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Turkish Missile Programs

May be mistaken for another missile which is short rang. Bozdoğan is BVR missile so Range must be beyond 25km may me 125 km .

1 .Name of the missiles reversed for an unknown reason .
2. Bozdoğan is equivalent of AIM-9 Sidewinder and its range more than 30 km,
3. Gokdogan range was stated as 65-70 km equivalent of AIM-120B

Now, we will never know the real ranges but what I know is SAGE's boss stated that "oh yes we just said 70 km but we increased that We know that there are A2A missiles ranges at 140 kms." My prediction is Gokdogan block 2 will have 140 km , Bozdogan 30-40 km more than enough for IIR short range missile.
The fact that it is an indigenous WVR is all great, but would you really arm your airforce with an inferior WVR (in terms of range) when the enemy (Greece, Egypt etc.) has superior WVR?

Imagine, Turkish F-16s going into a fight with 25km WVR while the Greeks and Egyptians enter the same fight with 35km WVR. The Turks would be at a great disadvantage. (I know other factors do play a role as well)

If air force engagements in recent times highlighted something, it would be that range is king. PAF humiliated IAF due to range.

Egypt doesn't even have any BVR missiles in its inventory. So Egyptian fighters would be easy prey for Turkish Fighters.

Greece will never start a conflict against Turkey, they may like to talk big but the greeks and everyone else knows that Greece will technically will cease to exist if it ever starts a fight. Also Air-to-Air combat would be non existent in a conflict with Greece as all of its major Airbases are in the range of Turkish ballistic and cruise missiles, which would be targeted first in the event of a war, as well as its naval shipyards.

I could write a whole Blog on Greece's armed forces and the chaos it is in, as an example did you know that Greece only has actually 3 working Submarines? And even those are close to being ready for war? Or that the majority of its surface fleet is ineffective and outdated?

Its Land Forces are outmatched in menpower and gear. The Patriots it has still use outdated Missiles and are in no shape whatsoever to actually contribute and modernizing them will cost billions, billions Greece doesn't have.

The F-16V upgrade that everyone here talked up has been delayed again, the first fighter was supposed to be modernized in 2023-2024, now Greece will most likely won't see its first Block-70 until 2026-2027.

Greece was and will never be a threat to Turkey, not even now while Turkey is being sanctioned left and right, if Greece thought it had a chance it would have fired to first bullet a long time ago.

Comparable missiles?

AIM-9X has a range of 35km, there are projects to raise that range, but until now nothing as been announced in that department. WVR Missiles are always Plan B, no Pilot will use a WVR Missiles if he or she still has BVR Missiles that he/she can use in a fight.

Turkish Pilots used AMRAAM over Idlib to down Syrian fighters even though they could have easily used AIM-9X.
Egypt doesn't even have any BVR missiles in its inventory. So Egyptian fighters would be easy prey for Turkish Fighters.

Greece will never start a conflict against Turkey, they may like to talk big but the greeks and everyone else knows that Greece will technically will cease to exist if it ever starts a fight. Also Air-to-Air combat would be non existent in a conflict with Greece as all of its major Airbases are in the range of Turkish ballistic and cruise missiles, which would be targeted first in the event of a war, as well as its naval shipyards.

I could write a whole Blog on Greece's armed forces and the chaos it is in, as an example did you know that Greece only has actually 3 working Submarines? And even those are close to being ready for war? Or that the majority of its surface fleet is ineffective and outdated?

Its Land Forces are outmatched in menpower and gear. The Patriots it has still use outdated Missiles and are in no shape whatsoever to actually contribute and modernizing them will cost billions, billions Greece doesn't have.

The F-16V upgrade that everyone here talked up has been delayed again, the first fighter was supposed to be modernized in 2023-2024, now Greece will most likely won't see its first Block-70 until 2026-2027.

Greece was and will never be a threat to Turkey, not even now while Turkey is being sanctioned left and right, if Greece thought it had a chance it would have fired to first bullet a long time ago.

I am aware of that Egypt lacks BVR. While the Greek Navy and Army may be incapable, their air force is still a potent factor.

In any case, if considerable air warfare takes place (against any capable foe) it is expected that engagements will at some point happen at WVR. Thus, it is not only important to have superior BVR capabilities but also superior WVR capabilities.
The fact that it is an indigenous WVR is all great, but would you really arm your airforce with an inferior WVR (in terms of range) when the enemy (Greece, Egypt etc.) has superior WVR?

Imagine, Turkish F-16s going into a fight with 25km WVR while the Greeks and Egyptians enter the same fight with 35km WVR. The Turks would be at a great disadvantage. (I know other factors do play a role as well)

If air force engagements in recent times highlighted something, it would be that range is king. PAF humiliated IAF due to range.

Do you know the range of comparable products on the Market? Be a little respectful in your reply, thank you.
for a short range missile it's seeker field of view, seeker type (IIR) and thrust vectoring capability are the main factors not range.
for a short range missile it's seeker field of view, seeker type (IIR) and thrust vectoring capability are the main factors not range.

We have no indications suggesting the seeker or thrust vectoring of the Turkish WVR is superior to that of Israeli, American and French products.
We have no indications suggesting the seeker or thrust vectoring of the Turkish WVR is superior to that of Israeli, American and French products.
i'm not arguing that, i'm just saying for a dog fighting missile it's range does not matter. right now our pilots are happy with pl-7s while it's range is 10 km.
i'm not arguing that, i'm just saying for a dog fighting missile it's range does not matter. right now our pilots are happy with pl-7s while it's range is 10 km.

The Iranian Air Force is the most neglected military branch of Iran. Your pilots are happy to return back to earth safely at the moment. It is unwise to expect your air force to play any meaningful role in a conflict against any country in the middle east.
Do you know the range of comparable products on the Market? Be a little respectful in your reply, thank you.

Range doesn't mean that missile will actually hit the target. The game is hitting your target with out knowing your firing a missile against him. And look what the market offer should not be our concern either to, that ther problem. A missile with datalink updated in mid course is our goal.
Guys , are we working on hyper-sonic weapons ?, do we have something in progress ?. This kind of missiles will nullify all missiles defenses (That what I read about it )
It seems Turkey prefer cold launch over hot launch. Pros and conts.
Egypt and Turkey are aware of this. Problem is the animosity between RTE and Sissi. But neither can afford to play into the hands of the trouble causing states. Libya is a difficult matter as Sissi is a coup general turned president.

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