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Turkish Missile Programs

@cabatli_53 Bro, is there any news regarding development of NLOS type missile with 40-60km range ? I know Cirit rockets are being used, since it has NLOS capabilities with help of 3rd tier targeting. But it would be extremely useful to have something like Spike-NLOS for precision targeting at longer ranges.

We should take lessons learned from Israelis in defence of our borders.

Magach Spike NLOS tanks

M113 Spike NLOS APC

4x4 Spike NLOS
@cabatli_53 Bro, is there any news regarding development of NLOS type missile with 40-60km range ? I know Cirit rockets are being used, since it has NLOS capabilities with help of 3rd tier targeting. But it would be extremely useful to have something like Spike-NLOS for precision targeting at longer ranges.

We should take lessons learned from Israelis in defence of our borders.

Magach Spike NLOS tanks

M113 Spike NLOS APC

4x4 Spike NLOS
Exactly what we need now.... Taking out YPG / SAA armour from within our borders....
Exactly what we need now.... Taking out YPG / SAA armour from within our borders....

Perhaps if relations thaw to the point Israel trusts Turkey, we might be able to acquire some as stop-gap. It would also be useful to develop based on existing ideas and improve upon them with Turkish requirements.

As for developing one indigenously, I don't see any difficulties. They can base design off UMTAS, perhaps R/F data-link might be a issue for long range targets (optical cable?)

A Turkish Polyphem would be ideal.



? :)
Perhaps if relations thaw to the point Israel trusts Turkey, we might b

Today Turkish officials announced that all problems are abolished and there is a full understanding and will for cooperation between the two countries.

Maybe we used already NLOS type in North Iraq

A Turkish Polyphem would be ideal.

We are in the development group of IRIS
May 13/13: Weapons. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems and Diehl Defence sign a cooperation agreement with Turkey’s Roketsan to develop and supply the submarine-launched IDAS (Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines) anti-aircraft missile. Roketsan will be responsible for the IDAS warhead, support testing of the Control Actuation System with some follow-on work share, and participation in system-level design activities. The Norwegian company Nammo is developing and producing the rocket motor.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/turkish-missile-torpedo-programs.60968/page-167#ixzz41GXB6UUh

This is a facked up way of working
NAMMO that is specialized in ammunition is designing the rocket and
Roketsan who is specialized in rockets is responisble for the warhead

Sorry to say so but Turkey got the least interesting and technologically non challenging work of supplying the warhead, it's just another way of: here you get a little bit workshare like paint job
1-No one knows but the first SOM actualy designed for F-35. But the size of F-35 inner bay has been changed and this led to SOM-J project.The length of the missile is not problem but the width. Also the range of the missile has been reduced to 185km.

Good Read
24 Feb 2016 - Tubitak briefing to the Defence Commission. of Turkish Assembly

SOM Füzesi tarihçe olarak F35’lerin içerideki mühimmat deposunda kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştı fakat F35’in iç yapısındaki değişiklerden dolayı bizim SOM serimizin şu anda oraya oturmada bir sıkıntısı var. O yüzden SOM-J dediğimiz, üçüncü bir projemiz de yürüyor. JSF’e, F35’e oturtulabilen ve uluslararası satışı da bu yüzden mümkün olabilecek olan bir üçüncü tipinin de tasarım aşamasında yürütüyoruz şu an. Bunlar tamamlanmış olan projelerdi.Devam eden projeler, demin bahsettiğim, SOM-J F35 için küçük iç istasyon yüklemesi yapılacak. Genellikle, bu gibi mühimmatlar uçaklara yüklendiğinde uçakların radarda görünürlükleri artıyor. O yüzden kapalı iç hazne ye bomba yükleyerek ilk vuruşu gerçekleştirmede etkin bir çözüm oluyor. O yüzden küçük iç istasyonuna giren kısmının versiyonunun yapılması mümkün. Küçük olduğu için de gördüğünüz üzere menzilinde de bir kısalma var, 250 değil, 185 kilometre resmî olarak yayınlanmış “spec”lerimiz.

2- Roketsan missile departmen chief engineer has mentioned a SOM with 500kg warhed in its interview with Burak Bekdil from defencenews. Turkey's Roketsan Shows Wide Range of Weapons in Singapore
SOMs are designed to fly low-altitude attack profiles. The weapon, Yalçı said, has a 500 kilogram warhead — "a huge warhead for huge targets."

If this is for real this means a new SOM on the way. Otherwise it is a typo from libre to kilo, since 500 libre is about 230kg which is the weight of SOM's warhead.
Two engined cruise missiles could be? Like a twoengine plane.

For example SOM would have two engines. Two engines would extend payload-fuel capacity so it increase the range of SOM. ??
We heard about the long range missile project "Gezgin'.
KALE is working on more powerfull engine for Gezgin.
Untill KALE create new engine, TurAF can use double engined SOM:)
This is Turkish Missile Programs topic thats why I've writen here.
There is nothing strange.

Lets cut retired fighters and convert them intercontinental cruise missiles. You wouldnt look for, beg and pay for the engine.
Tren arkasindan kosarak yakalanmaz, bir yerden ustune atlaman gerekir. Adamlar 50 yil once yapmis, bugun bu silahlarin bile onunde diz cokecek ulkeler var. Eldeki copleri, neden kullanmayalim? 1000km,2000km 5000km fuzemiz zaten varda, ondan mi ihtiyacimiz yok?
For example.
For cruise missile you need jet engine which able to minumum 10 hours flight, fuel and control mechanism:)
SSM-N-9 Regulus II
Engine= F4 engine:)!!! General Electric J79 69Kn
Agirlik=10 ton
Diameter 1,3meter
Range= 2000km
Speed =2mach.


SM-62 Snack
Cruise Missile which weights 20t can reach 10.000km range withPratt & Whitney J57engine.
This engines were used in F100 super Sabre.

MGM-13 Mace

Range= 2300km
Power= 23kn Turbojet(T38 motoru uyar)

The USAF deployed the Mace in West Germany in 1959, and it served alongside the MGM-1 Matador before the latter phased out in 1962. Six missile squadrons served in Europe (38th Tactical Missile Wing) with just under 200 TM-61s and TM-76s. In South Korea, the 58th Tactical Missile Group became combat ready with 60 TM-61s in January 1959. It ceased operations in March 1962, only a few months after the 498th Tactical Missile Group in December 1961 took up positions in semi-hardened sites on Okinawa.

"B" missiles began were first deployed to Okinawa in 1961 and remained operational in Europe and the Pacific. The two squadrons of TM-76B/MGM- 13C continued on active duty inUSAFE until December 1969. After being taken offline, some missiles were used as target drones because their size and performance resembled manned aircraft.

SSM-4 -8
Engine=20kn ( T38 motoru uyar)


The first operational cruise missile

Engine=Allison J33-A-37 turbojet

  • Thrust: 4,300lbf (20 kN)

    Kes eski ucaklari, ustune ekle SOM kontrol mekanizmasini al sana uzun menzilli seyir fuzesi.
    Tamam bu fuzler eski teknoloji ama senin elinde en yeni teknolojiler var.
    Ucak coplugune sahip olmaktansa, en azindan kotu gununde elinde sallayabilecegin birseyler olsun.
    Dusman hava savunma sistemlerine yem olarak atabilcegin bir seyler olmali. Ucana kacana F16,F35, SOM-J ve HARM sallamamis olursun.1000kmden 10000kmye kadar bir menzilden bahsediliyor.

@Hurshid Celebi

If they covered Radar Absorbed Material or made from compozith material ,They would be modern, lethal weapon.

They are still lethal,arent they?

Hey man, from what i understand, you are suggesting in turning old fighters into cruise missiles. Have you realised all the examples you have given are from the 50s and 60s; don't you think there is a reason why you don't see this in current use?

Its obsolete. As technology is developing, threats and defences are evolving. The examples you showed would have been great during the 50s, when air defence wasn't a solid thing. But now you look around the world, most ,if not all, developing nations have some kind of air defence; so yet again militarises are developing new solutions. A example is the Hypersonic cruise missile.


what you are suggesting is not even a solution for third rate countries. Turkey should look forward not backwards....
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@UkroTurk @Hurshid Celebi

Either stay on topic instead of filling such special threads with those nonsense posts, or I will push you to do. You make me to do extra efforts to clean forum. If you keep such behaviors around threads, I will take necessary precuations !
@UkroTurk @Hurshid Celebi

Either stay on topic instead of filling such special threads with those nonsense posts, or I will push you to do. You make me to do extra efforts to clean forum. If you keep such behaviors around threads, I will take necessary precuations !

I insist that retired old fighters must be converted to cruise missiles. Even the old NIKE SAM systems must be converted to ground to ground missiles.
This is absolutily more related than other messages which are in the 30 last pages.
I cant see any photos or entries about the Turkish Missile Program in the last 30 pages of this topic.
You are our idol, We love and respect you. Please, Dont be so harsh.
Hypersonic is afaik not planned or developed in Turkey ?? Are informations available ??

I'm not aware of anything planed like that. A hypersonic cruise missles are being developed by the US. Its not a easy job and considering that Turkey is 'new' to the business, I should expect we will not see such weapons for a long time.

These things happen slowly, with baby steps.
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