia, Israel and Greece side of Cyprus decided to conduct rocket and naval exercise together to send message to Turkey. Instead, just hours after that, Turkey planned to conduct Naval exircise in the same area with 12 country(Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Bosnia, Macedonia, Serbia, Al-jazaeer, Pakistan mostly border countries of RUssia and and other Nato officials. Turkey simple send message to Russia that it can influence Russia in many ways so they better go back to their cold winter. WHich is True
Azerbaijan want to start war with Armenia, any war at this hard time would be just disaster for russia. Same about moldova, Ukrain(send army technologies) and Kazakhstan whoch recently shows cold relations with Russia, and Putin mentioned 1 month ago that there were never a country called Kazakhstan, and Nazarbayev responded back with details and everything...
The world is shaping my brothers and believe me, Turkey plays a huge and strong move.
The most interesting part of it, they both start army exercise on 20th of October, and only mentioning it to the media a day before. There might be 2 reasons.
Either Turkish MIT(intelligence) worked well, and new this before, and planned everything beforehand or thanks to good relations, they could invite and get positive replies at the same day from friendly or brother countries...

Akdeniz'de Rum-Rus-İsrail tatbikatı - Yenisafak.com.tr

Türkiye NATO tatbikatına ev sahipliği yapacak - Sabah
Milgem project is another dead projects of AKP. Similar to Anka A.
i dont have detailed info about anka project ,but milgem is a project began in 90s ,havent related to AKP in anyway.

If your intention was something good, you could take a look on when milgem project launched, unfortunately ,trolling is your main objective in here like others :)

I get the feeling we will see more deaths!

3rd death comes with optimized seakeeping,and better ASW performance with treatened sonar dome .:)
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3. milgemden hacimdeki Bir haber YOKTUR hacimdeki Bu Kadar uzadı met geminin yapımı Bir arkadaşım tuzladaki istanbul tersanesine gitti yani bende onun yalancısıyım Donatım yapılamadığı için gemiyi bitiremediklerini söylüyorlar bu doğrumu yani ihale durdumu o kadar araştırmama rağmen hiç bir haber bulamıyorum tam doğru proje halen devam etmektedir deniyor sadece bilgi verirseniz sevinirim
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