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Turkish Missile Programs

Yeah i know this. i thought official anouncement you mentioned was from SSB etc. However i am still skeptic. Also skeptic about the speculations so called "secret" things as to long range missiles etc
Yeah i know this. i thought official anouncement you mentioned was from SSB etc. However i am still skeptic. Also skeptic about the speculations so called "secret" things as to long range missiles etc
The announcement that we are developing a nuclear missile through the SSB is never made. This area is a subject that will seriously strain international relations. However, it was announced first-hand that nuclear studies were started, and this is an official one.
This guy says TSK has already land based version of Atmaca Missile
Screenshot_2020-08-19 roketsan_dergi-29-7-2020 pdf.png

The final guided flight test of our ATMACA Surface-to-Surface Guided Missile project was held at the Sinop Test Center on July 1, 2020. Within the scope of the test, the test target at a distance of 200+ km was reached by flying from the water level and the target was successfully hit with the top diving maneuver. In the test, it is aimed to ensure engagement with the target by successfully monitoring the flight route with ATMACA. With the Fire Control System, pre-firing mission planning and firing were carried out, and ATMACA was engaged to a new target point with the data link mission update during flight over the same system. Standing out one step ahead of its competitors in the world by updating the mission during the flight, ATMACA proved that it is ready to serve as the protector of our seas with the image of the shot taken from overhead cameras.
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How easy it is to detect and counter these missiles?
Relatively easy nowadays because these type of missiles have been in service for 40 something years now. I think helicopter AWACS would be really good at detecting low flying objects at farther distances.
How easy it is to detect and counter these missiles?

Sea skimming missiles are hard to detect and leave the target with little reaction time to engage them effectively. Especially with zig-zag and pop-up maneuvers like the ATMACA can do.

But it will take a whole swarm of these missiles to take out any navy vessel with modern sensors, modern air-defense missiles and modern countermeasures.
sea skimming missiles are hard to detect and leave the target with little reaction time to engage them effectively. Especially with zig-zag and pop-up maneuvers like the ATMACA can do.
SOM anti ship would be much better, USA knows LRSAM is better because it has VLO features. SOM afaik has similar features somewhat to reduce RCS.
T. C. Presidential Defense Industry
Maintained under the auspices of his presidency and
SUNGUR developed by Roketsan
Last in the Air Defense Missile System
the stage is reached. With the direct hit ability
SUNGUR system to be effective at a range of 8 km
deliveries can be made before planned
for mass production line commissioning
the first deliveries in 2020
is aimed to be provided.
Screenshot_2020-08-19 roketsan_dergi-29-7-2020 pdf(2).png

Come on.... Show some respect.
Google Translate error. My English is not very good. I use Google Translate for long texts. The Turkish Navy calls such systems "Güdümlü Mermi (Guided Bullet)". I think it was translated this way, since this term is not available in other countries. You focus on the content of the news, not the words.
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